Summary Prosedures and Optimization of Commercial Court Proceedings in Russia

AuthorS. Nikitin - M. Patsatsiya
PositionRussian State University of Justice (Moscow, Russia)
BRICS LAW JOURNAL Volume VI (2019) Issue 2
Russian State University of Justice (Moscow, Russia)
Russian State University of Justice (Moscow, Russia)
DOI: 10.21684/2412-2343-2019-6-2-108-131
This article deals with the problems involved in implementing simplied forms of legal
proceedings in the Russian civil process, which is one of the important directions for
optimizing commercial court proceedings. The study is largely based on the analysis of
previously unpublished statistical information on the commercial courts of three districts
for the period of 2016–2018, showing the results of their procedural activities in the
framework of the procedures of simplied and writ proceedings in the context of court
data of the commercial cour t system as a whole. The obtained results are highlighted
taking into account domestic, foreign and international experience, doctrinal approaches
and the existing need for the optimization of commercial court proceedings. The authors
substantiate the conclusion that the consideration of cases in the procedures of simplied
production facilitates signicantly reducing the caseload burden on the commercial
courts of rst instance, both by simplifying the procedures for the consideration of these
cases and by drawing up judicial acts on them. The article formulates proposals for the
development of the current commercial procedural law, in particular the proposal to
unify the procedural order of commercial court cases on the recovery of compulsor y
payments and sanctions. It further proposes possible variants of such unication.
Keywords: forensic statistics; caseload; summar y proceedings; writ proceedings; court
proceedings in commercial litigation; court proceedings renement.
Recommended citation: Sergey Nikitin & Malkhaz Patsatsiya, Summary Prosedures
and Optimization of Commercial Court Proceedings in Russia, 6(2) BRICS Law Journal
108–131 (2019).
At the present stage, one of the key problems with the Russian judicial system,
including the system of commercial courts, is the need for optimization, which will
demand overcoming the excessive caseload burden on judges and court sta.
A heavy caseload negatively aects the quality of justice, signicantly increases
the likelihood of judicial errors, especially in complex and non-standard cases, leads
to sta turnover of the judiciary, especially court sta, and ultimately undermines
the prestige of the judicial profession and citizens’ condence in justice.
In this regard, it should be noted that the Committee of Ministers of the Council
of Europe in Recommendation No. R (86) 12 concerning measures to prevent and
reduce the excessive workload in the courts, adopted on 16 September 1986, outlined
measures to prevent and reduce excessive caseload as one of the key objectives of
the judicial policy of Member States.1
Currently, the commercial courts are dealing with a huge number of cases. More-
over, in recent years there has been a signicant increase. So, whereas in 2013 the
commercial courts of the rst, appeal and cassation instances dealt with 1,737,213
cases, in 2017 they dealt with 2,164,078 cases. Thus, the increase was about 20% in
just four years.2
Although the overwhelming majority of cases are considered by the courts in
compliance with applicable legal procedures, and in established and fairly short time
periods, court work is often judged in the society and by the mass media through
consideration of the results of complex, high-prole cases, where the probability
of error is much greater than in relatively simple, standard cases. Hence, a negative
opinion as to the quality of the work of the Russian judicial system is sometimes
heard both in Russia and abroad.
The work of the commercial court judges in modern conditions is in many ways
reminiscent of the work on a conveyor, where it is necessary to perform a huge
number of very dierent tasks in a shor t time: simple and complex, standard and
unique. With such tension, of course there are breakdowns, and mistakes, primarily
in complex, not standard, cases, especially if the judge is faced with gaps in the legal
regulations of economic relations.
1 Совет Европы и Россия: Сборник документов [Council of Europe and Russia: Collection of Documents]
684–686 (Moscow: Yuridicheskaya literatura, 2004).
2 See Сводные статистические сведения о деятельности федеральных арбитражных судов за 2017 г.
[Summary statistics on the activities of federal commercial courts in 2017] (Apr. 28, 2019), available at; Сводные статистические сведения о деятельности
федеральных арбитражных судов за 2013 г. [Summary statistics on the activities of federal commercial
courts for 2013] (Apr. 28, 2019), available at

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