Published date01 August 2017
AuthorRodrigo Harrison,Roger Lagunoff
Date01 August 2017
Vol. 58, No. 3, August 2017
Instituto de Econom´
ıa Ponticia, Universidad Cat ´
olica de Chile, Chile; Georgetown University,
We model dynamic mechanisms for a global commons. Countries value both consumption and conservation
of an open access resource. A country’s relative value of consumption to conservation is privately observed and
evolves stochastically. An optimal quota maximizes world welfare subject to being implementable by Perfect
Bayesian equilibria. With complete information, the optimal quota is first best; it allocates more of the resource
each period to countries with high consumption value. Under incomplete information, the optimal quota is fully
compressed: Identical countries receive the same quota even as environmental costs and resource needs differ.
This is true even when private information is negligible.
The global effects of environmental problems such as greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions,
deforestation, and species extinction present a significant challenge for policy makers. The
global scale of GHG emissions, for instance, requires that most countries be involved in any
climate negotiations. Moreover, the accumulation of atmospheric GHG is an inherently dynamic
process. Its effects are difficult to predict and are heterogeneous across countries. According to
the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC):
Peer-reviewed estimates of the social cost of carbon in 2005 average US$12 per tonne of CO2, but
the range from 100 estimates is large (–$3 to $95/tCO2). This is due in large part to differences in
assumptions regarding climate sensitivity, response lags, the treatment of risk and equity, economic and
non-economic impacts, the inclusion of potentially catastrophic losses and discount rates. Aggregate
estimates of costs mask significant differences in impacts across sectors, regions and populations and
very likely underestimate damage costs because they cannot include many non-quantifiable impacts.
(IPCC 2007 Synthesis Report).
In light of this, any international agreement must be structured so that countries find it in
their self-interest to follow its prescriptions at each point in time, all the while accounting for
difficult-to-predict and asymmetrically observed changes in the benefits and costs of carbon
This article examines the nature of optimal self-enforcing agreements to regulate a global
commons. We posit an infinite horizon model of global resource consumption. The resource
is depletable, and its aggregate use imposes environmental costs on each country. Access to
the resource is not limited, and each country derives simultaneous benefit both from its own
resource consumption and from the aggregate conservation of the resource stock.
Conservation is intrinsically beneficial to each country because it allows the country to avoid
the environmental costs of global resource consumption. The conservation benefits are assumed
Manuscript received November 2014; revised March 2016.
1We thank seminar participants at Brown, NYU, CETC Montreal, the NBER Summer Political Economy and
Public Finance Workshop, USACH (Chile), University Carlo Alberto, and Masaki Aoyagi, Sandeep Baliga, Andy
Postlewaite, Debraj Ray, and three anonymous referees for valuable comments and suggestions.
Pleaseaddress correspondence to:Roger Lagunoff, Department of Economics, G eorgetown University, Washington,
DC 20057. E-mail: lagunofr@georgetown.edu.
(2017) by the Economics Department of the University of Pennsylvania and the Osaka University Institute of Social
and Economic Research Association
to be heterogeneous across countries and are stochastically determined as countries are hit with
private, idiosyncratic “payoff” shocks. The shock process in our model captures a common
feature in many commons problems: Environmental costs are difficult to forecast and often
vary widely across countries.2
Our model adopts a parametric approach which, for a variety of technical reasons, has
proved useful in studies in dynamic resource allocation.3One of the first of these was the classic
common pool resource model of Levhari and Mirman (LM; 1980). LM posit a parameterized
“fish war” model of an open access resource problem. In their model identical users choose how
much to extract each period. The residual is left for future extraction. There are no extraction
costs or associated externalities. Conservation is therefore valued in the LM model only for
instrumental reasons: Preserving the stock allows one to smooth consumption. The LM model
and its many successors admit closed form solutions yielding a transparent view of the “tragedy
of the commons” problem.
A new generation of parametric models augment the LM model. Dutta and Radner (2006,
2009) examine energy consumption with emissions externalities. Antoniadou et al. (2013) ex-
amine resource extraction in a more general class of parametric models.
Our article works from these blueprints, adding some modifications along the way. We
consider a heterogeneous externality in resource consumption that makes conservation directly
beneficial. We add private shocks that alter each country’s relative value of conservation.
Despite the generalization, the parameterization is tractable enough to yield explicit, close
form solutions. From these explicit solutions, we examine how optimal commons mechanisms
respond to uncertainty, private information, and cross-sectional variation among countries.
In particular, we solve for an optimal quota system. An optimal quota system is an international
agreement specifying each country’s resource consumption (or emissions) at each date, given
any carbon stock and payoff realization, such that (a) the agreement jointly maximizes the
expected long-run payoffs of all countries, and (b) the agreement can be implemented by a
Perfect Bayesian equilibrium (PBE).
Implementability in a PBE captures the fact that there is no explicit mechanism designer
in global commons problems. There is no global government that can impose its will on the
countries. Instead, the PBE concept requires the quota system to be dynamically self-enforcing
in compliance and in public disclosure of information.
In the benchmark case of full information, each country’s payoff for consumption and con-
servation is known and there are no shocks. In this case, the first-best quota is shown to be
implementable and is characterized by stationary extraction rates that vary across countries.
Those countries that place, high value on consumption (or low value on conservation) are
permitted to extract more. Because the effects of full depletion are catastrophic, cheating is
deterred by graduated punishments that further deplete the stock each time a country violates
its prescribed resource use. For this reason, implementability does not depend on discounting.4
A second set of results pertain to the case of incomplete information—the case where persis-
tent, private payoffs shocks hit each of the countries. Under private information, all countries
have incentives to choose extraction policies that overstate their values for extraction. Hence,
the first-best quota system is not incentive compatible.
Unlike the full information benchmark, we show that with private shocks the optimal quota
is completely insensitive to a country’s realized type. We refer to this as the property of full
quota compression.
To illustrate what full compression means, consider two ex ante identical countries. Sup-
pose the realized shocks are such that one country ends up with high resource needs and/or
2Burke et al. (2011) find, for example, widely varying estimates of the effect of climate change on U.S. agriculture
when climate model uncertainty is taken into account. Desmet and Rossi-Hansberg (2013) quantify cross-country
variation in a calibrated model of spatial differences in welfare losses across countries due to global warming. These
differences come primarily from geography but may be amplified by trade frictions, migration, and energy policy.
3See Long (2011) for a survey of the vast literature since 1980.
4The punishment scheme can, in principle, implement any feasible payoff.
low environmental damage, whereas the other ends up with low resource needs and/or high
environmental damage. Full compression then implies that the same quota is assigned to each
country at every point in time, regardless of the initial realization of the shocks.
Full compression also holds for arbitrarily small amounts of private information. Specifically,
as long as the support remains fixed, the distribution can place arbitrarily large mass on a single
resource type. The result suggests that arbitrarily small amounts of private information can
have first-order implications for international agreements.
The basic intuition for the compression results is straightforward. Global commons prob-
lems entail free-riding. Under the optimal quota, all countries have individual incentives to
overextract. Free-riding incentives are, of course, higher for higher types. Nevertheless, there
is a threshold extraction rate such that optimal extraction rates for all types will lie below this
cutoff. Meanwhile, free-riding incentives, if left unchecked, will push countries to extract above
the cutoff level. Hence, a quota that is not compressed will allow some types to indirectly free
ride by mimicking other types that are allocated higher extraction quotas.
It is worth noting that this intuition applies to commons problems but not necessarily to
markets. Optimal dynamic mechanisms for firms, for instance, will typically not be compressed
because allocation of market share inherently requires hard trade-offs between market shares
of different types of firms. A higher production quota assigned to one type of seller must be
offset with a lower one to another.5
By contrast, in the global commons problem there are no such trade-offs. A country’s “market
share” is its expected net present value of “stored resource,” which behaves like a public good.
Thus, a planner increases each country’s value of stored carbon simultaneously by reducing
everyone’s quota. This is not a good thing for the planner, however, since a reduction of
the quota increases all countries’ incentives to free ride via manipulation of information. The
planner is hamstrung by having no additional instrument beyond the quota to dampen these
For more clarity on this point, we consider an extension of the model in which utility of the
representative agents of each country is transferable. The presence of transferable utility (TU)
is shown to eliminate the inefficiency because the transfers comprise a common unit of account
from which high type countries can be compensated by low types for truthful disclosure. This
additional “degree of freedom” admits an equilibrium that implements the first-best quota.
We argue, however, that transfers in a nontransferable utility (NTU) framework is a more
natural benchmark in our setting. With NTU transfers a welfare improving scheme may exist
in the context of the model but requires that countries that end up with low usage value be
subsidized by those with high usage value. This will sometimes require that developing countries
subsidize developed ones.
Up next, Section 2 summarizes the literature on dynamic mechanisms design as it applies to
global commons. Section 3 describes the benchmark model of full information. In that model
there are no shocks and each country’s resource type is common knowledge. Section 4 introduces
private persistent shocks. Section 5 explains the logic and implications of the full compression
result. We examine differences in implications if the model were to admit TU, imperfectly
persistent shocks, or a more general parametrization. Section 6 concludes with a discussion of
potential implications for policy. The Appendix contains proofs of the main results. The Online
Appendix examines some extensions and provides technical details underlying the proofs.
There is, by now, a large literature analyzing mechanisms to address global commons prob-
lems. Understandably much of the literature focuses on a fairly narrow range of practical
5There are exceptions. For instance, Athey and Bagwell (2008) show that in certain types of markets with persistent
private shocks, the optimal collusive mechanism assigns a market share to each firm that is independent of the firm’s
realized cost type. We discuss differences and similarities between market mechanisms and the commons mechanisms
in the upcoming literature section and in Section 5.3.

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