Religion and Freedom of Expression in the European Context

Published date01 January 2020
Date01 January 2020
Religion and Freedom of Expression in
the European Context
Introdu ction
Recent incidents and reactions to them in Fra nce1 have yet again raised
the recurring issue of consoli dating faith with the proclaimed ideal o f the
right to ex pression. Muslim presence in the Wester n societie s and their
associati on with their religious and cultu ral roots are being seen as the
signs o f Muslims ta king ov er the Weste rn tra ditions on the one hand, and
as Is lamopho bia on the other. A r ather wider concern is th at the social
behaviors like discriminatio n, racism and hate speech are cr eating the
feeling of identit y cr isis and lack of fre edom. This trend is repla cing the
hard ea rned values o f liberty, equality and fraternity that are promoted
and gua ranteed by national and international statute s and d emonstrat ed
through the values of glob alization.
In this backdrop, the jud gmen t o f the European C ourt of Human
Rights (ECHR) carries impo rtant guidelines for draw ing a balance
between the right to free dom of speech and freedom of religiou s beliefs
in the particular context of th e European nations. The ju dgeme nt that
settled a dispute regarding cert ain com ments that we re clearly
disparag ing religio us beliefs and sentim ents of Muslims, an alyzes the
domes tic and EU laws as well as relev ant internationa l law provisions to
offer importa nt tak eaways for the m asses and the polic ymakers alike.
The aim o f the ECHR is the 'prote ction of human rights and
fundam ental freedom s of EU citiz ens.' Th e cour t's judg ments are usually
subsidi ary to domes tic laws o f Eu ropean countries. According to Artic le
50, the cou rt's jud gmen ts are classifie d as bindin g, final and not subject
to appeal to any a uthority. Likewise, the implementation is bind ing on all
states ' organs inc luding Judiciary , Executive and Legislature. The Article
53 o f the ECHR cont emplate s that EU sta tes cann ot s uspend the
implemen tation o f the decision o f the court due to dom estic legal
compulsi ons. Therefo re, the mem ber st ates would imp lement the
judgm ent immediately. This ju dgme nt of the ECHR is being reproduce d
in this issue of P olicy Persp ect ives in this particular contex t with the
discla imer that Editors do not agre e with certai n expres sions that might
be disturbin g fo r certain audience.
This cas e was brou ght before the ECHR on Jun e 6, 2012, when an
Austrian n ational had lodged an applicat ion a gainst th e Rep ublic o f
Po licy Persp ectiv es Volume 17 Is sue 2
Austria in the ECHR under Artic le 34 of the Co nvention for the Prote ction
of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedo ms ("the Conve ntion ").2 The
applican t, who was gr anted anonym ity und er the Rules of the Court, had
contende d that her criminal convictio n by the Vienna Regional Criminal
Court, the Vienna Court o f Appeal and the Suprem e Court in Aus tria for
disparag ing religious doct rines had violate d her right to freedom of
expressio n under A rticle 10 of the C onvention. The E CHR (Fifth Section)
delivered and adopted the followin g judg ment on Oc tober 2, 2018.
Subst antial part of this judg ment is being reproduced below. Texts of
non-Englis h European langua ges have been rem oved for the sake of
brevity and a few footno tes have been added to make the text more
reader-frien dly.
(Applic ation no. 3 8450/12)
STRAS BOURG 25 Octob er 2018
6. The applica nt was born in 1971 and lives in Vienna.
7. From Janu ary 2008 she held sev eral seminars entit led " Basic
Informat ion on Islam " at the right-win g Freedom Party Education
Institute. The se minars were ope n not onl y to the me mbers of the
Freedom Party or invited guests, but were also publicly advertise d on its
website. In additio n, the head of the Fre edom Party, H .-C.S., had
distribute d a leaflet specif ically aimed at young voters, a dvertising them
as "t op semin ars" in t he framew ork of a "free education package". The
applica nt had not been involved in the selection o f particip ants.
8. Two o f the semin ars we re held on 15 Octob er and 12 Nove mber 2009,
with around thirty participant s at each. One o f the particip ants was an
underc over jour nalist working fo r a we ekly jour nal, N.
9. At the journal's request, a prelimin ary investig ation was instituted
agains t the applicant, and on 11 February 2010 she was questio ned by
the police co ncerning c ertain state ments she had made during the
seminars , whic h had been directed ag ainst t he doc trines of Islam.
10. On 12 Augus t 2010 the Vienna Public Prose cutor's Office brough t
charges against the applic ant fo r inciting hatred, pursuan t to Ar ticle 283

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