Objects, application and definitions

A. General
1. Objects, application and definitions
1.1. Objects
1.1.1. The objects of this code are:
(a) to prevent the risk of exposure to asbestos dust at work;
(b) to prevent harmful effects on the health of workers arising from exposure to
asbestos dust;
(c) to provide reasonably practicable control procedures and practices for minimising
occupational exposure to asbestos dust.
Possible health consequences of exposure to asbestos dust
1.1.2. There are three main health consequences associated with exposure to
airborne asbestos:
(a) asbestosis: fibrosis (thickening and scarring) of the lung tissue;
(b) lung cancer: cancer of the bronchial tubes;
(c) mesothelioma: cancer of the pleura or peritoneum.
In asbestos workers, other consequences of asbestos exposure can be the development of
diffuse pleural thickening and circumscribed pleural plaques which may become
calcified. These are regarded as no more than evidence of exposure to asbestos dust.
Other types of cancer (e.g. of the gastrointestinal tract) have been attributed to asbestos
exposure though the evidence at present is inconclusive.
1.2. Application
1.2.1. This code applies to any situation or operation involving a risk of
occupational exposure to airborne asbestos dust including:
(a) mining and milling asbestos;
(b) manufacture of materials or products containing asbestos;
(c) use or application of asbestos-containing products;
(d) stripping, repair or maintenance of products containing asbestos;
(e) demolition of plant or structures containing asbestos materials;
(f) transportation, storage and handling of asbestos or asbestos-containing materials;
(g) other operations involving a risk of exposure to airborne asbestos dust.
1.2.2. The provisions of this code should be considered as the basic
requirements for protecting workers' health. Competent authorities are encouraged to
adopt additional protective measures, based on their experience, and are also encouraged
to decide when these should come into effect.

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