Lifting appliances a I other cargo-handling appliances

4. Lifting appliances and other
cargo-handling appliances1
4.1. Definitions
4.1.1. For the purposes of sections 4.11 to 4.1 3-
a "limit switch" (4.11) is a device that automatically limits the
extent of the movement of a crane or any part of a crane by
cutting off the power at the limits;
an "automatic overload cut-out" (4.12) is a device that auto-
matically limits the load on a crane or part of a crane by cutting
off the power when that load exceeds the safe working load;
an "indicator of safe working load" (4.13) is a device that auto-
matically indicates visually (whether a load is suspended or not)
the crane designer's safe working load rating of the crane at the
various radii of the load.
4.2. General provisions
4.2.1. Every lifting appliance and other cargo-handling
appliance should
be of good design and construction, and of adequate strength for
the purpose for which it is used;
conform to the national or international standards that apply;
be maintained in good repair and working order;
be properly, installed and used;
before being taken into use for the first time, or after any sub-
stantial alteration or repair and periodically thereafter, be tested,
thoroughly examined and certificated by a competent person in
I Other than mobile cranes, for which see Chapter 5.
Safety and health in dock work
accordance with the requirements of Appendices A, C and D;
(f) be operated only by thoroughly trained drivers who have passed
tests for ability to operate the appliance safely.
4.2.2. (1) A cargo gear register and related certificates con-
cerning machinery and gear of such types as to require initial and/or
periodic testing and/or examinations and inspection should be kept
and be available.
The content and layout of the documents should be as
established by the competent authority and in accordance with
the model documents recommended by the International Labour
In the case of shore-located cranes and similar equipment,
the competent authority may adopt different documents, provided
that the necessary information is clearly provided.
4.2.3. Registers and certificates for gear currently aboard ship
or ashore should be preserved for at least four years after the date of
last entry.
4.3. Controls
4.3.1. (1) Any controls should be so located that the driver at
his stand or seat has ample room for operation.
(2) In particular, there should be the following clearances above
the head of the operator:
in the case of a seated operator, not less than 1 m measured to
the point of maximum depression of the seat; and
in the case of a standing operator, not less than 2 m from the
platform on which he stands.
(3) The movement of controls to produce the desired action

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