Putting a Spotlight on Sports and Economics

Countries invest huge amounts of money when bidding for the privilege of hosting major sports events. The glory of being in the global spotlight for a week or two is irresistible.

But this isn’t always a rational decision. Plans to rejuvenate a city can turn into regrets complete with white elephants in the form of unused stadiums. Other countries benefit from these events without the financial and administrative burden of hosting. And just bidding can be enough to let the rest of the world you’re ready to step onto the international stage.

Prize or Penalty

Jeremy Clift

Sports events like the soccer World Cup stimulate trade around the world and spotlight the host country. http://www.imf.org/external/pubs/ft/fandd/2010/03/clift.htm

Is It Worth It?

Andrew Zimbalist

Hosting the Olympic Games and other mega sporting events is an honor many countries aspire to-but why? http://www.imf.org/external/pubs/ft/fandd/2010/03/zimbalist.htm

The Olympic Trade Effect

Andrew K. Rose and Mark M. Spiegel

Countries that bid for the...

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