Occupational safety and health management

4. Occupational safety and health management
4.1. Introduction
4.1.1. The process of improving working conditions at a
shipbreaking facility must be approached systematically in
order to bring these up to reasonable standards. With a view
to achieving acceptable environmentally sound conditions of
occupational safety and health, it is necessary to invest in per-
manent structures for their continuous review, planning, im-
plementation, evaluation and action. This should be done
through the implementation of OSH management systems.
The systems should be specific to the facilities and appropri-
ate to their size and the nature of activities. Their design and
application at national and facility levels should be guided
by the ILO Guidelines on occupational safety and health
management systems, ILO-OSH 2001. Further information is
given in Annex III.
Occupational safety and health management
4.1.2. Typically, an OSH management system should
contain the following main elements:
(a) OSH policy;
(b) necessary conditions for the executing organization, i.e.
establishment of responsibility and accountability, com-
petence and training, documentation, communication
and information;
(c) hazard and risk assessment, planning and implementa-
tion of OSH activities;
(d) evaluation of OSH performance and action for improve-

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