

In April and May 2010 respectively, seminars were held in Brussels and The Hague seminars were held on the ECJ's verdict in the Bernard case on training compensation in professional football. In this issue of ISLJ, Prof. Stephen Weatherill, University of Oxford, presents an early comment. In their contribution, Roberto Branco Martins, General Manager of EFAA (European Football Agents Association) and Gregor Reiter, CEO of the German players' agents association DFVV, provide an inside exploration from the inside explorofe the options that are open for the future (de)regulation of the intermediary function in European professional football.

Introducing the Chambre Arbitrale du Sport, Jean-Michel Marmayou, Paul Cezanne University, Aix-Marseille III, expresses the wish that this French CAS will have sufficient legitimacy for its awards to contribute to the growth of arbitration case law and the development of general principles forming a kind of lex sportiva a la francaise.

Further, this issue of ISLJ inter alia contains a pre-publication of several national contributions on sport governance, sports image rights, sports betting and CAS and football from corresponding books which are dueplanned to appear in the Asser International Sports Law Series. Currently, the ASSER international Sports Law Centre is implementing two research studies: a Study on the Equal Treatment of...

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