The Top Ten Trends in International Environmental Law

AuthorTseming Yang
The Top Ten Trends in International
Environmental Law
Given the multitude of international environmental issues, the choice of the
top ten trending issues is to some extent arbitrary. A better description of
such a list may be as the top matters on the minds of environmental lawyers,
diplomats, and policy makers.
I. Global Climate Change and Energy Policy
In any inventory like this, climate change must be at the very top. With its
global scope, both in terms of contributions and effects, the warming of the
Earth’s surface and atmosphere from rising concentrations of greenhouse
gases (GHGs) is unquestionably the greatest environmental challenge for
humanity. Within just the last four decades, the total global anthropogenic
carbon emissions into the atmosphere have doubled. The increase has been
tenfold over the last century. Temperatures and sea levels are expected to
rise, with more frequent and intense storms, floods, droughts, and other
extreme weather events; changes in ecosystems; and adverse effects on
human health.
Of course, the international community has not stood still. The call has
been for the widest possible cooperation by all countries to limit carbon
emissions. Policy and legal responses have come not only from national gov-
ernments and international organizations but also triggered efforts by subna-
tional and local entities as well as businesses and civil society organizations.
While there is too much to discuss in detail, there have been notable initia-
tives at the international, regional, national, and subnational level.
Among the most visible international activities have been (1) the work of
the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) to assess the state of
the science and potential effects of climate change and (2) the 1992 United
*The author is grateful to Shana Inspektor for her excellent research assistance.

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