Political power, law and lawful state correlation

AuthorNedelcu Paul-Iulian
PositionFaculty of Social Sciences University of Craiova, Craiova, Romania
AGORA International Journal of Juridical Sciences, www.juridicalj ournal.univagora.ro
ISSN 1843-570X, E-ISSN 2067-7677
No. 2 (2012), pp. 113-117
P. I. Nedelcu
Paul-Iulian Nedelcu
Faculty of Social Sciences
University of Craiova, Craiova, Romania
* Correspondence: Paul Iulian Nedelcu, 16 M. Koglniceanu St., Craiova, Romania
E-mail: paul_iulyan@yahoo.com
The correlation state-law is distorted or optimized according to the political regime
understood as ”the way of associating political reports, as an expression of adequation of the
state to the purposes of power and to the vocation of its exercise”.
As appraised, “the large
palette of constitution and evolution of the political regimes, from the democratic ones to the
totalitarian one is bound up with the level of reflecting the will and interests of the citizens for
the institution of these regimes”
The review from a historical and synchronic point of view, as presented during
contemporaneity, emphasizes the aspects of the political power – law connection from which
the judicial doctrine states
Keywords: rule of law, political power, the state, the law.
The role of the Law as conservation instrument of the domination over the majority of
the population in a community, born at the cross roads of archaic world and cultural world,
as a sign of progress and civilization, when the old patterns based on manners and tradition
do not satisfy anymore the interests of the world in full flourish.
Law confers trust and protection to the dominant groups, for the contribution as order
instrument but also as an instrument of the majority of individuals from a community that feel
somehow protected by its principles; therefore the immense value of law for the organization
of social structures and the role meant to exercise for the evolution of world was conceived.
The power did not consist, not even in the beginning, of gross force but on the
contrary it expressed the social condition of man and the power of regulations incumbent for
the exercise of power and its conservation.
Law serves the political objectives but as world evolves, does not accept as exclusive
the uncensored pattern of order, based on the arbitrary will but the motivational pattern, in
other words relations that are not arbitrary instituted but are more and more related to the
judicial values that step into the consciousness of the community. Politics and law merge
through the values to which they subsume and which they pursue to achieve.
Life is marked by irreparable contradictions between two antithetic processes: one of
manipulation, expression of the domination of the groups that rule, another one reversed, of
cultural dynamic culture starting from the interior of the groups allowing the overthrow of the
situation of dominant categories. If power is under the government of judicial element
meaning its consent, the acknowledgement of the ones legitimate to exercise power as a result
M. Duverger, Ianus, Les deuxfaees de l'oecident, Fayard, Paris, 1 969, p. 14.
C. Vrlan (coord.) a. o., Politologie, “Didactic i pedagogic” Publishing House, Buc harest, 1992, p. 43.
Ion Craiovan, Filosofia Dreptului sau Drep tul ca Filosofie, “Universul Juridic” Publishimg House, Bucharest,
2010, pp. 293-300.

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