The puzzle of the lack of Colombian cases on the CISG

AuthorJuan Antonio Gaviria-Gil
PositionProfessor and Researcher at School of Law in Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, Medellín, Colombia
Int. Law: Rev. Colomb. Derecho Int. Bogotá (Colombia) N° 26: 289-328, enero - junio de 2015
Juan antonio Gaviria-Gil**
Reception date: May 24th, 2015
Acceptance date: June 16th, 2015
Availale online: June 30th, 2015
to cite this article / Para citar este artículo
Gavir ia-Gi l, Juan A ntonio, T he Puzzle of the Lack of C olombian Cas es
on the CISG, 26 Intern ational Law, Revista Col ombiana de Derecho I nter-
nacional, 289-328 (2015).
doi:10.11144/Javeriana.i l15-26.plcc
ISS N:1692- 8156
* Investigation article
** Professor a nd Researche r at School of Law in Univ ersidad Ponti cia Bolivar iana,
Medellí n, Colombia. PhD in Law from A merican Universit y, the Washing ton College
of Law (Washing ton, United State s). Master in Laws (LL.M.) from the sa me university.
Master in E conomics from Universi dad EAFIT (Medellí n, Colombia). Master in Tax
Law from Univers idad Externado ( Bogotá, Colombia). Attorney a t-Law (equivalent to
a Juris Doct or) from Universidad Pont icia Boliva riana (Mede llín, Colombi a). Tenured
Professor an d Researcher at Scho ol of Law in Universidad Pont icia Bolivar iana, Me-
dellín , Colombia. Contact: j uan.gaviriag
Int. Law: Rev. Colomb. Derecho Int. Bogotá (Colombia) N° 26: 289-328, enero - junio de 2015
290 Juan antonio Gaviria-Gil
This pape r analyzes the pu zzle of the lack of ca se law on CISG in Colom-
bia; an enig ma that is even more per plexing taking i nto account that this
Convention is rega rded as a success c ase in the attempts of u nication of
internat ional private l aw and that there i s an import ant amount of ca se law
in other count ries. After exp laining thi s puzzle and me ntioning that there
is case law apply ing the CISG in cou ntries other t han Colombia, th is paper
studies t he reasons that m ight explain the lack of cas e law in Colombia.
Some of the hypoth eses are not feasible , such as (i) a lack of inter national
transac tions in contra cts for sale of goods whe re either the sel ler or the
buyer is from Colombia , (ii) the lack of knowled ge about the CISG among
Colombian compa nies, or (iii) the fa ct that internationa l contracts where
one of the part ies has its establis hment in Colombia does not tr igger any
disputes. O ther hypothe ses mig ht be partia lly true, s uch as (i) the exclu sion
of the CISG as the gover ning law of internationa l contracts where one of
the parti es has its domic ile in Colombia, (i i) the CISG is the governi ng law
of internat ional contracts where o ne of the parties is from C olombia, but
the compan ies, their att orneys at-law and, more i mportantly, the judge s
and arbitrator s who settle the di sputes arisi ng out of such contracts, are
unaware about the ex istence of th is Convention, or (iii) that i nternational
arbitral tr ibunals whose ve nue is a place outsid e Colombia, involving
neither Colombia n judges nor arbitrat ors whose venue is in C olombia,
settle the d isputes concer ning a sale of good s between a Colombian p arty
and a company from ot her country in con dential awards that , therefore,
are not report ed in international l egal databas es. After expla ining these
hypothese s, this pape r concludes and p resents the g uideline s for future
empiric al researc h that might solve the e nigma of the la ck of cases on
CISG in Colombia at a more de tailed level.
Keywords: case law; CISG; C olombia; intern ational sales; i nternationa l
Int. Law: Rev. Colomb. Derecho Int. Bogotá (Colombia) N° 26: 289-328, enero - junio de 2015
The Puzzle of The lack of colombian cases on The cisG
Este artículo a naliza el enigm a de la ausenc ia de fallos proferidos por j ueces o
árbitros colombi anos en los que se apliq ue la CISG, el cual l uce todavía más
desconcerta nte al tener en cuenta qu e esta Convención es men cionada como
un caso de éxito e n los intentos de unic ación del derecho privad o. Luego de
explicar este enig ma y de mostra r cómo sí hay s ignic ativa juris pruden cia sobre
CISG en otros país es, este artículo ind aga las razones que pu eden motivar la
ausencia d e casos en nuestro p aís. Algunas d e estas hipótesis no son c reíbles,
como (i) una supuesta aus encia de transaccio nes internacionale s en las que
una parte sea u na empresa colombia na, (ii) la falta de conocim iento acerca
de esta Convenci ón, o (iii) el que los contratos de compraven ta internacional
en los que un a de las partes es colombian a no generan controversias. Ot ras
hipótesis podr ían ser al menos p arcialmente verí dicas, como (i) la posible
exclusión de l a CISG como ley susta ncial de contratos d e compraventa inter -
nacional d e mercaderías con partes c olombianas, (ii) el que tal Convenció n
sí sea aplicabl e pero que las empresas, su s abogados y los jueces y árbitros
que resuelven l as controversias ignoren su exi stencia, o (iii) el que sí surjan
controversias pa ra las cuales la CISG sí sea la l ey sustancial aplicabl e pero
que estas sea n dirimidas p or tribunales d e arbitramento con s ede fuera de
Colombia y cu yos laudos, por razon es de condenc ialidad, no se re portan en
las bases de d atos jurídicas. Luego de l a explicación de estas razones, este
artículo conc luye y plantea bases pa ra futuras investigacion es empíricas que
puedan di lucidar denitiva mente el enigma plantea do.
Palabras clave: CISG; Colo mbia; compraventas inter nacionales; contratos
internacionales; jurisprudencia; laudos arbitrales; ley aplicable
introduction.- I. the GeoGraPhy of the aPPlication of the cisG.- II.
the reasons that may exPlain the lack of colombian case law on
the cisG.- A . Minor importan ce of internationa l trade in Colomb ia.- B.
Colombia n companies do not exclu de the CISG as the governi ng law of their
internatio nal transactio ns, but these do not ge nerate disputes .- C. Lack of
knowledge of the CIS G among entre preneurs a nd their lawye rs.- D. The CIS G
is the governing la w of international tra nsactions in good s, but the court, the
plaintiff, the defend ant, and their cou nsels are unaware of this fact .- E. The
parties contract o ut of the CISG as the governing law of the ir international
transactio ns in goods.- F. The p arties do not opt out of the CI SG, but the
contracts for intern ational sale of good s usually provide th at the forum to
settle any dispute i s a court or an arbitral t ribunal whose v enue is outsid e
Colom bia.- concludinG r emarks.- biblioGraPhy.

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