Planning and implementation

4. Planning and implementation
4.1. Review
The organization’s existing violence management system and relevant arrangements
should be reviewed as appropriate. This should cover an informal understanding of the
current state of affairs with regard to acts of violence.
4.1.1. Current situation
Employers and workers and their representatives should jointly assess the effects of
violence in the workplace. The following indicators, among others, should provide useful
information for identifying and assessing the nature and magnitude of the problem at a
given workplace:
national and local surveys on the extent of violence in the community where the
service is carried out;
surveys that have been carried out in similar workplaces/types of services;
sick leave;
accident rates;
personnel turnover;
opinions of supervisors and managers, workers and their representatives, safety
personnel, occupational health and social services personnel.
4.1.2. Risk assessment
Risk assessment should be conducted with participation and support from employers
and workers. The extent of the risk in particular areas, the circumstances under which it
arises, and the risks related to vulnerable groups should be identified. Checklists of areas
or aspects that should be considered for violence risk assessment at the workplace may be
a useful tool, and should be developed jointly.
In conducting a risk assessment of workplace violence, account should be taken of the
following possible signs of workplace tensions:
physically injuring or assaulting a person, leading to actual harm;
intense ongoing violent abuse, such as:
verbal abuse, including swearing, insults or condescending language;
aggressive body language indicating intimidation, contempt or disdain;
harassment, including mobbing, bullying, racial and sexual harassment;

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