Cultural heritage in the digital world

AuthorJaime de Mendoza Fernández
PositionHead, Copyright Unit, Ministry of Culture, Spain
Prado National
Museum in Madrid
APRIL 2010
Peoples in every country of the world have rich
cultural heritages that deserve to be discovered,
enjoyed and learned from; in short, to be dissem-
inated for public benefit. But at the same time,
that culture needs to be conserved for future
generations. The WIPO conference on Intellectual
Property and Cultural Heritage in the Digital
World, organized jointly with the Ministry of
Culture of Spain, focused on striking a balance
between intellectual property (IP) rights and the
public’s right to have access to culture.
Participants in the conference included represen-
tatives of various cultural institutions – archives,
libraries, museums and the like. Once seen as sa-
cred coffers guarding the treasures of the world’s
cultural heritage and granting access only to a se-
lect few, cultural institutions have now become
the movers and shakers of culture and have shift-
ed to an open-door policy. At the conference,
these institutions offered their unique perspec-
tive as custodians, or repositories, of cultural her-
itage with the obligation and responsibility to
preserve and protect the legacy entrusted to
them and make it available to the public.
A paradigm shift
Representatives of various cultural bodies high-
lighted the challenges and opportunities pre-
sented by the new policy for disseminating cul-
ture in the digital world. Without a doubt, one of
the most crucial challenges is to find a way to bal-
ance the dissemination of collections with the
need to protect IP rights.
Representatives of Spain’s largest cultural institu-
tions, such as the Prado National Museum and
the National Library, agreed with their European
and North and Latin American counterparts that
IP rights are increasingly important assets, both
from a cultural as well as an economic viewpoint.
Generating revenue from the added-value of IP
rights has traditionally been seen in continental
Europe as incompatible with the principal func-
tions of public cultural institutions; today, howev-
er, it is seen in a more positive light. IP offers cul-
tural institutions a means to generate significant
revenue, allowing them to move towards becom-
ing self-financing.
Managing IP rights
Cultural institutions are generous in making avail-
able the collections in their care. But in order to
continue their efforts in the conservation, re-
search and dissemination of cultural heritage,
they are calling for a relaxing of current IP restric-
tions. The main difficulty they face is in managing
the IP rights that apply to their collections.
Specifically, the absence of a “one-stop shop” for
communicating with rights management bodies,
the lack of clarity surrounding the public domain
and difficulties in managing so-called orphan
works (i.e., works whose right holders are un-
known or unreachable), were some of the most
hotly debated issues during the conference.
The alternatives offered by the existing legal
framework in relation to orphan works, for exam-
ple, do not meet the needs of cultural institutions.
They are, therefore, requesting a broadening of
the current rules to allow them to use such works
in certain instances, such as for the benefit of the
disabled or for educational purposes.
To better address those challenges, participants
agreed it was essential to create a constructive di-
alogue among cultural institutions, representa-
tives of content industries, right holders and
providers of information technology services.
Both WIPO and the Ministry of Culture of Spain
can play a fundamental role in fostering a climate
of greater legal certainty for all stakeholders by
promoting normative harmonization at the inter-
national level.
The key points discussed at a conference in Madrid, co-organized by WIPO and the Spanish government,
are highlighted here for the WIPO Magazine by Jaime de Mendoza Fernández, Head, Copyright Unit,
Ministry of Culture, Spain.

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