Towards a drug-free world by 2008 - we can do it....

AuthorArlacchi, Pino

The world is at a crossroads in the fight against drugs. The Special Session provides us with a choice. We can stay put - or we can, as the American poet Robert Frost said, "take the road less travelled". It is my belief that the future is now. It is time for a step forward along the path of international cooperation, writes the Executive Director of the United Nations Office for Drug Control and Crime Prevention.

Sometimes large events mark the end of social movements. Other times they signal a beginning. The Special Session of the General Assembly on Countering the World Drug Problem is a point in between. It is a kind of light house - or a beacon - in the world's fight to eliminate the abuse and production of illegal drugs. It is a guiding step.

When the nations of the world come together in New York in June, it is important to pause and think about how far we have come in controlling and understanding illegal drugs since the first international conference on the issue almost 90 years ago.

Delegates from a handful of countries met in Shanghai, China in 1909 to discuss an outbreak in the use of opium, but they had no authority to sign an agreement. Now, nearly 90 years later, in New York, Heads of State and Government from many countries will be in attendance. The 185 Members of the United Nations will examine a wide variety of subjects directly related to controlling illegal drugs and hopefully adopt the most innovative strategies to decrease their supply and demand.

Together, they will decide upon adopting a series of action plans, including: stemming the flow of stimulants and their precursors; judicial cooperation; countering money laundering; and cooperation on eradication and alternative development. It will be a time for Governments to look back on the successes of the past and look forward to future goals.

However, the power of positive thinking must play a role. If the international community can come away from the meetings in New York with a sense that this was the turning point - the place where the world went forward with a renewed sense of energy in the fight to control illegal drugs - then we will have accomplished a great deal. It is not the end of a process; it is the next step ahead.

There are naysayers who believe a global fight against illegal drugs is unwinnable. I say emphatically they are wrong. Our slogan for the Special Session is "A Drug Free World - We Can Do It!" The United Nations and the International Drug...

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