Opportunity novelty, improvisation and network adaptation in the internationalization of Swedish SMEs

Date01 March 2021
AuthorMikael Hilmersson,Stylianos Papaioannou,Heléne Lundberg,Martin Johanson
Published date01 March 2021
Opportunity novelty, improvisation and network adaptation
in the internationalization of Swedish SMEs
Mikael Hilmersson
| Martin Johanson
| Heléne Lundberg
Stylianos Papaioannou
University of Gothenburg, School of Business,
Economics and Law, Gothenburg, Sweden
Department of Business Studies, Dalarna
University, School of Technology and Business
Studies, Uppsala University, Falun, Sweden
Department of Management, University of
Huddersfield, Huddersfield, UK
Department of Economics, Geography, Law
and Tourism, CER, Mid Sweden University,
Sundsvall, Sweden
Department of Business Studies, Uppsala
University, Uppsala, Sweden
Stylianos Papaioannou, Uppsala University,
Department of Business Studies, Box 513, SE-
75120 Uppsala, Sweden.
Email: stylianos.papaioannou@fek.uu.se
By deviating from previous ways of working and improvising new solutions to prob-
lems in the internationalization process, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)
will increase the likelihood of developing novel international opportunities. In this
way, for instance, unforeseen customer demand, rather than following a specific plan,
may govern market choice. Such novel opportunities, in turn, are likely to require net-
work adaptation in order for the firm to reach an insidership position in the interna-
tional business network. By integrating international opportunity theory with
theories on improvisational behavior, three hypotheses are developed between the
constructs of international opportunity novelty, improvisation, and network adapta-
tion. The hypotheses were tested with Structural Equation Modelling on 258 realized
international opportunities developed by Swedish SMEs (European Union definition:
number of employees 10250) and were observed through on-site visits. It is rev-
ealed that improvisation increases the degree of international opportunity novelty as
well as the need for network adaptation. The degree of novelty of realized interna-
tional opportunities positively influences the need for adaptation to a foreign net-
work. Novelty can be seen as a proxy for opportunity's wealth-creating potential, and
developing improvisation capabilities seems to be a way to increase the novelty of
international opportunities developed. Managers that are risk averse and therefore
refrain from improvisation risk missing valuable novel opportunities.
improvisation, internationalization, network adaptation, novelty, opportunity, SME
A central assumption in the internationalization literature is that unfa-
miliarity with political regulations, the economic environment, culture
and language in the host market causes a liability of foreignness for
the international growth-aspiring firm (e.g., Denk, Kaufmann, &
Roesch, 2012; Durand, Turkina, & Robson, 2016). This liability is likely
The article has not been previously published and it is not currently under consideration
elsewhere. The authors acknowledge the financial support they have received from
Leverhulme Trust.
DOI: 10.1002/tie.22182
This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any
medium, provided the original work is properly cited and is not used for commercial purposes.
© 2020 The Authors. Thunderbird International Business Review published by Wiley Periodicals LLC.
Thunderbird Int. Bus. Rev. 2021;63:201215. wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/tie 201

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