The Principles of Transparency and Inclusiveness as Pillars of Global Governance: the Brics Approach to the United Nations

AuthorC. G. Fernández - D. F. Puyana
PositionPermanent Mission of Costa Rica in the United Nations in Geneva (San José, Costa Rica) - Permanent Mission of Costa Rica in the United Nations in Geneva (Barcelona, Spain)
To ThE unITEd naTIonS
Permanent Mission of Costa Rica in the United Nations in Geneva
(San José, Costa Rica),
Permanent Mission of Costa Rica in the United Nations in Geneva
(Barcelona, Spain)
The transpa rency of governance is not only a necessary and suci ent condition for
bringing about accountabil ity, but also the basis for the possibility of democracy in
the global sphere. Althoug h ther e is no automatic progre ss fro m trans parency to
democratic glo bal governance, th is principle helps to create more democratic, open
and fair societies. Recently, the importance of inclusiveness, transparency and procedural
safeguards has emerged as a critical theme. The practical implementation of fair global
governance mechanisms, procedures, and institutions will always depend on the level of
participation, contestation, or solidarity among the dierent stakeholders represented at
the local, national or international level. Recent years have clearly shown a trend towards
increasing transparency and inc lusiveness in internation al organizat ions’ activ ities
and operations, in contrast to opaqueness o r lack of transparency which was a ver y
common practice in diplomacy during past centuries. The inclusion of transparency and
inclusiveness elements in the decision-making rules of an international organization are
fundamental for these norms to be considered not only ‘more legal,’ but also to have
a higher level of legitimacy. The General Assembly decided in its Resolution 60/251 of
2006 that the methods of work of the Human Rights Council should be transparent, fair
and impartial and should enable genuine dialogue. Finally, the role played by the BRICS
countries at the Security Council and the Human Rights Council is critical in regards to
its working methods.
BRICS LAW JOURNAL Volume II (2015) Issue 2 8
Keywords: transpare ncy and inclusi veness; diplomacy; global governance; League
of Nations; United Nations; diplomatic negotiations; Human Rights Council; Securit y
Council; BRICS countries.
Recommended citation: Christian Guillermet Fernández & David Fernández Puyana,
The Principles of Transparency and Inclusiveness as Pillars of Global Governance: The
BRICS Approach to the United Nations, 2(2) BRICS LJ (2015).
Table of Contents
1. Introduction
2. From Secret to Open Diplomacy
3. The Notion of Transparency and Inclusiveness under International Law
3.1. Denition
3.2. Regulation
3.3. The Role Played by Transparency and Incl usiveness in Diploma tic
4. Transparency and Inclusiveness within the United Nations
4.1. Human Rights Council
4.2. Security Council
5. Conclusion
1. Introduction
This paper will analyze how dipl omacy pas sed from being a secret aair to
have a more public exposure in society. In particular, from the establishment of the
League of Nations until today the principles of transparency and inclusiveness have
occuppied a central role in diplomacy, which has been considered as a revolutionary
change of paradigm in international relations.
Additionally, a legal approach to the notion of transparency and inclusiveness will
be studied, in the context of the current trend which demands more transparent and
inclusive institutions and procedures at the international level. At this moment there
is not an international treaty dening the notions of transparency and inclusiveness.
In fact, the diculties of dening these concepts are due, in the eyes of some, to the
view that transparency, and also inclusiveness, are a ‘myth.
A reection about the role played by transparency and inclusiveness in diplomatic
negotiations, and in particular the contemporaneous preoccupation with legitimacy
by international organizations will be provided, concluding with an emphasis that
transparency and inclusiveness are indispensable elements of global governance.
Currently, international democracy and global governance strongly requires more

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