Staff Discussion Notes

IMF Research Bulletin
Rabah Arez ki
Prakas h Loungani
Patricia Loo
Assistant Editor
Tracey Lookadoo
Editorial Assistant
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Staff Discussion Notes
Sta Discussion Notes showcase ne w policy-related
analysis and rese arch by IMF departments. ese
papers are generally brief a nd written in nontechnical
language, and a re aimed at a broad audience interested
in economic policy issues. For more informat ion on
this series and to down load the papers in this series,
please vi sit:
No. 15/03
e New Normal: A Sector-Level Perspect ive on Growth and Productivity Trends in
Advanced Economies (with Technical Appendix)
Era Dabla-Norris, Si Guo, Vikra m Haksar, Minsuk Kim, K alpana Kochhar, KevinWiseman,
and Aleks andra Zdzien icka
No. 15/04
Tackling Small and Med ium-Sized Enterprise Problem Loans in Europe
Wolfgang Bergthaler, Kenneth Ka ng, Yan Liu, and Dermot Monaghan
No. 15/05
Islamic Financ e: Opportunities, Cha llenges, and Policy Options
Alfred Kam mer, Mohamed Norat, Marco Piñón, Anant hakrishnan Prasad, C hristopher
Towe, Zeine Zeidane, and an IMF Sta  Team
No. 15/06
Fiscal Policy in Lat in America: Lessons and Legacies of the Globa l Financial Crisis
(with Technical Appendix)
Oya Celasun, Fra ncesco Grigoli, Keiko Honjo, Javier Kapsoli, Alexander Klemm, B ogdan
Lissovolik, Jan Luk sic, Marialuz Moreno-Badia, Joana Pereira, Ma rcos Poplawski-Ribeiro,
Baoping Shang, and Yulia Usty ugova
No. 15/07
Revitalizin g Securitization for Small and Medium-Si zed Enterprises in Europe
Shekhar Aiya r, Ali Al-Eyd, Bergljot Barkbu, a nd Andreas A. Jobst
Proposed Attributes of High-Q uality Securitization in Eu rope – Annex II of
“Revitalizing S ecuritization for Small and Medium-Siz ed Enterprises in Europe
Andreas A. Jobst
No. 15/08
Rethinki ng Financial Deepening: Stability a nd Growth in Emerging Markets
Ratna Sahay, Marti n Čihák, Papa N’Diaye, Adolfo Barajas, Ran Bi, Dia na Ayala, Yuan Gao,
Annette Kyobe, Lam Nguyen, Chr istian Saborowski, Katsiar yna Svirydzenka, a nd
Seyed Reza Youse

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