OANTA, G.A. (coord.), El Derecho del mar y las personas y grupos vulnerables, Bosch Editor, Barcelona, 2018

AuthorAnnina Cristina Bürgin
PositionUniversidade de Vigo
Journal of International Law and International Relations
Num 7, janvier-décembre 2019 | ISSN 2341-0868
DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.25267/Paix_secur_int.2019.i7.16
Paix et Securité Internationales
ISSN 2341-0868, Num. 7, janvier-décembre 2019, pp. 399-403
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.25267/Paix_secur_int.2019.i7.16
OANTA, G.A. (coord.), El Derecho del Mar y las personas y grupos vulnerables,
JM Bosch Editor, Vallirana, 2018, 426 pages.
The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) is
undoubtedly the cornerstone of the Law of the Sea; however the interna-
tional set of rules related to the oceans and seas has increased signif‌i cantly
addressing specif‌i c issues that are not regulated by UNCLOS. The evolution
of the international legal marine and maritime framework also includes that
more attention has been paid to new actors such as human beings by regula-
ting both rights and obligations of people at sea sensu lato. While UNCLOS’s
focus lies on States and establishes their competencies and responsibilities in
the different maritime zones, a set of rules from different f‌i elds of law has
emerged dealing with situations of individuals in a maritime context that are
not specif‌i cally covered by UNCLOS. While there are regulations related to
human activities at sea in a broader sense, attention also has been drawn to
people and communities who are in a vulnerable situation within a maritime
context, i.e. people facing obstacles that result in human rights violations.
This collective work addresses exactly these kinds of situations analyzing the
legal framework and/or the lack of existing rules protecting people and com-
munities in specif‌i c maritime contexts.
This book is coordinated by Prof. Dr. Gabriela A. Oanta (Profesora Ti-
tular at the University of Coruña) and contains works from eleven academics
from Public international law and Labour Law departments from Spanish
and French universities as well as professionals, and is the result of the papers
presented at the conference “El Derecho del mar y las personas y grupos
vulnerables” on 24 May 2018, which was organized in the framework of the
Jean Monnet Module “Política Marítima Integrada de la Unión Europea”
(574770-EPP-1-2016-1-ES-EPPJMO-MODULE) and co-f‌i nanced by the
Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union. The main purpose of this
collective work is twofold and thus to ref‌l ect, f‌i rst, on the variety of situations
Citation: BÜRGIN, A. C., «OANTA, G.A. (coord.), El Derecho del Mar y las personas y grupos vu lnerables, JM
Bosch Editor, Vallirana, 2018, 426 pages», Paix et Sécurité Internationales, num. 7, 2019, pp. 399-403
Received: 26 July 2019
Accepted: 08 September 2019

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