Characteristics of the Dissolution of Non-Banking Financial Institutions

AuthorClaudiu-Daniel Telicenu
ProfessionDoctoral School of Law, 'Titu Maiorescu' University, Bucharest, Romania
Characteristics of the Dissolution of Non-Banking
Financial Institutions
PhD. student Claudiu-Daniel TELICENU
This paper deals with a fundamenta l aspect of the legal framework of compa -
nies, i.e. the end of the existence of companies, by dissolution a nd liquidation. We con-
sider that tackling such a topic is very current and fully justified theoretically and prac-
tically. Companies reflect the evolution of the society in which they coexist, being unde-
niably linked to the economic life of civil society. Similar to natural persons, legal persons
are born, they carry out their social life according to the purpose for which they were
created and disappear through dissolution and liquidation. The presentness of this paper
results, thus, not only from the fact that the existence of companies as "engines" of social
life affects the entire civil society, but also from the fact that, in the current economic
context, the study of companies’ operations of dissolution a nd liquidation is extremely
appropriate for legal practitioners and others
Keywords: dissolution, liquidation, nullity, company.
JEL Classification: K10, K20, K22, K29
1. The notions of dissolution and liquidation of a company
The company is constituted on the basis of a constitutive act and by ful-
filling the formalities required by the law, and during its existence it performs the
activities specified in the object of its activity, as decided by the associates. As a
legal person, the company establishes legal relationships with both associates and
third parties. The process of terminating the legal personality of a company usu-
ally requires two mandatory steps, i.e. the dissolution and liquidation of the com-
pany. The dissolution of companies has been defined by some authors as a start-
up phase of the process of ending a legal personality, along with liquidation,
which it precedes
. According to another opinion, the dissolution meant the abo-
lition of the company's legal personality, i.e. the termination of its existence.
Other theorists have found that dissolution is a legal way of ending the existence
Claudiu-Daniel Telicenu - Doctoral School of Law, „Titu Maiorescu” University, Bucharest, Ro-
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