Contexto histórico

AuthorStephan Hobe
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Contexto histórico
I. Introducción
II. El contexto histórico de las negociaciones
1. Postguerra de la Segunda Guerra Mundial y
advenimiento de la Guerra Fría
2. El inicio de la era espacial
III. El desarrollo de la tecnología espacial
1. Tecnología de lanzadores
 
3. Vuelos tripulados
 
 
IV. Historia del Tratado
V. Perspectivas futuras
Stephan Hobe1
Documentos selectos
Res. AGNU 1348 (XIII), Cuestión del uso del espacio ul-
Res. AGNU 1472 (XIV), Cooperación internacional para la
12 de diciembre de 1959
Res. AGNU 1721 (XVI), Cooperación internacional para la
20 de diciembre de 1961
Res. AGNU 1962 (XVIII), Declaración de los Principios
Jurídicos que Deben Regir las Actividades de los Estados en la
Exploración y Utilización del Espacio Ultraterrestre, de 13 de
Bibliografía Selecta
Piradov, Aleksandr S. (ed.)/Belitsky, Boris (tr.), International
Space Law, Progress Publications, Moscú 1976
      
Space Law in the United Nations  
Dordrecht 1985
Christol, Carl Q., Space Law – Past, Present and Future, Kluwer
Law Publishers, Deventer 1991
Dembling, Paul G./Arons, Daniel M., The Evolution of the Outer
Space Treaty, Journal of Air Law and Commerce (33)
1967, pp. 419 y ss.
       
Highlights in Space: Progress in Science,
Technology and Applications (continuing series), United
Nations, Nueva York 1992 y años sucesivos
1 
  
la Universidad de Colonia, por su ayuda para investigar y escribir
este capítulo.
Historical 
I. Introduction
II. Historical Context of the Negotiations
1. Aftermath of the Second World War and the
Onset of the Cold War
2. Dawning of the Space Era
III. The Relevant Technological Development
1. Launch Technology
 
 
 
 
IV. Drafting History
V. Future Perspectives
Stephan Hobe1
Select Documents
UNGA Res. 1348 (XIII), Question of the peaceful uses of outer
space, 13 December 1958
UNGA Res. 1472 (XIV), International co-operation in the
peaceful uses of outer space, 12 December 1959
UNGA Res. 1721 (XVI), International co-operation in the
peaceful uses of outer space, 20 December 1961
UNGA Res. 1962 (XVIII), Declaration of Legal Principles
Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Uses
of Outer Space, 13 December 1963 (1963 Principles Declaration)
Select Bibliography
Piradov, Aleksandr S. (ed.)/Belitsky, Boris (tr.), International
Space Law, Progress Publications, Moscow 1976
      
Space Law in the United Nations  
Dordrecht 1985
Christol, Carl Q., Space Law – Past, Present and Future, Kluwer
Law Publishers, Deventer 1991
Dembling, Paul G./Arons, Daniel M., The Evolution of the Outer
Space Treaty, Journal of Air Law and Commerce (33)
       
Highlights in Space: Progress in Science,
Technology and Applications (continuing series), United
Nations, New York 1992 and following
1       
Anne Hurtz, both of the Institute of Air and Space Law, University
of Cologne, for their assistance in the research and writing of this
Historical Background Contexto histórico
— 2 —
      Information
Systems on Space Science and Technology: A Directory,
United Nations, Nueva York 1992
Galloway, Eileen M., International Co-operation and Organization
on Aeronautical and Space Sciences, United States
Senate, 89th Congress, 1st Session, Document no. 56, US
   Dispute Settlement in International Space
Law – A Multi-Door Courthouse for Outer Space,
Jasentuliyana, Nandasiri (ed.), Space Law: Development and
Scope, Praeger, Westport 1992
Jasentuliyana, Nandasiri/Chipman, Ralph (eds.), International Space
Programmes and Policies: Proceedings of the Second United
Nations Conference on the Exploration and Peaceful Uses of
Outer Space, North-Holland, Ámsterdam 1984
Jasentuliyana, Nandasiri/Lee, Roy S. K. (eds.), Manual on Space Law,
4 Volumes, Oceana Publications, Nueva York 1979-1981
Jenks, Clarence W., Space Law, Stevens & Sons, Londres 1965
Lachs, Manfred, The Law of Outer Space – An Experience in
Contemporary Law-Making
Lay, S. Hounston/Taubenfeld, Howard J., The Law Relating to
Activities of Man in Space, University of Chicago Press,
Chicago 1970
Matte, Nicolas M. (ed.), Space Activities and Emerging
International Law, Center for Research of Air and Space
Law, McGill University, Montreal 1984
Poúlantzas, Nikolaos M., Die Historische Entwicklung des
Internationalen Luftrechts und das Weltraumrecht, Conferencia
pronunciada en la Universidad de Maguncia, 1959
Reijnen, Gijsbertha C. M., The United Nations space treaties
analysed, Editions Frontières, Gif-sur-Yvette 1992
Reynolds, Glenn H./Merges, Robert P., Outer Space: Problems of Law
and Policy, 2nd edn., Westview Press, San Francisco 1997
Sterns, Patricia M./Tennen, Leslie I., Space Law in the 21st
Century: The Outer Space Treaties Revisited, en: IISL,
Proceedings of the 46th Colloquium on the Law of
Outer Space, 29 September – 3 October 2003 Bremen
(Germany), AIAA, 2004, pp. 136 y ss.
Vereshchetin, Vladlen S./Danilenko, Gennadij M., Custom as a
Source of International Law of Outer Space, Journal of
Space Law (13) 1985, pp. 22 y ss.
de Vries, Walter W. C., The Creation of a Concept of the Law of Outer
Space, en: Zwaan, Tanja L. (ed.), Space Law: Views of the
Future, Kluwer Law and Taxation, Deventer 1988, pp. 21 y ss.
Wassenbergh, Henry A., Principles of Outer Space Law in
      Information
Systems on Space Science and Technology: A Directory,
United Nations, New York 1992
Galloway, Eileen M., International Co-operation and Organization
on Aeronautical and Space Sciences, United States
Senate, 89th Congress, 1st Session, Document no. 56, US
   Dispute Settlement in International Space
Law – A Multi-Door Courthouse for Outer Space,
Jasentuliyana, Nandasiri (ed.), Space Law: Development and
Scope, Praeger, Westport 1992
Jasentuliyana, Nandasiri/Chipman, Ralph (eds.), International Space
Programmes and Policies: Proceedings of the Second United
Nations Conference on the Exploration and Peaceful Uses of
Outer Space, North-Holland, Amsterdam 1984
Jasentuliyana, Nandasiri/Lee, Roy S. K. (eds.), Manual on Space
Law, 4 Volumes, Oceana Publications, New York 1979-1981
Jenks, Clarence W., Space Law, Stevens & Sons, London 1965
Lachs, Manfred, The Law of Outer Space – An Experience in
Contemporary Law-Making
Lay, S. Hounston/Taubenfeld, Howard J., The Law Relating to
Activities of Man in Space, University of Chicago Press,
Chicago 1970
Matte, Nicolas M. (ed.), Space Activities and Emerging
International Law, Center for Research of Air and Space
Law, McGill University, Montreal 1984
Poúlantzas, Nikolaos M., Die Historische Entwicklung des
Internationalen Luftrechts und das Weltraumrecht,
Lecture held at the University of Mainz, 1959
Reijnen, Gijsbertha C. M., The United Nations space treaties
analysed, Editions Frontières, Gif-sur-Yvette 1992
Reynolds, Glenn H./Merges, Robert P., Outer Space: Problems of Law
and Policy, 2nd edn., Westview Press, San Francisco 1997
Sterns, Patricia M./Tennen, Leslie I., Space Law in the 21st
Century: The Outer Space Treaties Revisited, in: IISL,
Proceedings of the 46th Colloquium on the Law of
Outer Space, 29 September – 3 October 2003 Bremen
Vereshchetin, Vladlen S./Danilenko, Gennadij M., Custom as a
Source of International Law of Outer Space, Journal of
de Vries, Walter W. C., The Creation of a Concept of the Law of Outer
Space, in: Zwaan, Tanja L. (ed.), Space Law: Views of the
Wassenbergh, Henry A., Principles of Outer Space Law in
— 3 —
I. Introducción
1Conforme al Artículo 31 de la Convención de Viena
sobre el Derecho de los Tratados (CVDT), la inter-
pretación histórica sólo juega un papel secundario a
la hora de interpretar los tratados.2
2No obstante, parece útil y necesario ofrecer un resu-
men de cuál fue el contexto histórico en el que se pro-
dujo el nacimiento del Tratado del Espacio, en parti-
cular si consideramos que la tecnología espacial fue el
resultado de un esfuerzo conjunto internacional, y no
un fenómeno que apareció de la noche a la mañana.
3El objetivo de esta introducción histórica consiste pues
en obtener una mejor comprensión de las circunstan-
cias históricas que rodearon la negociación de este
acuerdo internacional.3 Si se contempla la redacción
del Tratado del Espacio desde una perspectiva históri-
ca, se puede ver cómo tuvieron que aclararse diversas
        -
quiera negociarse. Las áreas que estaban entonces bajo
consideración incluían entre otras las siguientes:
si debían llevarse a cabo negociaciones bilate-
rales entre los Estados con capacidad espacial,
o bien se debía elaborar un acuerdo multilateral;
los intereses de los Estados que realizaban ac-
tividades espaciales, frente a los intereses del
resto de los Estados;
usos militares frente a usos no militares del es-
pacio; y
los intereses de los Estados desarrollados frente
a los de los Estados en desarrollo.
2 
3 Resulta útil en este sentido consultar la obra colectiva coordinada
por Nandasiri Jasentuliyana y Roy S. K. Lee, Manual on Space Law, 4
volúmenes, Oceana Publications, Nueva York 1979–1981, en especial
su volumen III.
I. Introduction
1Historical interpretation only plays a minor role in
treaty interpretation according to Article 31 of the
2Nevertheless, it is useful and necessary to give
an overview on the historical background of the
Outer Space Treaty, in particular considering that
       
3The purpose of such a historical introduction thus
lies certainly in getting a more comprehensive
and concise understanding of the historical
circumstances under which this international
agreement was negotiated.3 If one looks at the
drafting of the Outer Space Treaty in a historical
   
negotiated. Areas that were under consideration
included issues like
bilateral negotiations of the space-faring countries
vs. drafting of a multilateral agreement;
interests of space-faring vs. interests of non-
space-faring States;
military vs. non-military uses of outer space; and
interests of developed States vs. those of
developing States.
2 See Commentary, Preamble
3 Useful in this regard is certainly the compilation of
Jasentuliyana, Nandasiri/Lee, Roy S. K. (eds.), Manual on Space
Law, 4 Volumes, Oceana Publications, New York 1979–1981,
particularly Volume III.

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