Sectoral codes, guidelines and information

Sectoral codes, guidelines and information
Appendix VI
Sectoral codes, guidelines and information
Barnett, T.: Subsistence agriculture, in Barnett, A.; Blas, E.; Whiteside, A. (eds.): AIDS brief for se ctora l
plan ners a nd ma na gers (Geneva, GPA/UNAIDS, 1996).
du Guerny, J.: AIDS an d a gricultur e in Africa : Can a gricultura l policy ma ke a diffe rence ?, FAO Sustaina-
ble Development Department (Rome, 1999).
Schapink, D. et al.: Strategy to in volve rura l wo rkers in the fight a ga inst HIV/AIDS th ro ugh c om mun ity
mob ilisation progra ms, dra ft for review, Paper discussed at a regional workshop on community par-
ticipation and HIV/AIDS, June 2000, United Republic of Tanzania (Washington, DC, World Bank
Rural HIV/AIDS Initiatives, 2000) .
Southe rn Africa AIDS Information Disse mination Service (SAFAIDS): AIDS a nd Africa n sma llholder a gri-
culture (Zimbabwe, 1999).
Educ ation International: AIDS: Save the c hildr en an d teac hers, Executive Board resolution on HIV/AIDS
and education (Brussels, 2000) .
Florida International University (FIU) Health Care and We llness Center/FIU AIDS Committee: Action
guide lines for FIU employee s, HIV/AIDS inf orma ti on (Florida, 1999).
FIU Health Care and Wellness Center et al.: Action guidelin es for stude nts, HIV/AIDS in forma tion (Florida,
Kelly, M.J.: What HIV/AIDS can do to education, and what education can do to HIV/AIDS (Lusaka,
1999), in B est Pra ctice Digest, UNAIDS website.
Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States (SIECUS): HIV/AIDS peer education:
Ne w York City schools, in SHOP Talk ( Schoo l Hea lth Opportunities a nd Progre ss) Bulle tin (B rook-
lyn), 16 Aug. 1996, Vol. 1, Issue 5.
UNAIDS: Sc hool h ea lth educa tion to pre ve nt AIDS and STD: A resour ce pa cka ge for cu rriculum plan ners
(Geneva, 1999).
University of Que ensland: HIV policy and guideline s, in Ha ndb ook o f university polic ies an d pro cedu res
(Brisbane, 2000).
World Consultation of Teachers International Organizations: Consensu s stateme nt on AIDS in scho ols
(undate d).
Cente rs for Disease Control and Prevention: Rec ommendations for prevention of HIV transmissio n in
health-care settings, in Morbid ity an d Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR) (Atlanta), 21 Aug. 1987, Vol.
36, No. 2.
Cente rs for Dise ase Control and Preventio n: Guidelines for prevention of transmission of human immun-
odeficiency virus and hepatitis B virus to health-care and public safety workers, in Morbidity a nd
Mo rta lity We ekly Report (MMWR) (Atlanta), 23 June 1989, Vol. 38, No. 5-6.
Cente rs for Disease Control and Preventio n: Public health service guidelines for the management of
health care worker exposures to HIV and recommendations for post-exposure prophylaxis, in Mo r-
bid ity a nd Mortality Re comm enda tion s and Repo rts (Atlanta, 1998), Vol. 47, No. RR-7.
Garner, J.S.: Guid eline s for i sola tion pr eca utions in h ospita ls, Hospital Infection Control Practic es Advi-
sory Control Co mmittee, CDC (Atlanta, 1996).
ICN (International Council of Nurses): Red ucing the impa ct of HIV/AIDS on n ursing-m idwife ry person nel
(Geneva, 1996).

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