Reporting, recording and notification of work-related injuries and diseases, ill health and incidents

5. Reporting, recording and notification
of work-related injuries and diseases,
ill health and incidents
5.1. General provisions
5.1.1. In the establishment, review and application of
systems for the reporting, recording and notification of work-
related injuries and diseases, ill health and incidents (see
Glossary for the assigned meanings), the competent author-
ity should take account of the Employment Injury Benefits
Convention, 1964 (No. 121), and its Schedule I, as amended
in 1980, the ILO Protocol of 2002 to the Occupational Safety
and Health Convention, 1981 (No. 155), the List of Occupa-
tional Diseases Recommendation, 2002 (No. 194), and the
ILO code of practice Recording and notification of occupa-
tional accidents and diseases.
Reporting, recording and notifiction of work-related injuries
5.1.2. Reporting, recording, notification and investiga-
tion of work-related injuries and diseases, ill health and inci-
dents are essential for reactive monitoring and should be un-
dertaken to:
(a) provide reliable information about occupational acci-
dents and diseases at facility and national level;
(b) identify major safety and health problems arising from
shipbreaking activities;
(c) define priorities of action;
(d) evolve effective methods for dealing with occupational
accidents and diseases;
(e) monitor the effectiveness of measures taken to secure
satisfactory levels of safety and health.

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