Appendix A. Key Legal English Terminology

AuthorKevin J. Fandl
ProfessionDirector of the Global Legal Education Institute
Appendix A
Key Legal English
Acceptance—the assent of the offeree, either express or implied
through conduct, to be bound by the conditions of the offer,
thereby forming a binding contract.
Anticipatory repudiation—clear conduct or words made by one party
to a contract to the other party in the contract indicating unwill-
ingness or inability to complete its contractual obligations. This
act gives the non-breaching party an immediate right to declare
the other party in material breach and to seek damages.
Appellate court—a court standing superior to a trial court and avail-
able to hear claims of error in law or procedure made by the
lower court. Appellate courts do not usually litigate the facts in
a dispute.
Bargained-for exchange—the process of one party agreeing to a
detriment in exchange for a promise of some benefit to be pro-
vided by the other party. Generally equivalent to consideration.
Bilateral contract—a promise to perform made in exchange for an-
other promise to perform. E.g., party X promises to pay $50 to
party Y and party Y promises to deliver 10 widgets to party X.
Cause of action—a legal claim or right providing the basis for a

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