A FRAND Regime for Dominant Digital Platforms

AuthorMathew Heim - Igor Nikolic
PositionMathew Heim, Tanfield Chambers, is also Senior Adviser to 4iP Council. Dr. - Igor Nikolic is Assistant Professor at Tilburg University. This paper was drafted with the support of 4iP Council and expands on a scoping paper submitted to the European Commission on Sept. 29th, 2018 by 4iP Council entitled A FRAND regime for dominant digital...
Mathew Heim and Igor Nikolic
A FRAND Regime for Dominant
Digital Platforms
by Mathew Heim and Igor Nikolic*
© 2019 Mathew Heim and Igor Nikolic
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Recommended citation: Mathe w Heim and Igor Nikolic, A FRAND Regime fo r Dominant Digital Platf orms, 10 (2019) JIPITEC
38 para 1.
innovate. The paper shows that, beyond the applica-
tion of FRAND in the competition law context, the Eu-
ropean Union institutions have consistently used the
FRAND regime to ensure access to critical infrastruc-
ture or inputs. The FRAND regime has been applied
in EU legislation such as standardisation, chemicals,
electronic communications framework, public sector
information, research framework, vehicles emissions,
payment services, credit rating agencies and bench-
mark regulations. It has proved itself to be a flexible
and pragmatic tool, able to apply to different market
dynamics and bottlenecks. Drawing out the common
elements of this European FRAND access regime, the
paper considers how it could be applied as a regula-
tory solution for dominant digital platforms.
Abstract: Dominant digital platforms are un-
der increased scrutiny by regulators around the world,
notably competition authorities. Much of the discus-
sion focuses on market access and contestability.
However, many doubt whether traditional competi-
tion law enforcement can, by itself, be an adequate
solution to the challenges posed by dominant digi-
tal platforms. Instead, a broader regulatory solution
could be devised to ensure effective competition and
to provide access to critical platforms or access to
data. On the premises that regulation is warranted,
this paper considers whether a Fair, Reasonable and
Non-Discriminatory (FRAND) access regime could
be a solution to ensure effective competition, while
maintaining the incentives of dominant platforms to
A. Introduction
1 The European Commission is considering what role
competition policy may play in addressing concerns
linked to the market power of digital platforms.1 The
question is apposite, given that digital platforms
* Mathew Heim, Taneld Chambers, is also Senior Adviser to
4iP Council. Dr. Igor Nikolic is Assistant Professor at Tilburg
University. This paper was drafted with the support of 4iP
Council and expands on a scoping paper submitted to the
European Commission on Sept. 29th, 2018 by 4iP Council
entitled A FRAND regime for dominant digital platforms?
Contribution by 4iP Council to the European Commission’s
workshop on Shaping Competition Policy in the Era of Digitisation.
The opinions expressed in this paper are those of the
authors and do not necessarily represent the opinions of
4iPCouncil nor its members.
1 See .
can grow – and have grown – to signicant scale
and their market position, exacerbated by network
effects, may soon appear unassailable. The impact
of dominant digital platforms can also be felt on
adjacent and downstream markets, whether as a
result of multi-sided markets or possible leveraging.
Yet applying traditional competition law doctrines
to evolving technology markets raises a host of
challenges for regulators.
2 In addition to more “classic” competition concerns,
new issues, not traditionally within the competition
policy space, are increasingly being voiced. These
issues include the following: the importance of data
as the fuel of the new economy; privacy and data
protection; media plurality; and democratic health
or the like.
Keywords: Access; competition law; data sharing; digital platforms; digital single market; FRAND; interoperability
A FRAND Regime for Dominant Digital Platforms
3 At the same time, the European Commission is also
considering how to build a strong European policy
that would leverage the data economy, articial
intelligence, the internet of things, blockchain and
other key enabling elements to Europe’s digital
in which competition enforcement may play
a secondary role.3 Classic competition enforcement
is therefore but one of the tools available to
policymakers in addressing some of the issues raised
by dominant digital platforms.
This paper explores how European policy and
legislation has addressed issues of access to critical
goods or services in the past, in order to provide
inspiration to the ongoing debate.
B. Summary
This paper reviews some of the practices of the
European Union (EU) institutions when seeking to
ensure access to critical infrastructure or inputs,
whether through enforcement or regulation, and
which can serve as inspiration to the European
Commission in considering how to address dominant
digital platforms. We focus on one particular access
regime, that can be set up either ex ante or applied
as an ex post remedial solution in order to enable
fair-trading conditions between digital platforms
and users. Ensuring trading between a dominant
digital platform and others on Fair, Reasonable and
Non-Discriminatory (FRAND) basis might be a very
useful option, given that FRAND is a commonplace,
exible and proven mechanism that is relied on in
both commercial agreements and regulation.
This paper starts from the position that dominant
digital platforms will likely face regulation in one
form or another.
The aim of the paper is to show
2 See European Commission, Building a European Data Economy
(Communication) COM (2017) 9 nal; European Commission,
Towards a common European data space (Communication)
COM (2018) 232 nal; European Commission, Proposal for
a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on
promoting fairness and transparency for business users of online
intermediation services (Communication) COM (2018) 238
nal 2018/0112 (COD); European Commission, Articial
Intelligence for Europe (Communication) COM(2018) 237
nal. See also Begona Otero, Evaluating the EC Private Data
Sharing Principles: Setting a Mantra for Articial Intelligence
Nirvana?, 4iP Council, December 2018. Available at: <https://
3 For example, in its Proposal for an online intermediation services
Regulation the European Commission acknowledges a lacuna
in addressing “unilateral potentially harmful trading
practices” by digital platforms that are not necessarily
competition law infringements and which European
competition law may therefore not address.
4 As Cremer put it, “Given their societal importance, there
will be strong regulations of platforms”. See Jacques
that, on that assumption, the FRAND access regime
has shown itself to be a exible tool for managing
platforms and could be applied as a safe harbour or
a regulatory solution to dominant digital platforms.
7 The paper is structured as follows. We rst review
competition law issues surrounding the conduct
of dominant digital platforms. Second, we look
at the applicability of FRAND access principles in
relevant competition cases. We then review the
FRAND access concept applied in some key EU
legislation governing standardisation; chemicals;
electronic communications framework; public
sector information; research framework; vehicles
emissions, payment services; credit rating agencies
and benchmark regulations. This is not a forensic
review of European FRAND-based legislation but
seeks instead to capture the principal examples
thereof. Finally, we summarise some of the essential
elements of the European FRAND regime before
C. Issues surrounding the
application of competition law
in regulating the conduct of
dominant digital platforms
How to assess the effects of dominant digital
platforms on competition and what, if anything,
should be done is subject to an ongoing debate in the
literature and policy circles.
The fundamental issue
is that dominant digital platforms effectively create
an ecosystem lock-in. This may be either because
competition is often “for” the market not “on” the
market, or because the platform functions as de
facto gatekeeper to an ecosystem, pulling in service
or content suppliers, intermediaries, customers or
Cremer presentation at ICLE/University of Leeds
Annual Competition Law Conference 25 October 2018,
Washington DC.
5 For example, the US Federal Trade Commission is currently
looking at “the identication and measurement of market
power and entry barriers, and the evaluation of collusive,
exclusionary, or predatory conduct or conduct that violates
the consumer protection statutes enforced by the FTC, in
markets featuring “platform” businesses.” See
21st>. See also the inquiry by the Australian Competition
and Consumer Commission into the market power of digital
platforms e.g. <https://www.accc.gov.au/focus-areas/
inquiries/digital-platforms-inquiry>. See also Khan, Lina,
Amazon’s Antitrust Paradox (January 31, 2017). Yale Law
Journal, Vol. 126, 2017.
6 See US Senator Mark Werner’s observation regard: “certain
technologies serve as critical, enabling inputs to wider
technology ecosystems, such that control over them can be
leveraged by a dominant provider to extract unfair terms
Mathew Heim and Igor Nikolic
Where the platform’s role is central to the ecosystem
and certain players are locked-in, the market
position of a platform may be practically impossible
to challenge. Nevertheless the question remains
whether new players or new ecosystems can create
effective competitive constraints on the platform
or whether some competitive pressure needs to be
maintained through regulation, in order to ensure
that actors within the ecosystem have access to
critical elements of the platform, especially to enable
continued competition in secondary or associated
Regulators around the world face a challenge to
create a satisfactory framework to ensure fair
access of consumers and users to digital platforms
supporting an environment for innovation and
competition in dynamic markets. After many
years of exploration, including some enforcement
decisions, there is no consensus on some critical
issues, ranging from simple taxonomy, to the more
complex issue of market denition; tipping points
that connote-market power; the extent dominant
platforms can distort competition; the welfare
costs of intervention; or the difculty of designing
effective ex post remedies.7 Enforcers continue to face
difculties in tting classic competition analysis to
this paradigm, yet as noted by Coyle “… without a
greater degree of consensus about how to analyze
competition in digital platform markets, including
methodologies for empirical assessment, it will be
impossible for the relevant authorities or courts to
do anything other than feel their way along on a
case by case basis”.8
Is the existing competition assessment toolkit
sufcient to catch abusive “dominant” digital
platforms or does it need to be expanded? Tirole
notes “With rapidly changing technologies and
globalization, traditional regulatory tools have
become less effective, causing competition policy
to lag” and “Policymakers and regulators around the
world must face the fact that the reasoning behind
traditional competition measures is no longer valid”.9
from, or otherwise disadvantage, third parties”. See White
Paper, Potential Policy Proposals for Regulation of Social Media
Technology Firms (2018) available at: <https://regmedia.
7 See Melamed, Doug and Petit, Nicolas, The Misguided
Assault on the Consumer Welfare Standard in the Age of Platform
Markets (October 30, 2018) Available at SSRN: <https://ssrn.
com/abstract=3248140> or <http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/
ssrn.3248140> (reviewing the debate).
8 See Diane Coyle, Practical competition policy implications
of digital platforms, Bennett Institute for Public Policy
working paper no: 01/2018, March 2018. At
9 See Jean Tirole, Regulating the disrupters, Livemint, 1
January 2019 at
Coyle suggests that rather than focusing on prices
and consumer switching behaviour or traditional
market denition, antitrust authorities should
favour a wider assessment of the platform’s market
ecosystem, focusing “on the scope for disruptive
technological innovation and the dynamic consumer
benets of investment”.10 Yet others question calls
for a broadening of the consumer welfare standard.
As Melamed & Petit note: “Unless critics intend
to make antitrust law a general tool for attacking
all sorts of inequalities in size, power and wealth
unrelated to market competition, they will not be
able to improve antitrust law by abandoning the
[consumer welfare] standard in platform markets
in particular and across industries in general.”11 To
borrow a phrase from Fox, this debate is nothing
less than a battle for the soul of competition law.12
Another aspect is whether the competition law
system is able to play a part in addressing societal
concerns created by supra-dominant platforms
which, through their sheer size, have such a seismic
impact on whole economies and even democracies.
Should the “bigness” of the handful of “mega”
platforms even be a concern of competition law?
Should the standard of consumer welfare be
expanded beyond the “classic” consumer to capture,
for example, the individual as a data subject, as an
employee or even a voter? Should data (or subset
thereof) be considered an essential input, or should
some dominant platforms be considered an essential
If current competition law approaches contain
inadequacies in addressing problems associated
with dominant digital platforms, some suggest that
legislation could be used to dene new thresholds
(e.g. user base, size, lock in) above which “certain
core functions/platforms/apps would constitute
‘essential facilities’, requiring a platform to provide
third party access on fair, reasonable and non-
discriminatory (FRAND) terms and preventing
platforms from engaging in self-dealing or
preferential conduct”.
In addition, legislation or
regulation could ensure access to critical technology
by requiring that dominant platforms maintain
10 Coyle (2018), p 12. See footnote 9. See also Bamberger,
Kenneth A. and Lobel, Orly, Platform Market Power (November
20, 2017). 32 Berkeley Technology Law Journal 1051 (2017);
San Diego Legal Studies Paper No. 17-311; UC Berkeley
Public Law Research Paper. Available at SSRN: <https://
11 Melamed & Petit (2018), p 42. See footnote 7.
12 Eleanor M. Fox, The Battle for the Soul of Antitrust, 75 Calif. L.
Rev. 917 (1987).
13 Senator Mark Werner, White Paper, Potential Policy Proposals
for Regulation of Social Media Technology Firms (2018). See
Footnote 7.
A FRAND Regime for Dominant Digital Platforms
Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) for third
party access, thus achieving interoperability, under
FRAND terms. However, even some who argue that
the consumer welfare standard should be broaden
acknowledge that competition law should not be
used to make every successful platform a utility.14
14 It should be unnecessary to consider the “essential
facilities” doctrines broadly. In elaborating coherent
rules for emerging platforms that may reach a
tipping point (and be conferred with the special
responsibility that comes with market power), ex
ante “remedies” can be devised to ensure that lock
in does not occur. The issue only really arises when
considering what should be done with existing
“mega-platforms” and whether, after recognising a
problem, a remedy can be fashioned that addresses
various tensions of proportionality, effectiveness, as
well as practicality, that are rooted in commercial
This paper therefore explores existing practices
relating to FRAND access in European law and
policy as a possible practical framework to address
situations where digital platforms are either found
to be dominant or where platforms may wish, ex
ante, to adopt a reasonable and pragmatic solution,
in order to avoid allegations of market power or its
abuse - and therefore forestall regulatory scrutiny.
The next sections will describe and analyse the
applicability of FRAND access framework in EU
competition law and legislation.
D. FRAND in the Context of
Competition Law & Policy
I. Competition Policy and FRAND
The concept of “fair, reasonable and non-
discriminatory” access is increasingly used by
competition authorities as a “good faith” notion,
applied as a competition law remedy to ensure
the supply of a particular product or the access to
specic infrastructure.
In particular, FRAND access
14 Tim Wu, Taking Innovation Seriously: Antitrust Enforcement if
Innovation Mattered Most, (2012), Antitrust Law Journal No. 2.
15 For instance, in the context of the Microsoft case the
European Commission determined that Microsoft’s
operating system APIs was an essential input that Microsoft
could not abusively refuse to license and required a FRAND-
based access remedy. See also Case T-201/04, Microsoft v.
Commission, 2007 E.C.R. II-3601, para 193. See also paras.
808 et seq. and para. 1231 and 1261. Petit notes that “…
the 2018 Google Android case is a repeat of the 2004
Microsoft case, suggesting consistent support to the idea
of keeping technology platforms open”. See Petit, Nicolas,
Competition Cases Involving Platforms: Lessons from
remedies in competition cases have been used in
both abuse of dominance and merger review cases
and across a range of sectors.
From a theoretical perspective, it could be argued that
Article 102 TFEU already embraces a FRAND-based
notion; it eschews excessive prices16 while promoting
access and non-discrimination obligations,17 as
required under the “special responsibility” of
dominant rms.18 FRAND-based access remedies
have been used in Article 102 TFEU compulsory
licensing cases,19 yet this does not mean that a
compulsory licensing remedy should be broadly
imposed on dominant digital platforms (unless
exceptional circumstances can be established). We
will see that European competition law already has
some experience in applying FRAND-based access
remedies, where the European Commission has
sought to ensure market access but did not want to
engage in setting precise prices or terms.20
Europe (October 17, 2018). Available at SSRN: <https://ssrn.
com/abstract=3285277>), p.5.
16 A non-FRAND rate under the terms of contract law or as
a regulatory solution cannot be automatically equated
to exploitative abuse under competition law, which is of
a higher threshold. See for example Case M.7995 Deutsche
Borse/London Stock Exchange Group, para 106.
17 Article 102(c) TFEU. See also Melamed & Petit (2018). See
footnote 7.
18 On special responsibilities of dominant rms see Case
322/81 Nederlandsche Banden Industrie Michelin (Michelin I)
v Commission [1983] ECR 3461, paragraph 57; Case T-83/91
Tetra Pak v Commission (Tetra Pak II) [1993] ECR II-755,
paragraph 114; Case T-111/96 ITT Promedia v Commission
[1998] ECR II-2937, paragraph 139; Case T-228/97 Irish
Sugar v Commission [1999] ECR II-2969, paragraph 112; and
Case T-203/01 Michelin v Commission (Michelin II) [2003] ECR
II-4071, paragraph 97. CaseC-209/10 Post Danmark A/S v
Konkurrencerådet, EU:C:2012:172, paragraphs 21-23.
19 See e.g. Joined cases C-241/91 P and C-242/91 P, RTE & ITP v
Commission [1995] ECR I-743, Case 418/01, IMS Health v NDC
Health, [2004] ECR I-5039 and Case T-201/04, Microsoft Corp.
v Commission, [2007] ECR II-3601. See for example European
Commission decision of 21 December 1988 in case IV/31851
Magill TV Guide, para 27: “Accordingly the only remedy
possible in the present case is to require ITP, BBC and RTE
to supply each other and third parties on request and on
a non-discriminatory basis with their individual advance
weekly programme listings and to permit reproduction of
those listings by such parties .... If they choose to supply and
permit reproduction of the listings by means of licenses,
any royalties requested by ITP, BBC and RTE should be
20 FRAND competition remedies, like all regulatory measures,
should also satisfy the principle of proportionality (See for
example Case C-180/96 United Kingdom v Commission,
I2265, para 96). Given that the FRAND regime is based on
fairness and reasonableness, that it adopts commercial
practices and imposes obligations of good faith on all
parties, it is likely that the FRAND regime is limited to what
is needed to address concerns, is the least onerous measure,
and is proportionate to the aim envisaged. See also Cyril
Ritter, How Far Can the Commission Go When Imposing Remedies
for Antitrust Infringements?, Journal of European Competition
Law & Practice, 2016.
Mathew Heim and Igor Nikolic
There have now been a number of merger review
cases in Europe where parties have agreed to adopt
a FRAND-based behavioural remedy to ensure that
existing market players or new entrants are placed
in a position where they can effectively compete
with the merged company.21 The FRAND access
remedy has been qualied as an “appropriate
benchmark”22 in a merger review and applied by
different jurisdictions across diverse sectors, such
as medical equipment, television broadcasting,
music streaming licensing, payment processing, gas
networks, ight search, missile systems, technology
platforms and herbicides.
Lessons can therefore
be drawn from cases where FRAND-based remedies
have been accepted to address input foreclosure
concerns by ensuring access to critical “must
have” inputs (considered essential for third parties
to compete effectively with the merged entity),
including ensuring that customers are supplied on
the same or similar terms to the merged entity’s own
20 European competition authorities have specically
addressed the issue of ensuring interoperability
between device interfaces or communications
protocols, associated software and data management
systems. In Newscorp/Telepiù access to platform
APIs was ensured on FRAND terms, so far as was
necessary to allow downstream pay-TV providers
to develop interactive services compatible with
21 The European Commission is by no means alone in its
reliance on the FRAND principle in merger remedies.
Competition authorities around the world are increasingly
accepting FRAND-based remedies in a merger context
including the US Department of Justice review of Google/
ITA (2011), the US FTC review of Northrop Grumman/Orbital
(2018), the decision of the Competition Commission of India
and of MOFCOM of China in Bayer/Monsanto (2018), the
decision of the South African Competition Tribunal in Dow/
DuPont (2017) and the Japan FTC in ASML/Cymer (2012).
22 See Liberty Global/De Vijver Media, COMP/M.7194 (2015), para.
655. “…[T]he Commission considers that the reference
to ‘fair, reasonable and non-discriminatory terms’ is the
most appropriate benchmark to for the terms to which
various types of TV distributors will be entitled under the
commitments”. See also paras. 624-5, and 672.
23 See cases referred to in footnotes 22, 23, 25-27. See also
PRSfM/STIM/GEMA COMP/M.6800. where the joint venture
partners agreed that the joint venture would offer key
copyright administration services to other collecting
societies on FRAND terms, when compared to the terms
offered to the individual members of the joint venture. Also,
access to physical infrastructure have been assessed as an
essential input in: Hellenic Petroleum/British Petroleum
Hellas SA, HCC 465/VΙ /2009. The Hellenic Competition
Commission (HCC) imposed a FRAND commitment on
Hellenic Petroleum (ELPE) whereby ELPE would grant
access to third parties (wholesalers) to its storage facilities/
depots in Crete under FRAND terms. See also Contribution of
Greece to the Roundtable on Remedies in Merger Cases held by the
OECD’s Competition Committee (Working Party No.3 on Co-
operation and Enforcement), June 2011. DAF COMP(2013)11,
30 July 2012.
the decoders and software used by the combined
entity’s platform’s customers.24 In Siemens/
Drägerwerk, royalty free FRAND commitments were
given to ensure continued interoperability between
medical equipment platforms and hospital data
management systems, including making available
and maintaining all existing and future interfaces
and communications protocols.
In Worldline/Equens
the merging parties agreed to license on FRAND
terms to payment network service providers (NSPs)
within Germany key card and payment processing
software, as well as the source code for the Poseidon
software and the ZVT protocol, on which most
German point of sale terminals run.26
It is worth noting that in Worldline/Equens, additional
“anking” commitments were offered to ensure
that the FRAND remedy was effective. These
include effectively capping software maintenance
fees for 10 years; ensuring additional costs (e.g.
maintenance services were also under FRAND
terms); that NSPs’ access would be prioritised over
Worldline’s PaySquare in case of shortage; including
new modules and upgrades at no additional cost;
that NSPs would have access to Poseidon source
code for internal business use, in return for a one-
off price-regulated fee; to place governance of the
ZVT protocol with an external, independent not-
for-prot, entity that would represent all market
participants; that the Licensing Trustee would have
access to all of Worldline licenses, contracts, pricing
and invoicing conditions enabling it to effectively
review the commitments, and that NSPs could seek
more favourable terms if the Licensing Trustee
considered PaySquare had advantageous terms; and
set up a fast-track dispute resolution mechanism.
Finally, as a compliance tool, a material breach of
the remedies would result in NSPs having access to
the source code free of charge.27
22 The Newscorp/Telepiù remedy is also worth further
comment. During the Commission’s investigation,
third parties expressed concerns that the applicable
European regulatory framework, which required
those operators to offer access of digital television
services on a FRAND basis to all broadcasters,
not be sufcient to constrain likely foreclosure
by Newscorp in the Italian pay-TV market.29 The
24 Newscorp/Telepiù, COMP/M.2876 (2004).
25 Siemens/Drägerwerk, COMP/M.2861 (2013), para 154.
26 Worldline/Equens, COMP/M.7873 (2016). See also
27 See also Paul McGeown, EU Merger Control 2016: Behavioral
Remedies, No Longer Taboo, The Antitrust Report, LexisNexis,
May 2017.
28 Notably the implementation of then Directive 95/47/EC,
the Directive on Television Transmission Standards, and
Directive 2002/19/EC, the old ‘Access Directive’ (see Section
V.(f) below).
29 Newscorp/Telepiù, para 121 identifying specic concerns
A FRAND Regime for Dominant Digital Platforms
European Commission found that cooperation
with and by Newcorp or its subsidiary, NDS, was
critical to enter the Italian pay-TV market. Most
interestingly, the European Commission found30 that
given the technical difculties for pay-TV operators
both using a different CAS to NDS or implementing
Simulcrypt obligations within a short period of
time, it created a complete dependence on the
combined entity from the technological viewpoint.
Newscorp’s control of the technical platform would
give it the possibility and the incentive to set the
standard for the accepted level of “intra-platform”
competition. The European Commission therefore
imposed measures to effectively compel Newscorp
to comply with the existing FRAND rules found
within the legislative framework. In that context,
while a monitoring trustee was appointed to ensure
compliance with the remedies, disputes related to
the licensing terms fall to be adjudicated to the
Italian Communications Authority, the national
regulatory authority responsible for safeguarding
the implementation of the regulatory framework.
Newscorp/Telepiù therefore agreed to allow access
to the API so far as necessary to develop interactive
services compatible with the decoders used by the
Combined Platform’s customers.32
In sum, the FRAND regime has now been applied
by competition authorities in Europe (and indeed
further aeld) to ensure access to products and
services across a range of sectors. FRAND access
commitments have proved particularly useful and
are the least intrusive remedies, where there is
no adequate regulatory framework in place that
addresses underlying competitive concerns.33
Competition law can therefore continue to
ensure intra- and inter-platform competition by
promoting access to critical inputs using a tried-and-
tested regime that ensures a balance of interests,
regarding technical services for pay-TV, and in particular
conditional access systems being the likelihood that the
new entity grant access to the NDS technology for CAS to
potential new entrants under unfair terms and conditions;
and that the new entity obstruct the entry of alternative
pay-TV platforms with a different CAS system from that of
NDS, leading to a virtual monopoly, in view of the fact that
NDS would become the only CAS used in Italy.
30 Newscorp/Telepiù, para 140.
31 “A number of respondents in the market investigation
have gone as far as considering NDS technology as a sort
of ‘essential facility’ for the Italian pay-TV market”. See
Newscorp/Telepiù, para 124.
32 Newscorp/Telepiù Commitments, Part II, para 11.5.
33 FRAND remedies also address regulatory efciency
concerns as they are also self-policing, as a FRAND regime
grants a clear cause of action before the courts to third
parties harmed by exclusion or non-FRAND terms, as well
as possible ex post regulatory actions under Article 102
(and what that would imply for remedies for ndings of
guaranteeing equality of arms in negotiations,
minimising impact of regulatory intervention,
and basing remedies on existing sector practices.
Indeed, in setting out some lessons to be drawn
from European competition cases involving
platforms, Petit observes that while EU technology
policy is premised on ex ante regulation, antitrust
enforcement appears to effectively act as a “fact
nding exercise or as a regulatory kick starter
seconded by regulatory propositions, notably as
relates to online platform regulation.”34
Competition law policy is an important complement
to broader European policy measures, but
competition policy should not be primarily driven
through cases: such an approach has signicant
aws. First, imposing FRAND access as a merger
remedy is opportunistic and dependent upon
having a notiable merger to begin with. If there is
no relevant merger review where a FRAND access
regime can be considered, alternative instruments
should be considered to provide guidance to
undertakings. In any event, FRAND access remedies
would be merger-specic and could not necessarily
be applied as a universal solution to dominant
digital platforms across similar markets. The same
can be said for other competition enforcement
measures. Second, in non-merger cases, substantive
competition law investigations are inherently
slow. They typically last for several years during
which market developments may often render any
remedy too late to address pressing competitive
concerns. In addition, enforcement cases are also
fact-specic and companies under investigation
should be condent that their case will not be
“hijacked” for policy-making purposes. Finally, if
cases end up in commitment decisions, any FRAND
access remedy may provide little precedential value
for other companies. Consequently, competition
law remedies should be complemented by broader
policy measures. There is therefore something to be
said for a more structured competition approach to
FRAND, especially given the jurisprudence already
developed by the European Commission.
Competition law and national competition
authorities may have a role to play in providing
more structural guidance to companies. As
Tirole notes, “rapidly changing technologies and
globalization, traditional regulatory tools have
become less effective, causing competition policy
to lag”, which requires more agile policies to be
developed including “soft law” instruments.35 From
a competition perspective, formal guidance could
well be useful where platforms risk creating silos
34 See Petit (2018). See footnote 15.
35 See Jean Tirole, Regulating the disrupters, Livemint, 1
January 2019, at <https://www.livemint.com/Technology/
Mathew Heim and Igor Nikolic
or proprietary ecosystems, locking out alternative
players. A good example relates to the connected
car, which will generate data of driver and passenger
behaviour and experiences, automotive diagnostics,
driving and road conditions that will feed into
services related to driving and linked services.
To what extent should the platforms controlling
the accessing of this data seek to avoid walled-
gardens or silos? While platforms should assess
the risk themselves, guidance from the European
Commission would be welcome if only to delineate
scope of action.36 There is sufcient jurisprudence
in European law for the European Commission to
provide guidelines on FRAND access regimes in
relation to dominant digital platforms. This would
not only help to ensure that binding access regimes
are adopted ex ante, but could provide guidance to
companies considering offering commitments to
address competition concerns under Article 9 of
Regulation 1/2003.
II. Competition Policy and
“Standardisation FRAND
Patents essential for practicing a technology
standard (Standard Essential Patents or SEPs) have
recently been in focus, regarding the applicability of
the EU’s competition law to access to these patents.
Technical standards can broadly be categorised as
collaborative, when they are developed within the
framework of Standard-Development Organisations
(SDO), or de facto, when they are developed outside
of any institutional framework of SDOs and achieve
broad market acceptance to effectively become a
standard on the market. Competition law in Europe
has taken a FRAND-based approach to essential
patents related to both collaborative and de facto
FRAND licensing commitments, in the context
of technical standards, are intended to ensure
widespread access to a standard for implementers
while, at the same time, providing adequate rewards
and incentives to technology developers. Although
FRAND commitments are voluntarily given by SEP
owners to SDOs, the European Commission views
that the existence of a FRAND policy will place the
SDOs, and their contributing members, within the
safe harbour of Article 101 TFEU.37 Complying with
36 See Wolfgang Kerber, Data Governance in Connected Cars:
The Problem of Access to In-Vehicle Data, 9 (2018) JIPITEC
310 para 1.
37 European Commission Guidelines on the applicability of Article
101 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union to
horizontal co-operation agreements, (Communication) OJ C11,
14 January 2011. See para 279. In addition, the European
Commission’s Technology Transfer Guidelines go somewhat
further, suggesting that FRAND commitments should be
the FRAND safe harbour means that there is, in
principle, no need to undertake the often-complex
task of assessing market power or dominance of SEP
29 A FRAND commitment may also have an important
impact on the availability of injunctive relief which,
if granted by a court, may deny the infringer access
to that standard. In the Huawei v ZTE,38 the Court
of Justice of the EU (CJEU) considered whether a
SEP owner found to be dominant had abused that
dominant position where it sought an injunction
for the infringement of its SEP, to which a FRAND
commitment had been made. The Court held, amongst
other things, that a competition law defence could be
raised by an infringer of an SEP against a request for
an injunction, where a dominant SEP holder had not
followed certain steps, including making a FRAND
offer.39 Following those steps creates a safe harbour
for the SEP holder when requesting an injunction.
However, the Court also set out certain steps that the
infringer has to follow if they were to be able to avail
themselves of such a defence. As a result, the Court
set out a negotiating process that, where followed,
should lead to a FRAND outcome. What Huawei v ZTE
shows is that, in the event of a dispute, where both
parties follow the steps required of them, access on
a FRAND-basis is ensured and third parties are not
unduly excluded on the basis of proprietary rights.
It also shows, at a high level, that the Court built its
decision around the FRAND commitment.
In the context of de facto standards, the German
Bundesgerichtshof permitted a competition law
defence to be raised where a patent infringer was not
able to get a FRAND-like licence to a patent in a de
facto standard, even where a FRAND commitment had
not been made expressly or required by regulation.
included in patent pools’ self-assessment, whether or not
these pools were licensing SEPs.
38 See Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd v ZTE Corp., ZTE
Deutschland GmbH, Case C170/13, 16 July 2015, available
at <http://curia.europa.eu/juris/document/document.
39 See Huawei v ZTE para 54 of the CJEU ruling: “It follows that,
having regard to the legitimate expectations created, the
abusive nature of such a refusal may, in principle, be raised
in defence to actions for a prohibitory injunction or for the
recall of products. However, under Article 102 TFEU, the
proprietor of the patent is obliged only to grant a licence on
FRAND terms.”
40 On the facts before it, the court claried that the compulsory
licence defence against the request for injunctive relief was
only possible when the alleged infringer has made an offer
to the patent proprietor that the patent proprietor could
not reject without being anticompetitive, and behaves as
if the patent proprietor had already accepted his offer. See
Orange Book Standard, KZR 39/06, (Bundesgerichtshof—
BGH, May 6, 2009).
A FRAND Regime for Dominant Digital Platforms
In conclusion, EU competition law promotes licensing
of SEPs on FRAND terms both by providing a safe
harbour under Article 101 TFEU to SDOs, which have
policies requiring FRAND commitments from their
members and by ensuring a balanced path, based
on good faith behaviour, to resolving SEP licensing
disputes that would result in a FRAND agreement.
E. European Legislation, Regulation,
Policies and FRAND
The notion of access on FRAND terms has also
been used by the European legislature well
beyond competition law. In pursuing public policy
objectives, FRAND-based access has been applied
across different sectors as a means of ensuring
that critical inputs are made available for market
participants. This creates a further useful source
of European authority for the contention that the
FRAND regimes is a suitable access remedy.
I. FRAND in the context of
Standardisation Regulation
As mentioned, FRAND is a widely used notion in
the context of licensing patents that are essential
to practicing a technology standard. The FRAND
commitment is voluntarily given by a technology
contributor to an SDO. At its highest level, the FRAND
commitment exists to ensure access to patented
essential technologies on terms that are fair and
reasonable for both licensor and licensee in order
to, rstly, guarantee the uptake of new technologies
and its wide diffusion, and secondly, encouraging
valuable technology contributions to be made to
standardisation efforts (thus encouraging further
incentives to innovate in future standardisation).41
The FRAND regime therefore seeks to balance
competing interests of different players and making
standardisation an attractive enterprise for all kinds
of business models. Depending on the jurisdiction,
a FRAND commitment is usually an enforceable
defence under contract law or other principles such
as quasi-contract, estoppel and in some instances
antitrust law.42
41 See the European Commission, Setting out the EU approach
to Standard Essential Patent (Communication), COM(2017)
712 nal, 29 November 2017. Moreover, SDOs typically
follow certain principles established by the World Trade
Organisation that ensure that an SDO is business neutral.
See more on the principles, such as openness, consensus
based, transparency, and impartiality at Fredrik Nilsson,
Appropriate base to determine a fair return on investment: A legal
and economic perspective on FRAND, GRUR Int. 2017, 1017.
42 National SEP litigation tends to focus mainly on non-
competition elements, see for example Huawei v. Unwired
Planet, [2017] EWHC711(Pat) and the Court of Appeal review
Standards are a typical example of the creation of an
innovation platform, done openly and transparently.
As Tsilikas noted: “Collaborative standardization
under the auspices of [SDOs] has, thus far, a
remarkable record of breakthrough technological
achievements, high-quality, cutting-edge standards,
vibrant follow-on innovation in the implementation
of standards and open, competitive upstream and
downstream markets. Standardization in wireless
telecommunications is driven by an inexorable
dynamic: more innovative standards, services and
products increase consumer demand and increased
consumer demand calls for more investment in
R&D, more innovation and better-performing
interoperability standards.”43
Core to that openness and transparency is the access
to essential technology through the FRAND regime.
The FRAND regime has empirically led to hugely
successful results, ensuring both broad access to
and wide dissemination of advanced technologies.44
36 What the precise rights and obligations are that the
FRAND regime creates depends on the intention of
the parties (usually set out in the SDO’s IPR policy) and
the specicities or usual practices of the particular
The exibility of the FRAND commitment
has led it to be broadly adopted by SDOs across
the board, notably the formal EU standardisation
of that decision [2018] EWCA Civ 2344 or the repository
of post-Huawei v ZTE national case law at
43 Tsilikas, Haris, Collaborative Standardization and Disruptive
Innovation: The Case of Wireless Telecommunication Standards
(May 17, 2016). Max Planck Institute for Innovation &
Competition Research Paper No. 16-06. Available at SSRN:
44 For example, between 2005 and 2013, the average mobile
subscriber cost per megabyte decreased 99 percent, mobile
network infrastructure costs were reduced by 95 percent,
and 4G networks were able to transfer data 12,000 times
faster than 2G networks. See Boston Consulting Group,
The Mobile Revolution, January 2015. According to GSMA
by 2025 5G networks are likely to cover one-third of the
world’s population. See more at <https://www.gsma.
45 There are international SDOs that do not use the exact
expression “FRAND” in their IPR policies yet achieve the
same result. SAE International, for example, is a US-based
organisation that, inter alia, develops voluntary consensus-
led standards covering aspects of design, construction,
performance, durability, and promotes for commercial
vehicle and automotive engineering. Within the context of
patents in SAE’s IPR policy, patents and patent applications
can be included provided that SAE receive either a general
disclaimer from the patent holder that they will not enforce
any of their IP against implementers or that they state that
“a license will be made available to all applicants without
compensation or under reasonable rates, with reasonable
terms and conditions that are demonstrably free of any
unfair discrimination.” See <https://www.sae.org/binaries/
Mathew Heim and Igor Nikolic
bodies, ETSI and CEN/CENELEC, as well as numerous
informal standards organisations.46 As a result, this
industry-led solution has been enshrined in the
European Standardisation Regulation,
and broadly
promoted in European standardisation policy,48 as
part of the regulatory framework around standards
development and dissemination.
37 Indeed, the European Commission’s recent FinTech
Action Plan notes that that “An EU-wide FinTech
market will not reach its full potential without
the development of open standards that increase
competition, enhance interoperability and simplify
the exchange of and access to data between market
players”.49 Implementing such interoperability can
be done through ad hoc interfaces, which raises
efciency and competition issues, or interoperability
standards for the whole market on the basis of the
principles within the European Standardisation
Regulation which, as noted above, seeks to ensure
effective access through FRAND terms.
38 As a nal note, the negotiation framework devised
by the CJEU in Huawei v ZTE could provide inspiration
for other non-SDO situations. In Huawei v ZTE the
CJEU required the holder of the essential input to
set out clearly what the input consisted of as well
as its price, where upon the customer, having all
the elements necessary to take a decision, has
to accept to negotiate and diligently agree to the
offer or make a reasonable counter offer.50 Such a
46 Tim Pohlman, Knut Blind, Landscaping Study on Standard
Essential Patents (2016) p. 36 (nding that 68% of all declared
SEPs are licensed under FRAND terms, while the remaining
32% do not specify licensing conditions); Justus Baron &
Daniel Spulber Technology Standards and Standard Setting
Organisations: Introduction to the Searle Center Database (2018)
27 Journal of Economics & Management Strategy 462 (studying
IPR policies of 37 SSO and nd that 32 SSOs allow for FRAND
licensing, with the remaining 5 SSOs require royalty-free
47 See the European Standardisation Regulation No 1025/2012,
25 October 2012, which seeks to create “an effective and
efcient standardisation system which provides a exible
and transparent platform for consensus building between all
participants” and requires that for technical specications
to fall under the Regulation they be covered by the FRAND
regime, reecting WTO norms.
48 See e.g. the European Commission, Intellectual Property
Rights and Standardization (COM(92) 445 nal), 27 October
1992; or the European Commission, Digitising European
Industry: Reaping the full benets of the Digital Single Market,
(Communication), COM(2016) 180 nal; or European
Commission, ICT Standardisation Priorities for the Digital
Single Market (Communication) COM(2016) 176 nal of 19
April 2016; or the European Commission, Setting out the
EU approach to Standard Essential Patents (Communication)
COM(2017) 712 nal, 29 November 2017.
49 European Commission, FinTech Action plan: For a more
competitive and innovative European nancial sector
(Communication), Brussels, 8.3.2018 COM(2018) 109 nal.
50 Claudia Tapia and Spyros Makris, Negotiating SEP licenses
in Europe after Huawei v ZTE: guidance from national
process is attractive as a policy solution, but it has
to be acknowledged that the system was devised
in the event of an inability by the parties to reach
agreement and on the basis that one party had
already committed to allow access to some of its
technologies on FRAND terms. It cannot be used as
a procedural straight jacket, as parties could well
reach agreement outside of such a process.51
II. The Regulation for the
Registration, Evaluation,
Authorisation and
Restriction of Chemicals
The Regulation for the Registration, Evaluation,
Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH)52
creates a FRAND-like access framework for sharing
previously submitted reports and data between
companies. In particular, it creates a framework
whereby the holder of this critical information
(entities that have previously registered particular
chemicals) and a potential registrant “make every
effort to ensure that the costs of sharing the
information are determined in a fair, transparent
and non-discriminatory way”.53 It is notable that
REACH echoes a central tenet in Huawei v ZTE, where
the European Court imposes obligations on both
licensor and potential licensee to seek agreement
in good faith. REACH also provides for rules on cost-
sharing (notably where there is no agreement found
between the parties), as well as a dispute resolution
mechanism, while respecting access to courts.
In considering data sharing requirements, Drexl
notes that REACH contains certain features “that
could be used as guidance for similar legislation in
other elds”. 54 These include: (i) the public interest
courts, Managing Intellectual Property, May 2018.
Available at <https://www.4ipcouncil.com/application/
51 In Unwired Planet v. Huawei, the Court of Appeal found that
We have come to the rm conclusion that the CJEU was not
laying down mandatory conditions at [70] of its judgment
such that non-compliance will render the proceedings
a breach of Article 102 TFEU...” [2018] EWCA Civ 2344,
para 269.
52 Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 of the European Parliament
and of the Council of 18 December 2006 concerning the
Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction
of Chemicals (REACH), establishing a European Chemicals
Agency, amending Directive 1999/45/EC and repealing
Council Regulation (EEC) No 793/93 and Commission
Regulation (EC) No 1488/94 as well as Council Directive
76/769/EEC and Commission Directives 91/155/EEC, 93/67/
EEC, 93/105/EC and 2000/21/EC (Text with EEA relevance).
53 See REACH Article 27(3) and 30(1).
54 Josef Drexl, Designing Competitive Markets for Industrial Data –
Between Propertisation and Access, 8 (2017) JIPITEC 257.
A FRAND Regime for Dominant Digital Platforms
in creating the access regime; (ii) a framework of
contractual negotiations favouring “a pro-market
solution over direct government intervention”;
a concrete base for calculating compensation, relying
on the cost for undertaking the relevant study; (iv)
a mechanism for dispute resolution “that enables
the public interest to prevail and that provides
sufcient legal certainty for the parties when they
assess whether it makes sense to depart from that
One particularly interesting aspect in looking
to REACH as inspiration for FRAND-based access
regimes is that the public interest is broader than
ones that traditionally have resulted in compulsory
licensing regimes.
Further, as Drexl notes, the REACH framework relies
on bilateral commercial negotiations to determine
the conditions for a pro-competitive solution.57
While the REACH legislation does not engage in
price-setting, which is so difcult for a legislature
to get right, REACH does provide cost “metrics”
in the event that no agreement can be arrived at;
costs are limited to sharing the proportionate costs
of information necessary to satisfy registration
Therefore legislation can provide
guideposts to the parties in the event of a dispute,
but the legislation need not get engaged in creating
value homogeneity. These metrics are, however,
specic to the scope of REACH related to the sharing
of scientic studies and data and so are generally not
applicable to other sectors.
III. European Electronic
Communications Code
The recently adopted European Electronic
Communications Code (EECC) provides updated
EU-wide telecommunication rules.59 It contains a
number of provisions providing for access to and
interconnection of electronic communication
networks on terms that are fair, reasonable and non-
55 Ibid. Drexl (2017), at para 180, also considers that a REACH-
like access regime could also be implemented in situation
where there is no additional public interest, arguing that
this “would make sense if it is devised as a non-mandatory
procedural framework for negotiations on access to
information” and considers that the negotiation framework
devised by the European Court in Huawei v ZTE “could
especially be applicable for cases in which the holder of
information publicly commits to grant access to data on
FRAND terms”.
56 Ibid. Drexl (2017), para 179.
57 Ibid. Drexl (2017), para 180.
58 See also the European Chemical Agency’s Guidance
on Data Sharing at
59 Directive (EU) 2018/1972 of 11 December 2018 establishing
the European Electronics Communication Code, L 321/36.
discriminatory, or similarly-phrased terms.
For instance, the EECC allows National Regulatory
Authorities (NRAs) to require operators to
interconnect their networks and make their services
interoperable;60 provide access to wiring and cables
share passive infrastructure and conclude
localised roaming access agreements.62 Under all these
scenarios, access and interconnection conditions
must be objective, transparent, proportional and
non-discriminatory. While such conditions are not
further dened in the EECC and are to be further
elaborated by NCAs, they substantively resemble a
FRAND obligation.63
44 Moreover, in certain instances the EECC specically
allows NRAs to impose FRAND-based access
obligations. For example, NRAs may require access
on FRAND terms to cables and wiring beyond the
rst distribution point;64 access to relevant facilities
in order to ensure accessibility for end-users to
digital radio and television broadcasting services;65
and access to technical services enabling digitally-
transmitted services to be received by viewers or
listeners by means of decoders.66 Additionally,
holders of IP rights needed to access products and
systems should ensure that licences to manufacturers
of consumer equipment are on FRAND terms.67
45 Besides the above obligations that are applicable to
all operators, a specic regulatory regime applies to
operators found to have “signicant market power”
(SMP). Namely, NRAs may impose a number of
obligations on such operators, such as the obligation
of transparency, requiring operators to make public
their terms and conditions for interconnection
60 EECC, Article 61.2.
61 EECC, Article 61.3, which is applicable if it can be shown
that replicating these elements would be economically
inefcient or physically impracticable.
62 EECC, Article 61.4.
63 One question arises as to why these provisions apply FRAND-
like concepts of “objective, transparent, proportional
and non-discriminatory”, were as other sections of
the Directive adopt the express FRAND conditions and
whether these would be materially different. No reason
is immediately forthcoming, although one explanation is
that the term “objective, transparent, proportional and
non-discriminatory” appears to have been included in
the EEC, while FRAND wording was drawn from the old
Access Directive (Directive 2002/19/EC of the European
Parliament and of the Council of 7 March 2002 on access
to, and interconnection of, electronic communications
networks and associated facilities (Access Directive), OJ L
108, 24.4.2002, notably Recital 10, Article 5.1.b and Annex I,
Part I 2(b) and (c)).
64 EECC, Article 61.3 paragraph 2.
65 EECC, Article, 61.2.d.
66 EECC, Annex II.
67 Ibid.
Mathew Heim and Igor Nikolic
and access, including information on pricing;68 the
obligation of non-discrimination treatment of other
similarly situated companies;69 or even the direct
price control measures for interconnection and
access.70 The reasons for regulating operators with
SMP is to ensure ex ante competition is maintained,
when traditional ex post competition law remedies
may not be sufcient nor adequate to safeguard
effective competition in the telecommunications
The EECC therefore contains FRAND-based access
regimes to networks, infrastructure and content. It is
primarily managed by NRAs, who are best placed to
assess the situation on the ground, given the nature
of the markets. These access regimes are imposed
in order to satisfy various public policy objectives,
including ensuring full end-user connectivity,
resolve infrastructure bottlenecks or safeguard ex
ante competition, as an adjunct to ad hoc competition
enforcement. The EECC thus shows that European
legislation does not shy away from mandating access
to critical infrastructure in order to satisfy broader
policy objectives.
Interestingly, the EECC also includes an obligation
to provide interoperability between “interpersonal
communication services”, which reach a signicant
level of coverage and user uptake.71 This provision
may arguably be used by NRAs to impose an obligation
on widely used communication applications or
social platforms to interoperate.72 However, such
regulatory interventions may be possible only where
end-to-end connectivity is endangered and only to
the extent necessary to ensure connectivity between
end-users.73 Nevertheless, this provision represents
an evolution in providing a regulatory solution to
ensuring interoperability between particular types
of platforms that have a signicant reach, though it
may not be dominant in the competition law sense.
The FRAND-based remedy is available to satisfy
the broad public interest objectives found in the
EECC, that include ensuring freedom of expression
and information, as well as media pluralism, access
to and take up of very high capacity networks
and promotion of competition in the provision of
electronic communications networks and associated
68 EECC, Article 69.
69 EECC, Article 70. See also Commission, ‘Recommendation
on Consistent Non-discrimination Obligations and Costing
Methodologies to Promote Competition and Enhance the
Broadband Investment Environment’ 2013/466/EU (guide
on interpreting the non-discrimination requirement in
electronic communications legal framework).
70 EECC, Article 74.
71 EECC, Article 61.2.c.
72 See Wolfgang Kerber, Heike Schweitzer, ‘Interoperability in
the Digital Economy’ (2017) 8 JIPITEC 39, 50-51.
73 EECC, Article 61.2.c.
IV. Public Sector Information Directive
Directive 2003/98/EC (amended by the Directive
2013/37/EU) on re-use of public sector information,
introduces FRAND-based access conditions to enable
access to such information.75 Rather than referring
expressly to the expression “fair, reasonable and
non-discriminatory”, the Directive eshes elements
to access public sector information including
reasonable remuneration, non-discriminatory
access and transparency, which are central elements
to FRAND-based regimes.
In detailing the conditions for access to public sector
information, the Directive sets out the following
FRAND-based elements:
Public sector bodies may charge fees for
supplying and allowing access to the information.
The principles governing charging under Article
6 note that “charges shall be limited to the
marginal costs incurred for their reproduction,
provision and dissemination”.76 However, the
marginal cost default does not apply where
public sector bodies are required to generate
revenue to cover a substantial part of their
costs relating to the performance of their public
tasks or, exceptionally, for documents for which
the public sector body is required to generate
sufcient revenue to cover a substantial part of
the costs relating to their collection, production,
reproduction and dissemination. Libraries,
including university libraries, museums and
archives are not bound by the marginal cost
default, in order not to hinder their normal
Article 6 also sets out how total charges shall be
calculated “according to objective, transparent
and veriable criteria to be laid down by the
Member States. The total income of those
74 EECC, Article 3.
75 Directive 2003/98/EC of the European Parliament and of
the Council of 17 November 2003 on the re-use of public
sector information as amended by the Directive 2013/37/
EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 June
2013, 2003L0098 (consolidated text) (PSI Directive). The PSI
Directive is currently under review and a proposal for new
directive has been made, see: Proposal for a Directive of
the European Parliament and of the Council on the re-use
of public sector information (recast) COM/2018/234 nal –
2018/0111 (COD).
76 See also Recital 22 of Directive 2013/37/EU. Recital 24 notes
that the upper limits for charges set in the Directive are
without prejudice to the right of Member States to apply
lower charges or indeed no charges at all.
77 See Recital 23 of Directive 2013/37/EU.
A FRAND Regime for Dominant Digital Platforms
bodies from supplying and allowing re-use of
documents over the appropriate accounting
period shall not exceed the cost of collection,
production, reproduction and dissemination
[where relevant the preservation and rights
clearance], together with a reasonable return
on investment. Charges shall be calculated in
line with the accounting principles applicable
to the public sector bodies involved.”
Of note
is Recital 23 that acknowledges that, when
calculating a reasonable return on investment,
libraries, museums and archives can consider
the prices charged by the private sector for
the re-use of identical or similar documents.78
Given the specic context of public sector data,
the Directive can provide guide points on what
elements to consider in calculating fees (which
is admittedly easier than calculating fees for e.g.
private sector R&D intensive innovation).
The requirement for non-discrimination
is further specied in order to ensure free
exchange of information between public sector
bodies when exercising public tasks, “whilst
other parties are charged for the re-use of the
same documents”, including differentiated
charging policy for commercial and non-
commercial re-use.79
The Directive requires that applicable conditions
and the actual amount of those charges should
be transparent (i.e. pre-established and public),
including (on request) the calculation basis
for charges and what factors should be taken
into account in the calculation of charges for
atypical cases.80 This approach mirrors to
some degree the behavioural aspect to FRAND
licensing for SEPs set out in Huawei v ZTE and the
European Commission’s call for transparency
and predictability in SEP licensing.81
Highlighting the importance of broad access, the
Directive notes that where public sector bodies
allow for re-use of documents, conditions should
not unnecessarily restrict possibilities for re-
use. In particular, conditions should not be
used to restrict competition,82 and must be non-
discriminatory for comparable categories of re-
use (rather than users), notably where re-use
also occurs by the commercial activities of public
sector bodies.
Re-use is open to all potential
actors and the Directive expressly prohibits the
application of exclusive rights (except for the
78 Ibid.
79 See Recital 19 of the PSI Directive.
80 See Article 7 of the PSI Directive.
81 See Section V. a) above.
82 See Article 8(1) of the PSI Directive.
83 See Article 10 of the PSI Directive.
digitisation of cultural resources).84
V. Regulation Horizon 2020
The European Union’s Framework Programme for
Research and Innovation (Horizon 2020) is governed
by Regulation 1290/2013,85 that lays down the rules
for participation and dissemination in Horizon 2020
over the years 2014-2020. In general, it can be said
that the EU’s “Horizon 2020” Framework Programme
applies a FRAND-based model to enable access to the
results of EU-funded projects, with the overarching
principle for access being one of fairness and
reasonableness. Article 48 of that Regulation covers
access rights for exploitation and notes that, whether
linked to access between project participants of the
results or background information, or other, such
access shall be granted under fair and reasonable
conditions (subject to agreement).
The Commission’s own Model Grant Agreements
for the EU’s “Horizon 2020” Framework Programme
applies the model set out in the Regulation
and, together with the Regulation provides an
understanding of the EU’s interpretation of FRAND
access as a condition for accessing the results of
European funded research.86 It covers the rights of
participants to the agreement (“beneciaries” of
funding) to have access under fair and reasonable
conditions to each other’s results (relevant
background input held by participants prior to
their accession to the project) that are needed for
exploiting their own results.
Such access conditions
apply where beneciaries give each other access to
the results needed for implementing their own tasks
(or to other beneciaries or afliated entities).88 In
addition, there are options to require (when foreseen
in the work programme) access to third parties for
additional access rights for interoperability under
fair and reasonable or royalty free conditions.89
84 See Article 11 of the PSI Directive.
85 Regulation (EU) No 1290/2013 of the European Parliament
and of the Council of 11 December 2013 laying down the
rules for participation and dissemination in Horizon 2020
- the Framework Programme for Research and Innovation
(2014-2020) and repealing Regulation (EC) No 1906/2006. OJ
L347/81, 20.12.2013.
86 See the H2020 Programme Multi-Beneciary Model Grant
Agreement of October 2017 at
87 Ibid, Article 25 (access is restricted if the beneciary
holding the background has notied others prior to signing
the Agreement that access to its background is subject to
legal restrictions or limits).
88 Ibid, Article 31.
89 Ibid, Article 31.6.
Mathew Heim and Igor Nikolic
Article 2(1)(10) of the Regulation denes “fair
and reasonable conditions” to mean “appropriate
conditions, including possible nancial terms or
royalty- free conditions, taking into account the
specic circumstances of the request for access, for
example the actual or potential value of the results
or background to which access is requested and/or
the scope, duration or other characteristics of the
exploitation envisaged”.90 This denition applies to
all the access situations described above.91
It is notable that, no matter whether the access
requirements relate to members of the consortium
or their afliates, whether for fullling their tasks,
for exploiting their own efforts, or as relates to
third parties (in relation to interoperability), the
access regime remains the same. One can assume
that “fair and reasonable” was considered by the
legislature as exible enough to deal with this broad
range of interests and situations. For this reason,
the denition implies that conditions can change
depending on the circumstances of the request
for access (i.e. the nature of the parties), as well
as depending on the subjective nature of value or
“other characteristics”. Again, while not using the
expression “FRAND”, it can be assumed that the non-
discriminatory aspect is included, as the denition
specically allows for differentiation where such a
differentiation can be made.
VI. Vehicle Emissions Regulation
European Regulation (EU) 715/2007, relating to
emissions from light passenger and commercial
vehicles and access to vehicle repair and
maintenance information, contains a FRAND-
based information sharing regime. It imposes
specic obligations on vehicle manufacturers to
enable access to vehicle repair and maintenance
information both to authorised and independent
dealers and repairers.92 Such access is on a non-
discriminatory basis while permitting manufacturers
to charge a “reasonable and proportionate fee”.
However, the Regulation also notes that such fee is
not reasonable or proportionate “if it discourages
access by failing to take into account the extent to
which the independent operator uses it”, making it
90 Regulation 1290/2013, Article 2(1)(10).
91 Ibid, Article 25(3). Note that under Article 31, a distinction
is drawn between royalty-bearing and royalty free, as these
two options are given. However, logic would dictate that
“fair and reasonable” includes royalty free in the range
of royalties (as expressly noted in the denition of Article
25(3)) and because there are usually other material terms
and conditions in licensing agreements that should also be
fair, reasonable and non-discriminatory.
92 Vehicle Emission’s Regulation, Article 7(1).
93 Ibid.
clear that the fee also needs to be in proportion to
the importance of the information to the user as well
as a reasonable value to the manufacturer.94
Although not using the exact “FRAND” wording, the
Vehicle Emissions Regulation very much mirrors the
FRAND intention of ensuring that fees are reasonable
and non-discriminatory, while at the same time not
discouraging access.
VII. Directive on Payment Services
The revised Directive on Payment Services in the
Internal Market95 of 25 November 2015 sets out
that account servicing payment service providers,
such as banks, must allow third parties to obtain
real-time data relating to customers’ accounts
on a non-discriminatory basis (including without
any discrimination in terms of charges, timing
and priority).96 Colangelo and Borgogno query
whether banks can charge a fee for the access to
front-end third-party providers and speculate that
such compulsory access can be compensated, “as it
happens, mutatis mutandis, with standard essential
patents that are licensed under fair, reasonable and
non-discriminatory (“FRAND”) terms”.97 We agree
that such access would be on the basis of FRAND
principles, in accordance with the recognised
commercial practices in the payment services eld
(rather than SEPs, per se). One can presume that
where European regulation requires access to data
and interoperability, such access must be on FRAND
94 Regulation (EC) 715/2007 of the European Parliament and of
the Council on type approval of motor vehicles with respect
to emissions from light passenger and commercial vehicles
(Euro 5 and Euro 6) and on access to vehicle repair and
maintenance information [2007] OJ L 171/1. See also Benoit
Van Asbroeck Julien Debussche Jasmien César, Building
the European Data Economy & Data Ownership, 1 January
2017. Available at <https://www.twobirds.com/en/news/
95 Directive (EU) 2015/2366 of the European Parliament and
of the Council of 25 November 2015 on payment services
in the internal market, amending Directives 2002/65/
EC, 2009/110/EC and 2013/36/EU and Regulation (EU) No
1093/2010, and repealing Directive 2007/64/EC (Text with
EEA relevance)
96 Ibid, Articles 64-68.
97 Colangelo and Borgogno, Data, Innovation and Transatlantic
Competition in Finance: The Case of the Access to Account Rule,
Stanford-Vienna European Union Law Working Paper No.
35, 2018, . Page 16
A FRAND Regime for Dominant Digital Platforms
VIII. Credit Rating Agency
57 The European Regulation 462/2013 of 21 May 201398
amending Regulation No 1060/2009 on credit rating
agencies included a FRAND-like requirement. As
noted in recital 38, fees charged by credit rating
agencies to their clients should not be discriminatory,
although charging for the same type of service to
different clients can be justied by a difference
in the actual costs in providing this service. New
Article 3(c) goes further in setting costs parameters
by requiring credit rating agencies to ensure that
fees are based on the actual costs of providing the
service and cannot be affected by either the level of
the credit rating issued nor on any other result or
outcome of the work performed. It would be logical to
assume that costs for developing better software etc.
would be included in the “actual” cost of assessing
a customer’s credit rating. Otherwise the incentive
to improve credit rating services would be affected.
In addition, recital 33 imposes a transparency and
oversight requirement, requiring credit rating
agencies to disclose to the European Securities and
Markets Authority their general policies and fees
received from each of their clients, in order to allow
for the effective supervision of the rules.
IX. EU Benchmarks Regulation
The pricing of many nancial instruments and
contracts rely on the accuracy of benchmarks.
However, following the serious manipulation of
LIBOR, EURIBOR and other benchmarks by various
cartels99 and the impact that the failure of critical
benchmarks can have on market integrity, nancial
stability, consumers, the real economy, or the
nancing of households and businesses, the EU
adopted the Benchmarks Regulation.100 Specically
to mitigate the market power of critical benchmark
administrators and bring discipline to the market,
the Regulation contains a FRAND regime imposing,
under Article 22, the obligation on administrators of
98 Regulation (EU) No 462/2013 of the European Parliament
and of the Council of 21 May 2013 amending Regulation
(EC) No 1060/2009 on credit rating agencies Text with EEA
relevance. OJ L 146, 31.5.2013, p. 1–33.
99 See e.g. Boot, Nuria and Klein, Timo and Schinkel,
Maarten Pieter, Collusive Benchmark Rates Fixing (May 1,
2018). Tinbergen Institute Discussion Paper 2017-122/VII.
Available at SSRN: .
100 Regulation (EU) 2016/1011 of the European Parliament and
of the Council of 8 June 2016 on indices used as benchmarks
in nancial instruments and nancial contracts or to
measure the performance of investment funds and
amending Directives 2008/48/EC and 2014/17/EU and
Regulation (EU) No 596/2014 (Text with EEA relevance). OJ
L 171, 29.6.2016, p. 1–65. See Recital 35.
critical benchmarks, including critical commodity
benchmarks,101 to take “adequate steps to ensure
that licences of, and information relating to, the
benchmark are provided to all users on a fair,
reasonable, transparent and non-discriminatory
basis”.102 This requirement is without prejudice to
the application of EU competition law.
X. European Commission
Policy Discussions for
FRAND Access to Data
The Commission is already considering the possibility
of sharing the access to data between businesses, with
FRAND access being one of the considered models.
In 2017 the Commission published a Communication
entitled “Building a European Data Economy”. In
relation to access to data, the Commission explored
the idea of applying a FRAND regime, whereby
access to machine generated data would be granted
against remuneration.103 The Communication notes
that: “A framework potentially based on certain
key principles, such as fair, reasonable and non -
discriminatory (FRAND) terms, could be developed
for data holders, such as manufacturers, service
providers or other parties, to provide access to
the data they hold against remuneration after
anonymisation. Relevant legitimate interests, as
well as the need to protect trade secrets, would
need to be taken into account. The consideration of
different access regimes for different sectors and/or
business models could also be envisaged in order to
take into account the specicities of each industry.
For instance, in some cases, open access to data (full
or partial) could be the preferred choice both for
rms and for society.”104
101 Ibid, Recital 38
102 See also, for example, the UK Financial Conduct Authority
policy statement also requiring regulated benchmark
administrators to grant access to and licenses to use
benchmarks on a FRAND basis See PS16/4, February 2016.
For example, para 1.9 states “In summary, our proposals
required regulated benchmark administrators to grant
access to and licences to use benchmarks on a fair,
reasonable and non-discriminatory basis, including with
regards to price. We proposed that such access should be
provided within three months following a written request.
We proposed that different fees should be charged to
different users only where this is objectively justied,
having regard to reasonable commercial grounds such as
the quantity, scope or eld of use requested. Our proposals
also set out a list of non-exhaustive factors that we may
consider in assessing whether the terms of access to a
benchmark are FRAND”.
103 European Commission, Towards a common European data
space (Communication), COM(2018) 232 nal.
104 Ibid, page 13.
Mathew Heim and Igor Nikolic
The Communication highlights that a FRAND regime
is business model neutral, recognising that data
will have a value to the owner, while permitting
both remuneration-based, as well as free access,
and is exible enough to take different sectorial
interests and regulatory parameters (in this case
anonymisation) into account. The Staff Working
Document (SWD) accompanying the Communication
acknowledges that inspiration can be found across
a range of instruments, including some of those
explored in the sections above.105
Following a public consultation, the Commission
in 2018 published a Guidance on Sharing Private
Sector Data in the European Data Economy.106 It
recommended companies to consider voluntarily
granting access to non-personal data to other
businesses and, when doing so, to adhere to
certain principles related to transparency, respect
to each other’s commercial interests, to ensure
undistorted competition, and minimise lock-in.
The Commission at least appears to recognise that
the problems raised by big data and dominant digital
platforms could be resolved by some form of data
sharing requirement on principles that mirror
notions protected by the FRAND regime.
F. The Nature of FRAND
under European Law
We see FRAND-based access regimes applied
by European legislation across multiple sectors
and activities, fostering the sharing essential
technologies or access to critical inputs in both
regulated and unregulated sectors. These FRAND
access regimes are imposed to promote various
public interests relating to both private and public
sector bodies. The nature of the entities that control
105 European Commission Staff Working on the free ow of
data and emerging issues of the European data economy.
Accompanying the document. Communication Building
a European data economy, 10.1.2017 SWD(2017) 2 nal.
A number of academics such as Drexl (footnote 56) or
Daniel L. Rubinfeld & Michal Gal (see Access Barriers to Big
Data (August 26, 2016). 59 Arizona Law Review 339 (2017).
Available at SSRN: <https://ssrn.com/abstract=2830586>
or <http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.2830586>) also seized
upon FRAND as a model to replicate in the data context. Van
Asbroeck, Debussche & César (footnote 95) argue at p 85,
that “Providing more favourable access conditions in case
of sole-source databases could be a particularly interesting
course of further analysis. It could also be examined
whether some of the outstanding access to data issues could
be solved by using open licences allowing for commercial
re-exploitation and re-utilisation of the information on fair
and non-discriminatory terms.”
106 European Commission, Guidance on Sharing Private Sector
Data in the European Economy (Communication), SWD(2018)
125 nal.
107 Ibid, p.3.
the critical input is also varied. In some instances, the
entities may possess or are likely to possess market
power, in other instances the input is critical for
market activity yet not necessarily critical to market
access. In some instances, FRAND is applied in the
context of disputes with particular steps in order to
ensure access on reasonable terms. This shows the
exibility of the FRAND regime, which can apply to
different players and in different circumstances.
The core elements of a FRAND regime can be
summarised. At a high level, the purpose of
the FRAND regime is to ensure broad and non-
discriminatory access to the relevant input. Where
legal relations need to be regulated, such access will
often be though a license or similar agreement, but
where access is guaranteed, a separate agreement
may not be required. Its aim is to ensure the widest
possible market access and use of the input, while
avoiding lock-in, hold up, or foreclosure.
From the regulatory FRAND examples highlighted
above, the Standardisation Regulation and EECC
expressly refer to the term “fair, reasonable and
non-discriminatory” while leaving the details of
the arrangement to the market. The other examples
use access regimes that are essentially identical to
FRAND in all but the express wording, creating
FRAND-based conditions of balance, reasonableness,
non-discrimination and transparency. In fact, it
is arguable that the FRAND regime used by the
European institutions is a general principle and that
a FRAND policy need not reect those exact words, in
that exact order, in order to achieve the same result.
It would be difcult to argue that those laws that
do not use the exact expression “FRAND” somehow
grant access on a signicantly different basis.
65 The various examples of European regulation each
provide, to some degree, greater guidance on the
detail FRAND-like regimes, displaying signicant
consistency across the board. In particular:
Fair & Reasonable balance: Legislation
covering REACH, the European Vehicle
Emissions Regulation, the Public Sector
Information Directive and the Horizon 2020
Regulation, provide parameters and guide
points on calculating payment (“compensation”,
“income”, “charge”, “financial terms”),
emphasising the balance between costs/
investment over use/access and reecting the
different interests of the parties.
Transparency: In addition, the Re-use of
Public Sector Information Directive focuses on
transparency of terms and conditions, including
(on request) the calculation basis for the fee,
mirroring Huawei v ZTE requirements for FRAND
licensing of SEPs. In REACH and Huawei v ZTE,
A FRAND Regime for Dominant Digital Platforms
both the holder of the critical input and the user
have an obligation to nd a fair and reasonable
Non-Discrimination: In the Re-use of Public
Sector Information Directive, public sector
bodies will not discriminate if they grant
free access to another public body fullling a
public sector task, while commercial parties
can be charged for the re-use of the same
documents. The Horizon 2020 Regulation applies
a “fair and reasonable” denition that enables
differentiation where this can objectively be
made (and it can therefore be assumed that non-
discrimination is implicitly included).
Dispute Resolution: In order to achieve the
FRAND balance, there is an obligation on both
parties to act in good faith. That is expressly
set out in REACH, Huawei v ZTE framework
for SEPs, and implied in Horizon 2020, which
refers to fair and reasonable access being
granted “subject to agreement”. In the event
of intractable disagreement, various forms of
dispute resolution are available including the
involvement or regulatory agencies, arbitration
and mediation, but always preserving access to
courts in the nal instance.
66 Other notable points that underpin FRAND include:
fostering access (the EECC focuses on the broad
availability and variety of programming and services
or Horizon 2020 access to research results); promoting
key elements found in all FRAND frameworks
(efciency, competition, investment, innovation,
consumer welfare); and favouring bilateral, market-
based contractual negotiations over government
intervention, within the parameters set out in the
Therefore, the review of FRAND access remedies
in EU legislation shows that the public interest
can underpin access regimes providing an ex ante
framework which competition and regulatory policy
can support, given the limitations of competition law
in ex post market correction.
While there are calls for
ex ante common carrier or public utility regulation,
it is clear that well-articulated public interest criteria
can be the basis of a FRAND regime, which will take
a balanced, proportionate and pragmatic approach
to the sharing of critical or important resources
without the need for treating at least dominant
platforms’ activities as essential facilities or public
108 Khan (2017), page 797 et seq. See footnote 5.
109 “There is also a case for considering new ex ante regulatory
tools to enhance the competitive process in digital platform
markets: standards and interoperability, data portability,
consumer transparency, and algorithmic pricing. In each
of these, the challenge is translating well-established
G. The relevance of a FRAND
access regime to dominant
digital platforms
Having discussed the usability of FRAND access
regimes in EU legislation and competition cases,
the next issue to be assessed is its relevance for
dominant digital platforms. A FRAND access regime
can be useful in resolving issues both in relation to
access to essential data and access to platforms. As
seen, the application of competition law to ensure
access to data considered essential for conducting
business held by dominant platforms, may not be
adequate to ensure full and timely access. Providing
access to critical data on FRAND terms could be a
way of fostering competition, but also protecting
the interests and incentives to innovate digital
platforms. Moreover, FRAND access can also be
relevant in cases when dominant digital platforms
refuse to provide access to its platform to rivals.
Calculating what precisely FRAND terms are may
not be straight forward, and assessing “fair and
reasonable” in the abstract remains complex.110
There are numerous economic theories proposed
for assessing the value for accessing technology,
some of which purport to be FRAND-specic.111
Not only do sectors and inputs differ (including,
importantly, the legal regime governing them) but
parties will have subjective notions of value, which
is inuenced by their different needs and incentives.
This was recognised in the Horizon 2020 Regulation’s
principles of competition analysis, law, and enforcement
practice into the new domain of digital platforms”. Coyle
(2018), p. 17. See footnote 8.
110 Concerns about FRAND are often coloured by the very
public disagreements over FRAND royalty rates for essential
patents. See for example Denis Carlton, Allan Shampine,
‘An Economic Interpretation of FRAND’ (2013) 9 Journal of
Competition Law & Economics 531(arguing for the use of ex ante
incremental value of the patent before it was included in a
standard); and Gregory Sidak, ‘The Meaning of FRAND, Part
I: Royalties’ (2013) 9 Journal of Competition Law & Economics
931 (criticising the use of ex ante incremental value approach
and suggesting the use of comparable licenses as a best
indicator of a patent’s market value). However, there are
key distinctions between the regulation of FRAND regimes
for digital platforms and the private ordering system
under FRAND-based standardisation. First, the key input
in standardisation (the technological specications making
up the standard and the patents that protect these essential
technologies) are publicly available, so that it is therefore
possible, and indeed usual practice, for the technology to
be implemented before licensing terms are agreed. This can
lead to gaming of the system with the SEP holder playing
“catch up”. However, in the context of regulated access,
agreement on terms should occur before access is granted.
111 See Norman Neyrinck, The Value of Intangibles – Remedies for
Abuse of Refusal to License, Working Paper. P. 45. Available
at <http://www.emulation-innovation.be/wp-content/
Mathew Heim and Igor Nikolic
denition of “fair and reasonable conditions”,
accepting that conditions could change depending
on the position of the parties; i.e. the circumstances
of the access request, the nature of value of the
input, or other characteristics. Having said that,
metrics do have an important role to play in terms
of transparency purposes, when the parties are not
able to reach a compromise or where terms need to
be determined by a third party. Such a third party,
whether a regulator, court, arbitrator or mediator,
will need to be informed by valuation principles and
Assessing FRAND terms begins with an understanding
of the nature of the input and relevant ecosystem.
Some of the FRAND-based regulations are
distinguished by the multiplicity of players involved
in granting access to essential input that they control.
One such example is REACH where we see common
base formulae across product markets, applying
per-tonnage xed-fee price bands per substance.113
Clearly each sector will have different considerations
attached to them. FRAND metrics discussed for
access to e.g. public data, publicly funded project
results, standard essential technologies or access to
API, are not interchangeable.
However, this paper shows that there are general
principles that narrow down the discussion and
concentrate the mind. Value considerations for
access to dominant digital platform inputs are not
impossible to explore. Looking at FRAND licensing
commitments made by dominant platforms in
merger cases, provides a useful insight into different
means to assess FRAND.
For example, in Worldline/Equens, the remedies
actually set out that the pricing of Poseidon
licensing terms, which are structured around three
main aspects, i.e. reference modules for which a
price list is provided to NSPs to serve as a basis for
bilateral negotiations; software maintenance fees,
reference to a percentage of the license fee paid
by NSPs (adjusted annually); and fees for ad hoc
support services, set by reference to an hourly rate
(adjusted annually). We therefore see that FRAND
principles focus on providing transparent pricing,
which can be the focus of negotiations and, where
needed, adjudicated. The role of the Licensing
112 What is clear is who chooses the metrics to use in order to
determine the access terms, is as important as the metrics
themselves. This narrows choices down in determining the
terms themselves (usually the parties). But the oversight
mechanism - who monitors the agreements and who
adjudicates disputes (and their powers) - is equally critical
in ensuring parties do not game the system.
113 See for example the European Chemical Industry Council
(CEFIC) guidance for its Substance Information Exchange
Forum at <https://cec.org/app/uploads/2019/01/Fair-
Trustee is therefore a signicant element, as is their
need to have access to all of Worldline licenses in
order to adjudicate on disputes. Nor does FRAND
necessarily relate to the “price” of one input, but
rather to all elements that are needed to ensure
effective access, including maintenance, additional
modules and upgrades. For this reason, the Worldline/
Equens remedies also included various anking
In Newscorp/Telepiù, FRAND pricing for access to
the API is to be determined by the lowest of the
prices obtained when applying the two following
principles: “(i) cost-oriented basis adopting where
appropriate a long-run incremental costs approach
and including a fair and reasonable contribution
to the investment costs of set-top box roll-out and
related infrastructure plus a reasonable return
and (ii) relevant market values (where they exist)
for comparable services.”115 It is notable that the
Commission was willing to rely on two calculation
methods: one economic model that factors both
investment costs for implementation and return to
the API holder; and one focusing on existing market
comparables. However, rather than averaging out
the rate, the policy choice was made to accept the
lowest of the two.
One of the metrics that tends to have uniform
acceptance and is reected in both the Worldline/
Equens and Newscorp/Telepiù remedies, is the use
of comparable agreements or a track record of
agreements. In the context of dominant digital
platforms providing FRAND access, a question
arises where there are no agreements that can act
as precedent. The various FRAND metrics that can
be considered cannot be divorced from the central
question: “what can both parties live with?”116
Finally, it is also clear that FRAND cannot
merely mean “cheap”; such an approach would
disincentivise investment in developing innovative
technology solutions and, perversely, condemn the
most successful technologies to be less valuable.
The FRAND regime reects the balance between
the importance of ensuring easy access to an input,
while ensuring that the holder of the input is fairly
remunerated. This means agreeing to a value that
does not inhibit access but that also recognises,
in addition to the value of technology, R&D costs,
114 See footnote 26.
115 See footnote 24. Part II, para 11.6.
116 But it is also true that, depending on the circumstances and
nature of the parties, the nancial terms may be only one
consideration. A FRAND regime includes within its notion
of fairness and reasonableness royalty-free and other non-
monetary considerations provided by the user for access,
as well as important terms and conditions, which must be
both fair, reasonable and non-discriminatory for access to
the input.
A FRAND Regime for Dominant Digital Platforms
risks taken, cost of capital etc. in order to incentivise
future R&D projects.117 Therefore the choice of the
appropriate pricing methodology becomes a policy
choice, as where to strike the right balance between
fostering upstream or downstream innovation.118
H. Conclusion: A FRAND policy for
Dominant Digital Platforms?
This paper has shown that there are numerous
examples of the FRAND regime being used in
European law, regulation and policy to ensure that
critical inputs become or remain accessible to third
parties. In fact, European regulation relating to access
to critical inputs often appears to coalesce around
FRAND access principles. A FRAND access regime
would therefore have many benets in addressing
issues raised in markets where companies may play
a gatekeeper function, such as digital platforms.
Indeed, the FRAND regime has already guaranteed
interoperability with broader ecosystems and third-
party applications, as well as fair access to critical
online platforms. At the same time, it allows fair
compensation for the sharing of technology, thereby
encouraging further investment in future innovation
and competition in other markets. It can also be
used to maintain APIs for third party access and can
ensure access to data which is of great importance
to a competitive and dynamic digitalisation of the
European economy.
When elaborating policies related to digital platforms
and/or data, the European Commission could seek
inspiration from these sources. The FRAND regime
is inherently exible and indeed business -model
neutral as it creates a level playing eld between
players on recognised commercial terms. Although
the form that an access remedy should take depends
on the nature of the input - both its physical nature
(in this case non-tangible) and its legal nature -
the FRAND regime side-steps many regulatory
difculties by creating an overarching model.119
While public policy may set out various parameters
for the sector input in question, terms and conditions
of access, in their broadest sense, are left to bilateral
market-based negotiations between participants
in their particular market context with a dispute
resolution or judicial backstop. In other words,
FRAND enables the maintenance of competitive
conditions, according to existing industry norms and
117 See e.g. European Commission, Setting out the EU approach to
Standard Essential Patent (Communication), COM(2017) 712
nal, 29 November 2017.
118 See Neyrinck (2010), footnote 112.
119 See Jacopo Ciani, Governing Data Trade in Intelligent
Environments: A Taxonomy of Possible Regulatory Regimes
Between Property and Access Rights, Intelligent Environments
2018 285 in I. Chatzigiannakis et al. (Eds.).
practices, minimising disruptions and ensuring that
regulatory solutions are as seamless and as limited
as possible.
The implementation of a FRAND access regime
may be voluntarily adopted ex ante by emerging
digital platforms, before network effects become
entrenched. Having in place access regimes to enable
new entrants to compete on or for the market would
be a preventative measure forestalling competition
scrutiny. Competition law guidance would be
benecial in providing some legal certainty on
the scope of such a remedy in competition law, for
example creating a safe harbour where platforms
undertake to provide access of FRAND terms and
based on the European Commission’s practice. This
can be supplemented by ad hoc competition law
enforcement to ensure access where competitive
harm might otherwise occur. Moreover, while
competition enforcement may not be able to resolve
all of the issues raised by dominant digital platforms,
competition policy can play an important supporting
function in enforcement, policy and advocacy.
Alternatively, such access can be mandated by future
legislation. Subjecting the platform to FRAND access
provisions prevents the need to engage in regulated
access ex post, as FRAND terms are market based. From
an industrial policy perspective, however, the public
interest tests elaborated in existing FRAND-based
legislation are instructive in moving undertakings
to adopt FRAND-based access. Therefore, while
regulators deliberate dominant digital platforms,
FRAND regimes can be considered as an effective
access framework beyond the classic notions of
market power.
80 This brief review of European regulation and policy
should provide comfort and inspiration that a
FRAND-based approach can ensure fair access to
relevant platforms and services, in order to enable
effective competition and full European public
interests. Regulation and competition policy will
need to work hand in hand in identifying coherent
regulatory approaches. Competition policy can
assist European policy makers to engage in a
more coherent manner by providing guidance for
dominant digital platforms to adopt voluntary
FRAND commitments and be consistent in the use
of FRAND-based remedies, where appropriate.

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