Students’ perception of CSR and its influence on business performance. A multiple mediation analysis

Date01 October 2020
AuthorEncarnación Manresa‐Marhuenda,Bartolomé Marco‐Lajara,Eduardo Sánchez‐García,Mercedes Úbeda‐García,Enrique Claver‐Cortés,Pedro Seva‐Larrosa,Francisco García‐Lillo,Laura Rienda‐García,Patrocinio Carmen Zaragoza‐Sáez,Rosario Andreu‐Guerrero,Lorena Ruiz‐Fernández,Esther Poveda‐Pareja
Published date01 October 2020
| Business Ethics: A Eur Rev. 2020;29:722–736.© 2020 John Wiley & Sons Ltd
In a society tha t is more and more con cerned with re spect for the
common good, corporate responsibility, and sustainability are in-
creasingly pri oritized (Hsieh , 2017). Evidence of this ca n be found
in the appeal ma de by different political, e conomic, social, and aca-
demic institu tions for enterp rises to pay greate r attention to soc ial
and environmental issues through the development of three essen-
tial pillars, n amely: economy, society, and environm ent (also known
as the “Triple Botto m Line”).
Being socially r esponsible not only e ntails fulfilling le gal expecta-
tions but also goin g beyond compliance and inve sting more in human
capital, the environment, and relationships with stakeholders.
Implementation involves a strategic higher management approach
to decision making, creating long-term value, obtaining sustainable
competitive ad vantages over tim e and incorpor ating new value s
linked to philanthropic action by business organizations.
The role of firm ma nagers in corporate so cial responsibilit y (CSR)
implementat ion cannot be de nied. Educati on is a key player in de-
veloping a sense of m oral responsi bility among st today's busin ess
students and tomorrow's company managers and decision makers.
In fact, Alo nso-Almeida, Fe rnández de Nav arrete, and Rodr iguez-
Pomeda (2015) obser ved in their review that most of the re search
on CSR has been conducted using business students’ perceptions.
The adoption by f irms of socially r esponsible be haviors implie s
transforming the classical governance formula—with an organization
exclusively focused on the bilateral shareholder–manager relationship—
into another mult ilateral formula that involve s every interest group,
including shareholders, managers, employees, customers, providers,
public adminis trations, inve stors, and th e local commun ity. Such
a transformat ion seeks to br idge the gap bet ween traditi onal and
new conceptions . Subjects r elated to Strategi c Management have
traditional ly been taught from the Agenc y Theory p erspecti ve, as-
suming that the de cisions made by the board of di rectors may affect
Received: 7 Novem ber 2019 
  Revised: 24 March 202 0 
  Accepted: 27 March 20 20
DOI: 10 .1111/bee r.12286
Students’ perception of CSR and its influence on business
performance. A multiple mediation analysis
Enrique Claver-Cortés | Bartolomé Marco-Lajara | Mercedes Úbeda-García |
Francisco García-Lillo | Laura Rienda-García | Patrocinio Carmen Zaragoza-Sáez |
Rosario Andreu-Guerrero | Encarnación Manresa-Marhuenda | Pedro Seva-Larrosa |
Lorena Ruiz-Fernández | Eduardo Sánchez-García | Esther Poveda-Pareja
Department of Management, University of
Alicante, Alicante, Spain
Bartolomé Marco-Lajara, Department
of Management , University of Ali cante,
Carretera S an Vicente del Rasp eig, Alicante
03690, Spain.
Firm managers play an im portant role i n the implementat ion of corporate social
responsibility (C SR) actions . Education is emergi ng as the key factor in devel oping
a sense of moral respo nsibility among st the business st udents who will event ually
become company manager s and decision makers . The aim of this researc h is, thus,
twofold. First , to analyze the existence of a direct positi ve correlation betwe en uni-
versity stude nts’ perception of C SR and its impac t on business per formance; and
second, to examine th e extent to which two f actors (advant ages brought by CSR
and responsibilities toward stakeholders) act as mediation variables in the aforemen-
tioned correlation . The analysis was perfor med with a sample of 390 business-re lated
university stu dents. Amongst the potential cont ributions made by this study we can
highlight the possibili ty of knowing future managers’ way of thin king and of knowing
the aspects w here educational centers might improve t heir CSR teaching.

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