Infection control in the workplace

Infection control in the workplace
Appendix II
Infection control in the workplace
A.Universal blood and body-fluid precautions
Universal blood and body-fluid precautions (known as Universal Precautions or Standard Precau-
tions) were originally devised b y the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ( CDC) in
1985, largely due to the HIV/AIDS epidemic and an urgent need for new strategies to protect hospital per-
sonnel from blood-borne infections. The new approach placed emphasis for the first time on applying
blood and body-fluid precautions universally to all persons regardless of their presumed infectious status.
Universal Precautions are a simple standard of infection control practice to be used in the c are of all
patients at all times to minimize the risk of blood-borne pathogens. Universal Precautions co nsist of:
careful handling and disposal of sharps ( needles or o ther sharp objects);
hand-washing b efore and after a procedure;
use of protective barriers such as gloves, gowns, masks for direct c ontact with blood and other
body fluids;
safe disposal of waste contaminated with body fluids and blood;
proper disinfection of instruments and other contaminated equipment; and
proper handling o f soiled linen.
B. Selected guidelines and Universal Precautions on infection control
Bednarsh, H.S.; Eklund, K.J.: Infection c ontrol: Universal Precautions reconsidered, in America n Denta l
Hygienists Associa tion: Acc ess (Chicago, 1995) Vol. 11, No. 1.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ( CDC)/National Center for HIV, STD and TB Prevention/Divi-
sion of HIV/AIDS Prevention: Pre ventin g occ upa tion a l HIV tra nsmi ssion to hea lth c a re worke rs
(updated June, 1999) .
South African Law Commission: Aspects of the la w rela ting to AIDS (Project No. 85): Universal workplace
infection control measures (Universal Precautions) (1997) .
WHO: WHO guide lin es on AIDS a nd first a id in the workpla ce, WHO AIDS series 7 (Geneva, 1990) .
WHO/UNAIDS/ICN (International Council of Nurses): HIV and the work pla ce a nd Universal Pre cautio ns,
Fact sheets on HIV/AIDS for nurses and midwives (Geneva, 2000) .

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