Artículo VI

AuthorMichael Gerhard
— 181 —
I. Introduction
II. Negotiation and Drafting History
III. Commentary
1. International responsibility for national activities
(sentence 1)
a) Activities in outer space
1) ‚outer space‘ (delimitation)
2) ‚In‘ outer space
3) Activity
b) National activities
c) Governmental agencies
d) Non-governmental entities
e) International responsibility
1) Responsibility for activities carried on
by governmental agencies
2) Responsibility for activities carried on
by non-governmental entities
3) General aspects of international
f) Conformity of national activities with the
Outer Space Treaty provisions
2. Authorisation and Supervision of non-
governmental activities (sentence 2)
a) Activities of non-governmental entities
b) Appropriate State party to the Treaty
c) Authorisation
1) Contents
2) Implementation of authorisation
d) Continuing Supervision
e) National space legislation
3. International Responsibility for activities carried
on by international organisations (sentence 3)
IV. Future Perspectives
Michael Gerhard
“States Parties to the Treaty shall bear international responsibility
for national activities in outer space, including the Moon and
other celestial bodies, whether such activities are carried on by
governmental agencies or by non-governmental entities, and for
assuring that national activities are carried out in conformity with
the provisions set forth in the present Treaty. The activities of
non-governmental entities in outer space, including the Moon and
other celestial bodies, shall require authorization and continuing
supervision by the appropriate State Party to the Treaty. When
activities are carried on in outer space, including the Moon
and other celestial bodies, by an international organization,
responsibility for compliance with this Treaty shall be borne both
by the international organization and by the States Parties to the
I. Introducción
II. Historia de las negociaciones y de la redacción
III. Comentario
1. Responsabilidad internacional por las
a) Actividades en el espacio ultraterrestre
1) ‘espacio ultraterrestre’ (delimitación)
2) ‘En’ el espacio ultraterrestre
3) Actividad
b) Actividades nacionales
c) Organismos gubernamentales
d) Entidades no gubernamentales
e) Responsabilidad internacional
1) Responsabilidad por las actividades
realizadas por entidades gubernamentales
2) Responsabilidad por las actividades
realizadas por entidades no gubernamentales
3) Aspectos generales de la responsabilidad
f) Conformidad de las actividades nacionales
con las disposiciones del Tratado del Espacio
      
a) Actividades de entidades no gubernamentales
b) El pertinente Estado Parte en el Tratado
c) Autorización
1) Contenido
2) Aplicación del requisito de obtener
d) Fiscalización constante
e) Legislación espacial nacional
3. Responsabilidad por las actividades realizadas
IV. Perspectivas Futuras
Michael Gerhard
“Los Estados Partes en el Tratado serán responsables
internacionalmente de las actividades nacionales que realicen en el
espacio ultraterrestre, incluso la Luna y otros cuerpos celestes, los
organismos gubernamentales o las entidades no gubernamentales,
y deberán asegurar que dichas actividades se efectúen en
conformidad con las disposiciones del presente Tratado. Las
actividades de las entidades no gubernamentales en el espacio
ultraterrestre, incluso la Luna y otros cuerpos celestes, deberán ser
Parte en el Tratado. Cuando se trate de actividades que realiza en
el espacio ultraterrestre, incluso la Luna y otros cuerpos celestes,
una organización internacional, la responsabilidad en cuanto al
presente Tratado corresponderá a esa organización internacional y
a los Estados Partes en el Tratado que pertenecen a ella.“
Article VI Artículo VI
— 182 —
Documentos selectos
Argentina: Decreto Nacional Nº 125/95 de creación del registro
nacional de objetos lanzados al espacio ultraterrestre
      
Reglamentos de Actividades Espaciales (2001)
Blgica: ‘Ley sobre las actividades de lanzamiento, operaciones
de vuelo, o guiado de objetos espaciales’ (17 de septiembre
de 2005)
Brasil: Edicto Administrativo nº 27 (2001)
Francia: Ley francesa de operaciones espaciales, nº 2008-518 (2008)
Hong Kong, China: Ordenanza sobre el espacio ultraterrestre (1999)
Italia: Ley n° 23, de 25 de enero de 1983
Países Bajos: Normas concernientes a las actividades espaciales
y al registro de objetos espaciales – Ley de Actividades
Espaciales (2007)
Noruega: Ley sobre el lanzamiento de objetos al espacio
ultraterrestre desde el territorio noruego (1969)
Federación de Rusia: Ley sobre la Actividad Espacial (1996,
       
espaciales (2006) [derogada en 2012]
Corea del Sur: Ley de Promoción de la Exploración del Espacio
España: Real Decreto 278/95 estableciendo un registro español de
objetos lanzados al espacio ultraterrestre (1995)
Suecia: Ley de Actividades Espaciales (1982)
y Decreto nº 798 sobre la concesión de licencias para las
entidades privadas que desarrollen actividades espaciales
Reino Unido: Ley del Espacio (1986)
       
et seq.; Reglamentos sobre el Transporte Espacial Comercial,
14 C.F.R.. III, partes 400-460; Ley reguladora de la política
  
Ley de Lanzamientos Espaciales Comerciales (CSLAA)
Bibliografía selecta
Bittlinger, Horst, Private Space Activities – Questions of
International Responsibility, en: IISL, Proceedings of
the 30th Colloquium on the Law of Outer Space, 10–17
October 1987 Brighton (UK), AIAA, 1988, pp. 191 y ss.
      
of the 34th Colloquium on the Law of Outer Space, 5–11
October 1991 Montreal (Canada), AIAA, 1992, pp. 13 y ss.
Cheng, Bin, Article VI of the 1967 Space Treaty Revisited:
pp. 7 y ss.
von der Dunk, Frans G., Liability versus responsibility in space
law: Misconception or misconstruction?, en: IISL,
Proceedings of the 34th Colloquium on the Law of Outer
Space, 5–11 October 1991 Montreal (Canada), AIAA,
1992, pp. 363 y ss.
Select Documents
Argentina: National Decree No 125/95 on the establishment of
the national registry of objects launched into outer space
Australia: Space Activities Act (1998 as amended), Space
Activities Regulations (2001)
Belgium: Law on the activities of launching,  operations or
guidance of space objects (2005)
Brazil: Administrative Edict No 27 (2001)
France: French Space Operations Act, No. 2008-518 (2008)
Hong Kong, People‘s Republic of China: Outer Space Ordinance
Italy: Law No. 23, 25 January 1983
Netherlands: Rules Concerning Space Activities and the
Establishment of a Registry of Space Objects – Space
Activities Act (2007)
Norway: Act on Launching Objects from Norwegian Territory
etc. into Outer Space (1969)
Russian Federation: Law about Space Activity (1996 as amended)
Statute No 403 Licensing Space Operations (2006) [this
document became invalid in 2012]
South Korea: Space Exploration Promotion Act (2005)
Spain: Royal Decree 278/95, on the Establishment of a Spanish
Registry for Objects launched into Outer Space (1995)
Sweden: Act on Space Activities (1982), Decree on Space
Activities (1982)
Ukraine: Ordinance on Space Activity (1996 as amended), Decree
No 798 on Licensing Private Entities undertaking Space
United Kingdom: Outer Space Act (1986)
United States of America: Commercial Space Launch Act (CSLA),
        
Space Transportation Regulations, 14 C.F.R.. III, Parts 400-
460; Land Remote Sensing Policy Act; Commercial Space
Launch Amendment Act (CSLAA)
Select Bibliography
Bittlinger, Horst, Private Space Activities – Questions of
International Responsibility, in: IISL, Proceedings of
the 30th Colloquium on the Law of Outer Space, 10–17
      
of the 34th Colloquium on the Law of Outer Space, 5–11
Cheng, Bin, Article VI of the 1967 Space Treaty Revisited:
von der Dunk, Frans G., Liability versus responsibility in space
law: Misconception or misconstruction?, in: IISL,
Proceedings of the 34th Colloquium on the Law of Outer
Space, 5–11 October 1991 Montreal (Canada), AIAA,
Article VI Artículo VI
— 183 —
von der Dunk, Frans G., Private enterprise and public interest in the
European ‘spacescape’, Leiden University, Leiden 1998
Gerhard, Michael, Nationale Weltraumgesetzgebung, Carl
Heymanns, Colonia 2002
Gerhard, Michael/Schrogl, Kai-Uwe, Report of the Project
2001 Working Group on National Space Legislation,
en: Böckstiegel, Karl-Heinz (ed.), Project 2001 – Legal
Framework for the Commercial Use of Outer Space, Carl
Heymanns, Colonia 2002, pp. 529 y ss.
Hobe, Stephan/Schmidt-Tedd, Bernhard/Schrogl, Kai-Uwe (eds.),
National Space Legislation – Documentation, DLR,
Colonia 2004
Hobe, Stephan/Schmidt-Tedd, Bernhard/Schrogl, Kai-Uwe
(eds.), Towards a harmonised approach for national space
legislation in Europe, DLR, Colonia 2004
Jasentuliyana, Nandasiri/Lee, Roy S. K. (eds.), Manual on Space
Law, Volumen III, Oceana Publications, Nueva York 1981
Kerrest, Armel, Remarks on the responsibility and liability, en:
IISL, Proceedings of the 40th Colloquium on the Law
of Outer Space, 6–10 October 1997 Turin (Italy), AIAA,
1998, pp. 134 y ss.
     
dans l‘espace, Annals of Air and Space Law (XXII) 1997,
pp. 113 y ss.
van Traa-Engelman, Hanneke L., Commercial utilization of outer
       
van Traa-Engelman, Hanneke L., Problems of State responsibility
in international space law, en: IISL, Proceedings of the
26th Colloquium on the Law of Outer Space, 10–15
October 1983 Budapest (Hungary), AIAA, 1984, pp. 139
y ss.
Vereshchetin, Vladlen S., International space law and domestic law:
Problems of interrelations, Journal of Space Law (9) 1981,
pp. 31 y ss.
von der Dunk, Frans G., Private enterprise and public interest in the
European ‘spacescape’, Leiden University, Leiden 1998
Gerhard, Michael, Nationale Weltraumgesetzgebung, Carl
Heymanns, Cologne 2002
Gerhard, Michael/Schrogl, Kai-Uwe, Report of the Project
2001 Working Group on National Space Legislation,
in: Böckstiegel, Karl-Heinz (ed.), Project 2001 – Legal
Framework for the Commercial Use of Outer Space, Carl
Hobe, Stephan/Schmidt-Tedd, Bernhard/Schrogl, Kai-Uwe (eds.),
National Space Legislation – Documentation, DLR,
Cologne 2004
Hobe, Stephan/Schmidt-Tedd, Bernhard/Schrogl, Kai-Uwe
(eds.), Towards a harmonised approach for national space
legislation in Europe, DLR, Cologne 2004
Jasentuliyana, Nandasiri/Lee, Roy S. K. (eds.), Manual on Space
Law, Volume III, Oceana Publications, New York 1981
Kerrest, Armel, Remarks on the responsibility and liability, in:
IISL, Proceedings of the 40th Colloquium on the Law
of Outer Space, 6–10 October 1997 Turin (Italy), AIAA,
     
dans l‘espace, Annals of Air and Space Law (XXII) 1997,
van Traa-Engelman, Hanneke L., Commercial utilization of outer
       
van Traa-Engelman, Hanneke L., Problems of State responsibility
in international space law, in: IISL, Proceedings of
the 26th Colloquium on the Law of Outer Space, 10–
15 October 1983 Budapest (Hungary), AIAA, 1984,
Vereshchetin, Vladlen S., International space law and domestic law:
Problems of interrelations, Journal of Space Law (9) 1981,

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