Legal Regime of Private Military Companies

AuthorOvidiu Horia Maican
ProfessionDepartment of Law, Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Romania
Legal Regime of Private Military Companies
Lecturer Ovidiu Horia MAICAN
Private military companies are in dependent companies that offers military ser-
vices to national go vernments, international organizations, and substate actors. Private
military companies (PMCs) are an important and deeply controversial element of the pri-
vatized military industry. PMCs specialize in providing combat and protection forces.
Their work ranges from running small-scale training missions to providing combat units
composed of up to several hundred highly trained soldiers. The use of military force by
private-sector organizations is not new. It is present since Middle Ages. The most known
example in modern history is british East India Company private milita ry units, present
in India until 1857.
Keywords: private military companies, mercenary, United Nations, European
JEL Classification: K21, K33
1. Introduction
The subject in making use of international humanitarian law depends on
exactly what the prison popularity of PMCs are. International humanitarian law
is reflected in the 1949 Geneva Conventions with the two accompanying 1977
Geneva Protocols, which makes best distinctions between rights, privileges and
immunities of combatants and non-combatants in armed conflict. Due to the blur-
ring difference between fighters and non-combatants, numerous issues are raised
for the operation of the Geneva Conventions and Protocols on an international
law level.
2. International instruments
Armed civilians create issues for the application of the Geneva Conven-
tions and Protocols. In an worldwide armed struggle they ought to be classified
as both one of four categories.
Ovidiu Horia Maican Department of Law, Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Romania,
Tung, H., Under International law, what is the legal status of Private Military Contractors during
military occupation and under, United Nations Peace Keeping Operations?, P eace Operations
Training Institute 2005. p. 7
Idem, p. 8.

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