Predicting Interest Rate Volatility Using Information on the Yield Curve

Published date01 September 2015
Date01 September 2015
AuthorHideyuki Takamizawa
Predicting Interest Rate Volatility
Using Information on the
Yield Curve*
Graduate School of Commerce and Management, Hitotsubashi University,
Kunitachi, Tokyo, Japan
This study examines whether information on the yield curve is useful for
predicting volatility of the yield curve. The information is used within
dynamic models by specifying the covariance matrix of changes in yield
factors as nonlinear functions of the factors. Using such models, it is found
that the information (i) is useful for predicting volatility of the slope factor,
achieving the accuracy comparable with the GARCH model; (ii) has incre-
mental value for predicting volatility of the curvature factor when combined
with a volatility-specific factor; and (iii) does not much improve prediction of
volatility of the level factor once the volatility-specific factor is introduced.
JEL codes: C58, E43, G12, G17.
It does not seem unreasonable to think that the current yield curve contains
some information on the volatility of changes in interest rates. In making bond
portfolios or managing interest rate risks, investors will take account of condi-
tional second moments of bond returns or yield changes. The resulting shape of
the yield curve will then reflect investors’ views toward volatility. The purpose
of this study is to examine whether information on the yield curve is useful for
predicting the volatility of the yield curve.
The idea of relating interest rate volatility to the yield curve is not new.
Brown and Schaefer (1994), Christiansen and Lund (2005), Joslin (2010),
Litterman et al. (1991), and Phoa (1997) relate the volatility to the curvature, or
convexity, of the yield curve. Time series studies using long historical data on
US interest rates find a relation between the volatility and the level of a
particular yield, especially the short-term rate, such that high volatility is
accompanied by high level (see, e.g., Chan et al. 1992; Andersen and Lund
1997a; Gallant and Tauchen 1998; Ball and Torous 1999; Durham 2003).
* I am grateful to the anonymous referee for comments, which enabled me to significantly improve
this manuscript. This work was supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number 23730212, SEIMEIKAI
research grant, and NOMURA Foundation research grant.
International Review of Finance, 15:3, 2015: pp. 347–386
DOI: 10.1111/irfi.12053
© 2015 International Review of Finance Ltd. 2015
This simple level–volatility relationship, however, no longer seems to be a
decisive feature for relatively recent data. Figure 1 shows the time series of the
level and realized volatility of the first principal component (PC) constructed
from US dollar LIBOR and swap rates over 1991–2009: The details of these data
are provided in section II. Note that the first PC (PC1) is interpreted as a level
91 93 95 97 99 01 03 05 07 09
91 93 95 97 99 01 03 05 07 09
(a) Level
Annualized 4-week Standard Deviation
Figure 1 Time series of the level and realized volatility of first principal component
(PC1) over 1991–2009. Panel (a) presents the time series of the level of the PC1. Panel
(b) presents the time series of the realized volatility (annualized 4-week standard
deviation) of PC1, which is calculated by summing squared daily changes in PC1 over
the 4 weeks, dividing the sum by 4/52, and taking the square root. The vertical dotted
line separates the in-sample and out-of-sample periods.
International Review of Finance
348 © 2015 International Review of Finance Ltd. 2015
factor of the yield curve. It is observed that sharp rise in the volatility of PC1
around 2001–03 and 2008–09 is actually accompanied by the fall in the level of
It is therefore not surprising that more recent studies using these data are
skeptical about the possibility of extracting volatility information from the
yield curve. Andersen and Benzoni (2010) test affine spanning conditions that
yield variances, both ex ante and ex post, can be expressed by some linear
combinations of yield levels if affine term structure models are true, and reject
these conditions. A direct implication of this result is that the relationship
between the volatility and the curvature of the yield curve is not supported by
the data because the curvature is normally measured by a linear combination of
yields. Collin-Dufresne et al. (2009) and Jacobs and Karoui (2009) reported that
yield variances extracted from the cross-section of yields through affine term
structure models do not behave similarly to typical variance measures com-
puted from time series data.
It is too early to conclude, however, that the yield curve is of little relevance
to the volatility. Although information on the cross-section of yields alone may
not be rich enough to identify volatility-specific factors, it may still be useful if
it is combined with information on the time series of yields. Furthermore,
nonlinear relationships between variances and levels of yields may exist even
though a linear relationship as implied by the affine models is not supported.
This study explores these possibilities that are not fully studied by the
earlier work. To combine information on the cross-section of yields with infor-
mation on the time series of yields, dynamic models of yield factors, rather
than regression models, are employed. Then, nonlinear relationships between
variances and levels of yields are incorporated into the dynamic models. Spe-
cifically, the covariance matrix of changes in yield factors is specified as non-
linear functions of the factors themselves. This is how information on the
yield curve is used: It is used for specification, but not for extraction, of the
As such, the approach of examining information content of the yield curve
with respect to the volatility is different from that in the earlier work. Bikbov
and Chernov (2011) and Thompson (2008) use no arbitrage affine models with
particular attention to whether model-implied behavior of the volatility
changes by modifying estimation methods or adding option data. This study
uses both affine and nonaffine models and estimates them using only time
series dimension of interest rate data with particular attention to whether
information on the yield curve is useful for predicting the volatility. Also, the
dynamic models of the yield curve are different from those in the earlier work.
Christiansen (2005) embeds the GARCH volatility. Christiansen (2004) and
Pérignon and Smith (2007) incorporate regime switching into volatility mod-
eling. This study considers a volatility-specific factor that has a similar role to
the GARCH volatility, but not regime switching. Instead, the models explored
here are characterized by more flexible level-dependent specifications of vola-
tility. Using such models, this study uncovers both usefulness and limitations
Interest Rate Volatility
349© 2015 International Review of Finance Ltd. 2015

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