Drawing to the Criminal Liability of the Legal Person

AuthorPetrut Ciobanu
ProfessionFaculty of Law, University of Bucharest, Romania
Drawing to the Criminal Liability of the Legal Person
Associate professor Petruț CIOBANU
Legal entities, other than those excepted, are criminally liable whether they are
public or private. The guilt of the legal person refers to the organs and its organization,
so that establishing the guilt of the natural persons who make u p the bodies of the legal
person is equivalent to esta blishing the guilt of the legal person concerned. The judicial
bodies must establish the rules and practices existing in the organization and functioning
of the respective legal person, and if it turns out that the bodies of the legal person have
decided, have known or have not prevented, based on the levers available, the commission
of crimes, the liability can be committed criminal of the legal person, if the form of guilt
required by law for the examined crime is fulfilled.
Keywords: criminal liability, legal person, criminal offense, criminal law.
JEL Classification: K14
1. Introductory considerations
The procedure regarding the taking to criminal liability of the legal per-
son is regulated in the Code of criminal procedure, the special part, special pro-
cedures, title IV, chapter II, art. 489-503.
We appreciate the fact that a series of articles in Title IV, Chapter II do
not represent the special provisions, but demonstrate that certain institutions are
applicable to legal entities as well.
Thus, according to the provisions of art. 489 paragraph 1 of the Code of
Criminal Procedure entitled "General provisions", "the provisions of the code ap-
ply to legal persons who commit crimes, in carrying out the object of activity, in
the interest or on behalf of the legal person".
We consider this statement to be superfluous or unnecessary, because ac-
cording to the criminal law, these are the conditions under which the liability of
the legal person can be incurred.
2. Drawing to the criminal liability of the legal person
By Decision no. 21/2016
pronounced by the Completion for the unrav-
eling of some questions of law in criminal matters within the High Court of Cas-
sation and Justice regarding the interpretation of the provisions of art. 90 letter c)
Petruț Ciobanu - Faculty of Law, University of Bucharest, Romania, petrut.ciobanu@
Published in the Official Gazette no. 884 of November 04, 2016.

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