Recognition of minorities in the european space

AuthorElena Georgescu - Nadia Popescu
PositionAssistant Professor, Ph.D. candidate, Universitatea Spiru Haret, Facultatea de Drept si Administratie Publica Rm. Valcea - University Assistant, Universitatea Spiru Haret, Facultatea de Drept si Administratie Publica Rm. Valcea
Elena Georgescu *
Nadia Popescu **
The minorities’ problem, with its various implications has been a significant issue all
over the world for centuries. Existence of minorities is an important feature of our times even
more striking in the context of geo-political changes in the European space.
In the European practice, recognition of minorities lead to an improvement of their
situation, giving them a firm legal basis for effective protection of the rights of all persons
who compose it.
Key words: minorities, recognition, rights, freedoms, fundamental.
Minorities’ topic and their real rights became not only a subject of debate but also a
subject of domestic law or European legislation.
Most European countries recognize the existence of minorities on their territory based
on specific legal mechanisms developed by the European Union institutions.
Starting with the importance of respecting fundamental rights and people’s freedom,
whose application demonstrates the ability of understanding and cooperation of all states
and people, measures are necessary to be imposed in order to promote democracy, freedom,
understanding, cooperation between states, ethnic and religious groups for safeguarding
world peace and security.
The institution of Human Rights is particularly complex, governed by the national
legal order of the states and the one’s of European Union, but also by the international legal
* Assistant Professor, Ph.D. candidate, Universitatea Spiru Haret, Facultatea de Drept si Administratie Publica
Rm. Valcea,
** U niversity Assistant, Universitatea Spiru Haret, Facultatea de Drept si Administratie P ublica Rm. Valcea,
People enjoy rights wherever they are, regardless of nationality, race, sex, religion or
living and working place. Rights and fundamental freedoms that any person enjoys are
inalienable, equal, with universal nature.
The international and European law enshrines, through transposition into national
legislation, the human rights of life, dignity, security, peace, property, and its social and
political protection against damage to persons, against all discriminations.
In order to deliver a perfect cohabitation, each state must understand and accept these
rights for every individual regardless of race, social status, nationality, ethnicity, etc.

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