
3. Organizing
3.1. Roles and responsibilities
3.1.1. Governments
Governments should assume leadership in the development and application of
preventive interventions, including:
Research. In order to achieve coherence between countries, to mobilize the social
partners, and to facilitate prevention, the competent authorities should encourage
evidence-based policy development. Governments should fund and support research
studies, as well as identifying and publicizing case studies of best practice. Data
should be collected and be capable of being disaggregated in a manner that allows
trends relating to particular sectors or groups of workers to be determined.
Guidelines. Governments should offer guidelines to assist employers and workers in
the implementation of preventive interventions at the national and sectoral levels.
Governments should also ensure that prevention strategies and programmes apply to
all workers in services sectors. Governments should also promote and implement
measures in civil society to achieve a reduction in workplace violence.
Legislation. In order to move towards a preventive orientation, governments, in
consultation with relevant social partners might review, where appropriate, safety and
health or labour legislation.
Financial resources. Governments, where possible and in consultation with the social
partners, should seek to mobilize government funding for the implementation of
effective preventive interventions.
Regional and international collaboration. Governments should promote and support
collaboration at regional and international levels, and through intergovernmental
agencies, to enlist international assistance where appropriate in support of national
preventive programmes.
Governments should take measures to identify groups of workers who are especially
vulnerable to workplace violence, adopt strategies to overcome the factors that make them
vulnerable, and examine the sectoral aspects of this vulnerability.
3.1.2. Employers Policies and procedures
Employers and their representatives should in so far as reasonably practicable
promote workplace practices that help to eliminate workplace violence. In fulfilling these
objectives, employers should consult with workers and their representatives to develop and
implement appropriate policies and procedures to eliminate or minimize the risk of
workplace violence. These policies and procedures should include:
Risk reduction and management. Employers should ensure that appropriate risk
assessment is conducted at their workplaces. Employers, workers and their
representatives should also work together to develop appropriate strategies to assess

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