International and national guidelines on HIV/AIDS

International and national guidelines on HIV/AIDS
Appendix V
International and national guidelines on HIV/AIDS
Council of Europe, European Health Committee: Medica l e xa min a tions pr ece din g em ployme nt a nd /or
private insura nce: A propo sal for Euro pean guid elines (Strasbourg, May 2000).
Family Health International: Private se ctor AIDS policy, b usinesses ma nagin g HIV/AIDS: A guide for m an-
age rs (Research Triangle Park, NC, 1999).
Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR)/UNAIDS: HIV/AIDS an d h um an righ ts:
Intern ation al guid elines (New York and Geneva, 1998).
Southern African Development Community (SADC): Cod e on HIV/AIDS an d emplo ymen t in the Souther n
African Developmen t Comm unity (Zambia, 1997).
UNAIDS: Gui delines fo r studies of the so cial a nd e cono mic im pact of HIV/AIDS (Geneva, 2000).
UNAIDS: AIDS a nd HIV infe ction , in for ma tion for United Natio ns em ployees an d their fa milies ( Geneva,
UNAIDS/IPU (Inter-Parliamentary Union): Han db oo k fo r legisla tors on HIV/AIDS, law a nd h uma n rights
(Geneva, 1999), see “Annotated international guidelines”.
United Nations: Resolution 54/283 on the review of the problem of human immunodeficiency virus/
acquired immunodeficiency syndrome in all its aspects, adopted by the General Assembly at its 54th
Session, New York, 14 Sep. 2000.
United Nations Commission on Human Rights: Discrimi nation aga inst HIV-infec ted p eople or people with
AIDS, Final report submitted by Mr. Varela Quiro s (Geneva, 28 July 1992).
WHO: Guid elines on AIDS an d first ai d in the workpla ce, WHO AIDS Series 7 ( Geneva, 1990).
WHO/ILO: Statem ent from the Consulta tion on AIDS a nd the wo rkplace (Geneva, 27-29 June 1988) .
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: 1999 USPHS/IDSA Guidelines for the prevention of oppor-
tunistic infections in persons infected with human immunodeficiency virus, in Mo rbidity a nd Mortal-
ity Weekly Report (MMWR) (Atlanta), see Appendix: Environmental and occupational exposures, 20
Aug. 1999, Vol. 48, No. RR-10, pp. 62-64.
Citizens Commission on AIDS: Respond ing to AIDS: Ten princ iples fo r the workpla c e (New York and
Northern New Jersey, 1988).
Minister of Public Service, Labour and Social Welfare, Zimbabwe: Lab our rela tions (HIV and AIDS) regu-
latio ns ( Zimbabwe, 1998).
Namibian Ministry of Labour: Guid elines f or implem entatio n of n ation al co de on HIV/AIDS in e mploymen t
(Namibia, 1998), No. 78.
Namibian Ministry of Labour: Code of go od pra ctice : Key a spects of HIV/AIDS an d e mplo ymen t (Namibia,
2000), No. R. 1298.
South African Department of Health/Community Agency for Social Enquiry (CASE): Gui delin es for de vel-
opin g a work place policy progra mme on HIV/AIDS a nd STDs (Mar. 1997).
United States Department of Health and Human Services: Small-bu siness guide lines: How AIDS c an a ffec t
your b usiness (Washington, DC, undated).
Western Australia Commission: Code of practice on the management of HIV/AIDS a nd hepatitis at work-
plac es ( West Perth, Sep. 2000).

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