Topics in Brief

AuthorInternational Law Group
German company fined for price-fixing

On October 13 last, Bayer AG agreed to plead guilty in San Francisco federal court and to pay a $4.7 million fine for taking part in a price-fixing conspiracy during 2002. According to the U.S. Department of Justice, the case involved synthetic rubber additives used, inter alia, in automotive hoses, belts, seals, adhesives and sealants. Based in Leverkusen, Germany, Bayer had pled guilty to similar charges last July and had consented to pay a $66 million fine. Bayer's U.S. subsidiary, headquartered in Pittsburgh, had also assented to a $33 million fine last September arising out of chemical price-fixing charges. According to Bayer, it is assisting in what is an ongoing investigation.

    Citation: U.S. Department of Justice press release #762 (November 23, 2004); The Associated Press (online), Washington, D. C.; Wednesday, October 13, 2004, filed at 20:50:35 G.M.T.
EU and U S. renew agreement on scientific and technological cooperation

The EU Council of Ministers has approved the 1997 Agreement Renewing the Agreement for Scientific and Technological Cooperation between the European Community and the Government of the United States of America for an additional period of five years. The original Agreement provided for an initial duration of five years, renewable by mutual written agreement. It provided for cooperation in areas such as the environment, agriculture, biotechnology, telematics and transportation. This could take the form of coordinated research projects, joint studies, as well as information and equipment exchange. It expired on October 13, 2003.

As the result of ongoing cooperation efforts, the EU has agreed to renew the Agreement. For information on the joint project on E- Learning between the EU Commission and the U.S. National Science Foundation within the framework of this Agreement, see website "eu"

    Citation: 2004 O.J. of European Union (L335) 5, 11 November 2004. See Original 1997 Agreement at 1998 O.J. of European Communities (L 284) 37...

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