Roman Catholicism and Confucianism on Homosexuality in Hong Kong Before and After 1997: A Postcolonial, Queer, Feminist Perspective and Implications for Chinese Roman Catholic Ethics

Published date01 January 2016
Date01 January 2016
AuthorLai-Shan Yip
ISSN 2422-6343
Número 2!
Año 2016
Roman Catholicism!
and Confucianism on
Homosexuality in Hong Kong
Before and After 1997
A Postcolonial, Queer, Feminist
Perspective and Implications for
Chinese Roman Catholic Ethics
Lai-Shan Yip
Graduate Theological Union
La enseñanza oficial contemporánea de la Iglesia Católica Romana sobre
sexualidad no ha tratado el tema del colonialismo con respecto a la
homosexualidad. La heterosexualidad recalcitrada a través de una
co mp le ja «m al forma ción m utua» e ntre ca to lic ismo r om ano y
confucianismo ha llevado a la invisibilidad y el silencio de católicos queer
dentro de la Iglesia Católica Romana de Hong Kong. Este artículo revisa
la comprensión histórica de la sexualidad en la sociedad China, el impacto
colonial sobre el tema de la homosexualidad y el discurso público reciente
sobre la homosexualidad en Hong Kong. Busca así iluminar el contexto y
la resistencia que llevan a cabo los católicos queer en Hong Kong desde
las perspectivas postcolonial, feminista y queer.
Palabras clave: Sexualidad, Iglesia Católica Romana, Confucianismo,
Hong Kong, Teoría Queer, Poscolonialismo.
O ensino oficial contemporâneo da Igreja Católica Romana sobre
sexua lidad e n ão tratou do tema do coloni alism o e m r elaç ão à
homossexualidade. A heterossexualidade calcificada por uma complexa
«malformação mútua» entre catolicismo romano e confucionismo gerou a
invisibilidade e o silêncio de católicos queer dentro da Igreja Católica
Romana de Hong Kong. Este artigo revisa a compreensão histórica da
sexualidade na sociedade chinesa, o impacto colonial sobre a questão da
homossexualidade e o recente discurso público sobre a homossexualidade
em Hong Kong. Assim, busca resaltar o contexto e a resistência mantida
pelos católicos queer em Hong Kong a partir de perspectivas pós-
coloniais, feministas e queer.
Palavras-chave: Sexualidade, Igreja Católica Romana, Confucionismo,
Hong Kong, Teoria Queer, Pós-colonialismo.
Horizontes Decoloniales 2 (2016): pp. 25-58
ISSN 2422-6343
Número 2!
Año 2016
Lai-Shan Yip ! Roman Catholicism, Confucianism, Homosexuality
Cita recomendada de este artículo!
Lai-Shan Yip (2016). «Roman Catholicism and Confucianism on
Homosexuality in Hong Kong Before and After 1997: A Postcolonial,
Queer, Feminist Perspective and Implications for Chinese Roman
Catholic Ethics». Horizontes Decoloniales 2: pp. 25–58. [Revista digital].
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ISSN 2422-6343
Número 2!
Año 2016
Lai-Shan Yip ! Roman Catholicism, Confucianism, Homosexuality
Current official Roman Catholic sexual teachings have never
addressed directly the issue of colonialism when sexual codes
largely developed from the European-centered Roman
Catholicism are required to apply across all different cultures
as universal moral norms. Yet, this bears serious implications
for local churches in the Third World when Christian
missionary expansion occurred under European colonization.
Based on European colonial experience, Ann Laura Stoler
(2002: 145) contends that the sexual practice of the colonizer
and the colonized is critical for maintaining the colonial
order, in which the discourses on sexuality also articulate the
bourgeois subjects and discipline domestic recesses of
imperial rule. Protestant postcolonial theologian, Kwok Pui-
lan (2005: 138-140) also points out that Christianity in its
long history has related homosexual acts with the religious
and primitive Other. In line with the caution against the
power underpinnings underlying moral delineations, black
feminist ethicist, Traci C. West (2006: 36-74), finds that the
universal principles of the dominant ethics exclude the
particular experiences or contexts of the oppressed and
marginalized, who are denied full realization of the universal
human rights due to race, ethnicity, class, gender, sexualities,
and the like. Hence, applying universal sexual norms across
cultures may risk serving colonial agenda as well as denying
the full human rights of certain minorities.
Some Roman Catholic sexual ethicists have called for
critical attention to contemporary experience in revising
Roman Catholic moral norms or virtues so that the false
universalizing tendency can be corrected. As early as the
Papa l Co mmi ssion on Popul ati on, Family and Bir th
established in 1963, «the majority report» incorporates the
ne wer m eanin g o f c onj ug al lov e i n c ont em por ary
understanding of human sexuality and considers the use of

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