Want to get your paper published? Please follow this virtuous guidance!

Published date01 April 2020
Date01 April 2020
Business Ethics: A Eur Rev. 2020;29:245–247. wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/beer
  245© 2020 John Wiley & Sons Ltd
DOI: 10 .1111/bee r.12276
Want to get your paper published? Please follow this virtuous
There are numer ous highly inst ructive edito rials with advi ce from
editors in the bu siness ethics a nd business and s ociety fiel ds (e.g.,
Arnold, 2016; Cra ne, Henrique s, Husted, & Mat ten, 2016a; Crane,
Henriques, H usted, & Matte n, 2016b; Crane, Hen riques, Hust ed,
& Matten, 2017; Reinecke, A rnold, & Palaz zo, 2016; Zollo, 2018)
as well as our journa l (Beadle, Sison, & Fontrodona , 2015; Jamali &
Carroll, 2017; Nijhof & Je urissen, 2006). Given t he recent changes in
our editorial tea m and our recentl y updated Aims & Sco pe (Jamali,
Barkemeyer, Leigh, & Sa mara, 2020), we have decide d to take on the
new decade wit h some advice that is likely to be useful f or anyone
pursuing the publication process, but particularly for those seeking
to publish in our jou rnal.
1. Let the virtue of “G ood Counsel” g uide you in the Pre-Review
stage. When th inking about the lifec ycle of writing manuscri pts,
it is very prudent to ask a collea gue to provide pre -review
feedback. Th is can be achieved t hrough “frie ndly review” fr om
peers, or at confe rences and work shops, where yo u can de-
fend the main ide as. It is extrem ely import ant at this early
stage of the writ ing process to have an e xpert or a pee r to
assess your draf t in progress an d your ideas, and to m ake
recommendati ons based on this reading with fr esh eyes. Often
writers become so immersed in the writing process, and so
entangled wit h their ideas an d flow, that they might los e sight
of important anomalies or gaps. Therefore, it is imperative
to invite someone yo u trust to provid e a construct ive and
collegial review of yo ur paper before proceeding t o submission.
If English is not the f irst language of t he author team , then,
please make sure to have a d edicated lang uage reviewer as
well. This prework demonstrates conscientiousness on your
part and defi nitely allows for a s tronger star t in the review
process. It can a lso help avoid the tr ap of an early des k
rejection, w hich has become co mmon across jour nals given
the rising tide of su bmissions and th e standards of r igor and
quality they h ave to maintain.
2. Introductions in business ethics journals often include similar
metaphors a nd justific ations for resear ch. When sett ing up
your research, b e sure to draw upon re cent examples a nd try
to construct a c reative “hook” t hat piques the cu riosity of the
readers. Thi s hook is what will really determin e the worthiness
and contribut ion of your paper right thro ugh the first few pages .
Another way to put t his is to make sure that your introducto ry
paragraphs a re as explicit as it gets concernin g the novelty and
contribution of yo ur paper, and how it advances what we kno w
about the topic , and is thus wor th reading fur ther (hence th e
reviewer is hooked to co ntinue the read ). It is also worthw hile
to have a specific re search quest ion that guides you r paper.
The research question guides the overall structure of the paper
and allows you to high light the novelty of your contri bution. Do
not underest imate the impor tance of this. Edi tors, Associ ate
Editors, and Revi ewers are often a ble to make an early as sess-
ment of your paper ba sed on how your Intro duction is fr amed
and whether you h ave properly construc ted a solid and creative
3. The Literature Review is the foundational ancho r of writing, yet
do not be susceptib le to the vice of hubris. Be sure to repre sent
faithfully th e previous work in the fie ld or fields that infor m your
arguments . As the saying goes, “ther e is nothing new under the
sun,” so explicitl y join in the existi ng conversation s with fidel-
ity by acknowledging previous research. Successful papers are
those that are not o nly able to build on ear ly research in the fi eld,
but also go beyond it by t he end of the paper. Hen ce, a good
practice he re is to include what is known throu gh a good litera-
ture review and to th ink about how you can add to this towar d
the end of your pape r through your own work and your contr i-
bution. It is also i mportant to i nclude recent re levant research
from the journa l in which you intend to publish as well as fr om
relevant journ als in the field. As an interd isciplinary journal , this
includes work within the broader fields of management and or-
ganization studies, business ethics, environmental sustainability,
other business disciplines, philosophy, and other relevant social
sciences as well as t he ongoing conversations wi thin BE:ER.
4. The three C 's of Clarity, Consis tency, and Compre hensiveness
are qualities ne eded in all Methods sections in ensuring in-
formational transparency—a foundation al dimension of pee r
review. Clarity necessitates providing sufficient details on
your approach. Consistency entails alignment between all
parts of your d escription an d the actual fi ndings and anal ysis.
Comprehensiveness means providing information on all stages
of the research pr ocess, neither biasing the b eginning stages of
collection , nor the final stages of analysi s. Hence, the Methods
section has to b e equally handle d with care and with attention
to detail. If app ropriately managed by al igning with the three C 's,
the methods se ction is likely to conform to sta ndards of quality
and provide reassurance about the credibility and reliability of
your entire research.

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