The International Three-Step Test: A Model Provision for EC Fair Use Legislation

AuthorMartin Senftleben
PositionPh. D., Professor of Intellectual Property, VU University Amsterdam; Senior Consultant, Bird & Bird, The Hague.
The International Three-Step Test
Abstract: The three-step test is central to
the regulation of copyright limitations at the inter-
national level.1 Delineating the room for exemptions
with abstract criteria, the three-step test is by far the
most important and comprehensive basis for the in-
troduction of national use privileges. It is an essential,
flexible element in the international limitation infra-
structure that allows national law makers to satisfy
domestic social, cultural, and economic needs. Given
the universal field of application that follows from
the test’s open-ended wording, the provision creates
much more breathing space than the more specific
exceptions recognized in international copyright law.2
EC copyright legislation, however, fails to take ad-
vantage of the flexibility inherent in the three-step
test. Instead of using the international provision as
a means to open up the closed EC catalogue of per-
missible exceptions, offer sufficient breathing space
for social, cultural, and economic needs, and en-
able EC copyright law to keep pace with the rapid
development of the Internet, the Copyright Direc-
tive 2001/29/EC encourages the application of the
three-step test to further restrict statutory excep-
tions that are often defined narrowly in national leg-
islation anyway.3
In the current online environment, however, en-
hanced flexibility in the field of copyright limitations
is indispensable. From a social and cultural perspec-
tive, the web 2.0 promotes and enhances freedom of
expression and information with its advanced search
engine services, interactive platforms, and various
forms of user-generated content. From an economic
perspective, it creates a parallel universe of tradi-
tional content providers relying on copyright protec-
tion, and emerging Internet industries whose further
development depends on robust copyright limita-
tions. In particular, the newcomers in the online mar-
ket – social networking sites, video forums, and vir-
tual worlds – promise a remarkable potential for
economic growth that has already attracted the at-
tention of the OECD.4
Against this background, the time is ripe to debate
the introduction of an EC fair use doctrine on the ba-
sis of the three-step test. Otherwise, EC copyright
law is likely to frustrate important opportunities for
cultural, social, and economic development. To lay
groundwork for the debate, the differences between
the continental European and the Anglo-American
approach to copyright limitations (section 1), and the
specific merits of these two distinct approaches (sec-
tion 2), will be discussed first. An analysis of current
problems that have arisen under the present dys-
functional EC system (section 3) will then serve as a
starting point for proposing an EC fair use doctrine
based on the three-step test (section 4). Drawing
conclusions, the international dimension of this fair
use proposal will be considered (section 5).
The International Three-Step Test
A Model Provision for EC Fair Use Legislation*
by Martin Senftleben, Amsterdam
Ph. D., Professor of Intellectual Property, VU University Amsterdam; Senior Consultant, Bird & Bird, The Hague.
© 2010 Martin Senft leben
Everbody may disseminate this article by electronic means and make it available for download under the terms and
conditions of the Digit al Peer Publishing Licence (DPPL). A copy of the license tex t may be obtained at http://nbn-resolving.
de/urn:nbn:de:00 09-dppl-v3-en8 .
Recommended citation: Mar tin Senftleben, The Internat ional Three-Step Test: A Model Provision for EC Fair Use Leg islation,
1 (2010) JIPITEC 67, para. 1.
Keywords: Three-step test, fair use, private copying, search engines, right of quotation, user-generated content,
press summaries, international harmonization
Martin Senftleben
A. Copyright’s Legal Traditions
1 
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  
 
B. Flexibility and Legal Certainty
8 
   

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