On the rights and liberties of child refugees in Romania

AuthorAndreea Draghici - Daniela Iancu - Andra Dascalu
Andreea Drăghici
Daniela Iancu
Andra Dascălu
There are multiple causes that compel a state to grant a person refugee status. The
international conventions in this field or the state legislation do not resolve, nor eliminate
these circumstances; however they manage to compensate for most of the deprivations
plaguing these people in their own country by offering them refugee status. Amongst the
victims of these deplorable circumstances there are children who see themselves in a
situation where their must adapt to different life conditions and a completely unknown
environment. In Romania however, in terms of rights and legal liberties, child refugees enjoy
the same legal situation of Romanian children indiscriminately. This status is sanctioned by
Act 272/2004 in agreement with article 3 of the Geneva Convention of 1951 relating to the
status of refugees, article 8 of 122/2006 Act relating to political asylum in Romania, as well
as all the principle underlying the reality of child protection as established by the provisions
of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (1990).
Key words: The rights and liberties, refugee children, equality of treatment
The rights and liberties of refugee children in Romanian territory are governed by the
principles established by the Geneva Convention of 1951 that gives the conditions, in which
the signatory states grant refugee status to persons that make such petitions and by its
provisions seeks to endow the refuges with as many rights fundamental human rights and
liberties as they can exercise. Thus, a non-discriminatory situation is regulated by the
provisions of the Convention, a situation that the awarding state must honor in relation to
any other refugee, notwithstanding race or country of origin. Also, the Convention explicitly
refers to the freedom of faith of refugees, especially when the sameness of acknowledging this
right of our own nationals and that of the refugees is being questioned. Thus, it is stipulated
that the signatory states will award refugees on its soil at least as favorable a treatment as it
does its nationals, with regards to the freedom to practice their own religion and to their
children’s religious upbringing.
How a child gains refugee status according to Act 272/2004. Children that request
refugee status, as well as those who have already been granted it enjoy protection and
humanitarian assistance as it is their right. They also enjoy one of the protection measures
stipulated by Act 122/2006.
In case a child requesting refugee status is not accompanied by his parents or another
legal representative, during the process of securing his refugee status his interests are tended
Lecturer Ph.D., University of Pitesti, Faculty of Juridical and Administrative Science,
Lecturer Ph.D., University of Pitesti, Faculty of Juridical and Administrative Science,
Assistant, University of Pitesti, Faculty of Juridical and Administrative Science, andradascalu@yahoo.com

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