New Trends of International Tax Evasion - International Legal Regulations and Modern Combating Methods

AuthorBogdan-Florian Amzuica, Roxana-Adriana Mititelu
ProfessionBucharest University of Economic Studies, Romania/Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Romania
New Trends of International Tax Evasion - International Legal
Regulations and Modern Combating Methods
PhD. student Bogdan-Florian AMZUICĂ
PhD. student Roxana-Adriana MITITELU
Within the contemporary market economy a nd the generalization of open type
economies, interdependent international economic relations have emerged based on an
open system of both economic and financial exchanges. They have contributed to the
emergence of new business relationships based on the international exchange of
outcrying type that did not involve, due to the dynamism as well as of the new economies
of the type of digital economies, and a quick adaptation of the customa ry normative
framework and of the legal framework to the new context. The o bjectives of this article
are represented by the identification of these new economic-social relations as well as of
the corresponding legal and normative framework and of the forms of circumvention of
the resulting taxation principles. The research meth ods used were qualitative methods
respectively descriptive methods as well as quantitative methods respectively indices and
aggregate economic indicators and econometric relations o f regressive and correlative
type. The results of the article aimed to identify new modern and self-contained meth ods
of combating international tax evasion, respectively the exchange of information and the
adequacy of the legal normative framework to the new economic realities. The
implications are complex and represent the identification of some methods of p reventing
unfair competition and of not distorting the mechanism of the international competition
market with implications on national budgets.
Keywords: international tax evasion, tax avoidance methods, money laundering,
offshore jurisdictions, cryptcurrencies.
JEL Classification: K14, K33, K34
1. Introduction
In the last period and here we are talking about the post-crisis period of
the crisis of 2008, it was accredited the idea that international economic
interdependence led to the development and propagation of some mechanisms of
transmission of the feedback of the economic-financial flows in the national
systems and that the mechanisms of self-regulation nationals cannot cope with
the resulting new dimensions.
As a result of the crisis, there have been several situations in which
Bogdan-Florian Amzuică – Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Romania, bogdanamzuica
Roxana-Adriana Mititelu - Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Romania, roxanamititelu
Dynamic Elements in the Contemporary Business Law 181
commercial economic entities have tried to hide the taxable sources of economic
activity within offshore jurisdictions.
Hiding the real beneficiary of the profits for various reasons: the real
beneficiary cannot have the legal status of associate and administrator in an
economic entity or there are prohibitions regarding the assets he can own
(measures for the confiscation of wealth, member of an organization criminal etc)
The profits obtained in another jurisdiction, the beneficiary does not want
to tax them in the national jurisdiction in order to circumvent the higher taxes and
to protect their own interests and accumulated assets. In particular, the countries
that undergo marked social and economic transformation processes, including
Romania, are facing multiple problems of fraud, organized crime and corruption,
which reach an alarming level. Fiscal evasion, speculative acts with legal
temptation and deception, money laundering operations become more socially
dangerous, fueled by the economic difficulties of the crisis of 2008, the lack of
procedural and legislative coherence or weakening of the coercive mechanisms
of governments, unable to provide the appropriate legal framework for a stable
society. The Romanian society for the last three decades has been characterized
by a major deficiency in the application of the rules of a coherent economy, but
also in a reversal of the value system, by which rudimentary capitalism has
determined the polarization of wealth. All these aspects have led to an escalation
of deviant behavior, as a "normal" phenomenon of adaptation to the state of
anomaly, within the meaning of the concept promoted by Durkheim
or as an
"innovative" behavior
2. Trends in international tax evasion
The international tax evasion aims to hide the tax base or to reduce it in
tax-favorable areas as well as transferring the funds anonymously in order to
protect them from the authorities in onshore or national areas. Thus, in order to
achieve this goal, tax subjects use certain legal or financial vehicles to conceal
the origin and purpose of the original transactions.
It is noteworthy in the last period the use of modern vehicles regarding
the international tax evasion which can be classified as follows:
1. Modern legal structures
2. Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies
Emile Durkheim, Diviziunea muncii sociale, Ed Antet, Bucharest, 2008, p. 32.
Robert K. Merton, The Unanticipated Consequence of Purposive Social Action, „American
Sociological Review”, 1(6), 1936, p. 894-904.

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