People only live full lives in the light of human rights.

PositionIncludes related articles dealing with the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights

People only live full lives in the light of Human Rights

The United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights is the light of so many lives, essential to people in everything they do. Its simple words set forth inalienable rights -- civil, political, economic, social and cultural -- every human being is entitled to. Its testament illuminates the human condition and enriches life by showing us the world as it should be -- a place of humanity, freedom and learning. We must never let the light flicker or grow dim. Only brighter.

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights was a milestone in juridical and human history. For the first time, Governments agreed on a standard against which to measure their treatment of citizens. Until the founding of the United Nations, Governments contended that such matters were of an internal nature, and not the legitimate concern of the world community. In adopting the Declaration, nations pledged to recognize and observe such human rights as life, liberty and security of persons; equality before the law; freedom of thought, conscience and religion; freedom of opinion and expression; the right to work and to free choice of employment; the right to a standard of living adequate for health and well-being; the right to education; the right to participate in the cultural life of one's community.

The Declaration was originally conceived of as a statement of objectives to be achieved by Governments and as such, not part of binding international law. But now, 40 years later, it is accepted by so many States that it is considered to be an international standard against which their behaviour is measured.

In the General Assembly, the Security Council and other organs of the United Nations, the Declaration is invoked constantly. It is cited regularly in...

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