The Best of Times, the Worst of Times: Testing which Behavioral Biases Affect Analyst Forecasts

AuthorYuk Ying Chang,Wei‐Huei Hsu
Date01 December 2018
Published date01 December 2018
The Best of Times, the Worst of
Times: Testing which Behavioral
Biases Affect Analyst Forecasts*
School of Economics and Finance, Massey University, New Zealand
Mood-induced optimism, cognitive inaccuracy, and distraction can affect
analyst forecasts. This study compares and contrasts these inuences. The
novelty of our approach is that we rst show that these behavioral biases
have different implications for analystsforecast errors conditioned on the
errors being positive and negative. We then use proxies for positive and neg-
ative moods to empirically test the support for each of these biases. Consis-
tent with cognitive precision, we nd that analysts make less (more) accurate
forecasts when they are in positive (negative) moods. We further show that
these results are driven neither by sentiment associated with contemporane-
ous economic or market conditions nor by under- or overreaction to more
bad news released on days immediately before weekends or holidays.
JEL Codes: G24; G14; D03; G02
Accepted: 29 November 2017
A fairly large body of literature suggests that the moods or psychological states
of people affect their judgment. People in a more positive mood are more opti-
mistic and assign higher probabilities to positive events and lower probabilities
to negative events (Wright and Bower 1992). For example, a happier investor is
more optimistic about the expected performance of stock markets (Kaplanski
et al. 2015). A college student is also more optimistic about his own perfor-
mance after watching his college sports team win compared to when he
watches them lose (Hirt et al. 1992).
However, positive bias is also consistent with distraction. Sport events may
draw attention away (Gantz and Wenner 1991; Schmidt 2013; Ehrmann and
Jansen 2017), thereby increasing the likelihood that people will make more or
* We thank Sudipto Dasgupta and Ling Cen for their helpful suggestions. We also thank Kee-Hong
Bae, Michael Brennan, Bei Cui, Jie Gan, Gilles Hilary, Peter Joos, Hongping Tan, Xiaoyun Yu, and
the participants in the 2016 FMA Asia/Pacic Conference, the 2016 Asian Finance Association Con-
ference and the Massey University seminar. We acknowledge Andrea Bennett for proofreading our
drafts and Massey Business School for providing nancial support.
© 2018 International Review of Finance Ltd. 2018
International Review of Finance, 18:4, 2018: pp. 637688
DOI: 10.1111/ir.12168
larger errors. For example, Drake et al. (2016) nd that market reactions to earn-
ings news released during the NCAA basketball tournament are muted. In addi-
tion, positive bias may be explained by cognitive inaccuracy. Happy investors
may be easily swayed by emotion, which may decrease both their logical consis-
tency and their attention to detail (Schwarz and Bless 1991). Hence, such inves-
tors may be less analytical and their predictions about market performance may
be more biased. Meloy (2000) reports that mood-elevated consumers display
severely distorted evaluations of new product information. Therefore, it is
unclear whether positive bias is completely driven by optimism.
In this paper, we differentiate among explanations based on optimism, dis-
traction, and cognitive accuracy using analyst forecasts. Analysts produce fore-
casts higher and lower than realized earnings, which allow us to distinguish
between optimism and cognitive accuracy explanations, as discussed further
below. Moreover, analyst forecasts are widely followed and watched. Analyst
accuracy is an important issue, and related studies have long existed in the
mainstream literature (e.g., Basi et al. 1976).
However, although optimism and
distraction are fairly well-known subjects and have been discussed in the litera-
ture, cognitive precision is less researched, except in the psychology eld. This
study provides evidence consistent with cognitive accuracy.
Our arguments are as follows. When an analyst is in a more positive mood,
he is more optimistic, and his forecast errors are more positive on average. Con-
versely, when an analyst is in a more negative mood, he is more pessimistic,
and his forecast errors are more negative on average. Importantly, these mood-
induced biases are not ex post conditional on whether the errors are positive or
negative. For example, assume an unbiased analyst whose mean positive errors
average + 10¢ and whose mean negative errors average 10¢ (the basis of com-
parison). In this case, when the analyst is more optimistic, the corresponding
positive and negative errors will average, for example, +12¢ and 9¢, respec-
tively. In contrast, when an analyst is more pessimistic, the positive and nega-
tive errors will average, for example, +9¢ and 12¢, respectively. We call this
the optimism explanation.
When a happy mood negatively affects the accuracy with which an analyst
processes information, he will make larger errors on both sides, for example,
making average positive and negative errors of +12¢ and 12¢, respectively. In
contrast, when an analyst is in a negative mood, he will process information
more systematically and substantively (Martin and Clore 2013). Hence, he is
more accurate and his average positive and negative errors may be smaller, for
1 On September 1, 2017, there were 77,000 and 59,500 Google Scholar hits for accuracy of
analyst forecastsand analyst forecast errors, respectively.
2 This example compares a mood-affected analyst with an unbiased analyst. However, a similar
argument applies if we compare an analysts forecast errors when he is exposed to mood-
affecting events with his average positive and negative forecast errors. The latter comparison
is more consistent with our empirical methodology, which considers within variationand
subsumes time-invariant analyst effects with analyst xed effects.
© 2018 International Review of Finance Ltd. 2018638
International Review of Finance
example, +9¢ and 9¢, respectively. We refer to this as the cognition
However, when an event disturbs an analyst emotionally and distracts him
from his work, regardless of whether it is a happy or sad event, the analyst consis-
tently commits larger errors. In this case, regardless of whether the analyst is in a
positive or negative mood, the average positive and negative errors are larger, for
example, +12¢ and 12¢,respectively. We term this thedistraction explanation.
Studies nd that people are happier when they anticipate holidays (Gilbert
and Abdullah 2002; Van Boven and Ashworth 2007; Nawijn et al. 2010) and on
holidays (Bollen et al. 2011; Sharpe 2014). Achor and Gielan (2016) suggest that
taking more vacations leads to greater happiness. Using various daily mood
measures, including the Gallup Mood Survey and Facebook Gross National
Happiness Index, Autore and Jiang (2017) provide evidence of uplifted mood
swings when holidays approach. Good mood has also been proposed as a possi-
ble explanation for signicant preholiday effects in nance (Thaler 1987;
Fabozzi et al. 1994; Frieder and Subrahmanyam 2004; Bialkowski et al. 2012;
Bergsma and Jiang 2015; Hirshleifer et al. 2016; Autore and Jiang 2017). Hence,
we hypothesize that analysts are in good moods when holidays are upcoming
and that the analysts become happier as holidays get closer.
Conversely, studies suggest that disaster information causes a negative mood
or affects mood adversely (Johnson and Tversky 1983; Göritz and Moser 2006;
Västfjäll et al. 2008; Papousek et al. 2014). Kaplanski and Levy (2010a) nd sig-
nicantly negative stock market returns following aviation disasters. Antoniou
et al. (2017) document more negative sentiment effects due to terrorist attacks
and mass shootings among managers of corporate policies, as well as an
increase in cash holdings and a decrease in R&D expenditure. We consider it
likely that disaster and holiday events will be associated with different moods
to distinguish between the distraction and cognitive accuracy explanations.
Studies also suggest that people tend to be in more negative moods in
autumn as a result of seasonal affective disorder (SAD) (Kamstra et al. 2003).
Evidence consistent with the SAD effect includes studies of seasonal anomalies
(Lakonishok and Smidt 1988), the Halloween indicator (Bouman and Jacobsen
2002), nancial analysts and equity market returns (Lo and Wu 2010), mutual
fund ows (Kamstra et al. 2017), and the mood beta of stocks (Hirshleifer
et al. 2016). Therefore, we hypothesize that analysts will be in more negative
moods in October.
3 If people have a variety of moods when there is a forthcoming holiday, there will be a bias
against nding signicant preholiday effects of positive moods.
4 For the United States, fall is dened as September 21 to December 20. October is the rst full
month of fall. In addition, Hirshleifer et al. (2016) nd that the value-weighted CRSP return
is lowest in October, at 0.37%, in their sample period (19632015). We thus choose October
to test the SAD effect. We do not consider the effects of blue Monday,because several stud-
ies (e.g., Stone et al. 2012) suggest that blue Monday does not exist. Moreover, Wang et al.
(1997) nd that negative average stock returns on Mondays are neither prevalent nor robust.
© 2018 International Review of Finance Ltd. 2018 639
The Best of Times, the Worst of Times

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