The holographic testament

AuthorDiana Geanina Ionas
PositionFaculty of Law Transilvania University of Brasov, Brasov, Romania
AGORA International Journal of Juridical Sciences,
ISSN 1843-570X, E-ISSN 2067-7677
No. 4 (2015), pp. 91-98
D. G. Ionaș
Diana Geanina Ionaș
Faculty of Law
Transilvania University of Brașov, Brașov, Romania
Abstract: Ad validitatem, the holographic testament must be handwritten, dated and signed
entirely by the testator. The testator entirely handwriting the testament is seen as a guarantee of
freedom to express the last will. The dating of the testament must be done by the testator in
person. The date must meet two requirements: to be complete and to be exact. As a novelty in the
Romanien New Civil Code, we find the need to fulfill a formal procedure subsequent to drawing
up the testament and opening the inheritance. Steps to be taken in this regard assume, first,
endorsing it for proof of non-alteration. The next stage in opening the holographic testament
implies drawing up by a notary public or by the representative of the diplomatic mission, where
testaments are drawn up abroad of the record of findings concerning the condition of the
Key words: holografic testament, handwritten, date, signature, formal procedure.
Introduction: The Romanian New Civil Code stipulates in art. 1041 that, under the penalty of
nullity, the holographic testament must be written entirely handwritten, dated and signed by the
. The provisions of the Romanian New Civil Code do not differ from the previous ones
of French inspiration
Compared to the legal provision, we can therefore define the holographic testament as the
solemn act, upon death, entirely handwritten, dated and signed by the testator him/herself.
Nothing prevents, however, that a written testament, signed and dated by the testator be
certified by a lawyer, in what concerns the identity, content and the date on which it was issued,
this statement supplying the shortcomings of the handwritten form, bringing the holographic
testament to the same probative value as the authentic testament.
The advantages and the disadvantages
This type of testament is not accepted in the Netherlands and Portugal, where the authentic form is required in all
cases, nor in the common-law j urisdictions where the testament assisted b y witnesses is specific. The latter may be
written by the testator personally, typed or handwritten by a third p arty, the essential part being only the
simultaneous presence of two witnesses at the signing of the testament, the confirmation of t he testator's signature
and their signing the testament.
Art. 859 of the Romanian Civil Code of 1864 provided that "the holographic testament is not valid unless it is
written throughout, dated and undersigned by the testator"
Ioana Nicolae Drept civil. Succesiuni. Moștenirea testamentară”, Hamangiu Publishing, București, 2014, p.

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