A nonlinear optimization model for the balanced vehicle routing problem with loading constraints

AuthorCarlos A. Vega‐Mejía,Sardar M. N. Islam,Jairo R. Montoya‐Torres
Published date01 May 2019
Date01 May 2019
Intl. Trans. in Op. Res. 26 (2019) 794–835
DOI: 10.1111/itor.12570
A nonlinear optimization model for the balanced vehicle
routing problem with loading constraints
Carlos A. Vega-Mej´
ıaa,b , Jairo R. Montoya-Torrescand Sardar M. N. Islama
aInstitute of Sustainable Industries & Liveable Cities, VictoriaUniversity, P.O. Box14425, Melbourne, Victoria, 8001,
bOperations & Supply Chain Management Research Group, Universidad de La Sabana, Campus del Puente del Com´
km 7 Autopista Norte de Bogot´
a D.C., Ch´
ıa (Cundinamarca), Colombia
cGrupo de Investigaci´
on en Sistemas Log´
ısticos, Faculty of Engineering, Universidad de La Sabana, Campus del Puente del
un, km 7 Autopista Norte de Bogot´
a D.C., Ch´
ıa (Cundinamarca), Colombia
E-mail: carlos.vegamejia@live.vu.edu.au [Vega-Mej´
ıa]; jairo.montoya@unisabana.edu.co[Montoya-Torres];
sardar.islam@vu.edu.au [Islam]
Received 11 August2016; received in revised form 25 May 2018; accepted 5 June 2018
The vehicle routing problemwith loading constraints (VRPLC) is related to real-life transportation problems
and integrates twoof the most important activities in distribution logistics: packing of items inside vehicles and
planning of delivery routes.In spite of its relevance, literature on VRPLCs is still limited. The majority of the
solution approaches have concentrated on heuristic solution methods, and few have presented mathematical
optimization models to help characterize the problem. Furthermore, few studies have considered several
practical loading and routing constraints that could be used to approximate the problem toward more
realistic situations. To help fill this gap in the literature, this article extends an existing VRPLC optimization
model to a nonlinear optimization model that considers weight-bearing strength of three-dimensional items,
vehicle weight capacity, weight distribution inside vehicles, delivery time windows, and a balanced fleet of
vehicles. The model is solved by applying a simple procedure that isolates the nonlinearity of the model.
Computational experiments show that the new proposed model gives a more streamlined formulation than
the model it extended on, and that the addition of practical loading constraints can improve the solutions of
the original model by reducing the measure of tardiness due to latedeliveries and by producing cargo patterns
with better weight distribution.
Keywords: vehicleloading problem with loading constraints; nonlinear mixed integer program; weight-bearing strength;
weight capacity; weight distribution; time windows; balanced vehicles
2018 The Authors.
International Transactionsin Operational Research C
2018 International Federation ofOperational Research Societies
Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 9600 Garsington Road, Oxford OX4 2DQ, UK and 350 Main St, Malden, MA02148,
C. A. Vega-Mej´
ıa et al. / Intl. Trans. in Op. Res. 26 (2019) 794–835 795
1. Introduction
The packing of items in a vehicle and the subsequent delivery route planning are two of the
most important operations in distribution management (Ruan et al., 2013). The simultaneous
determination of both the optimal routes and packing patterns of vehicles can be carried out by
modeling and solving a problem known as the vehicle routing problem with loading constraints
(VRPLC) (Zachariadis et al., 2013), which is a combination of two well-known problems: the
container loading problem (CLP) and the vehicle routing problem (VRP) (Iori and Martello, 2010).
The problems that comprise the VRPLC (VRP and CLP) have been intensively studied in the
past, as can be concluded from the analyses of the review works by Bortfeldt and W¨
ascher (2013)
and Lin et al. (2014), but which were often studied individually. However, focusing on individual
subproblems may neglect structural dependencies betweenthe two distribution operations and lead
to suboptimal solutions (Schmid et al., 2013), or worse, to unfeasible solutions when looking at the
integrated problem (Junqueira et al., 2013).
In spite of the relevance and connection to real transportation situations of VRPLCs, literature
on the topic is still limited (Ruan et al., 2013). This could also be supported by the fact that research
in VRPLCs is “fairly” recent. For instance, one of the first studies to address the VRPLC is that of
Gendreau et al. (2006), in which the authors considered severaloperational considerations (e.g., item
fragility, vertical load stability, and multidropsituations). Given that VRPLCs are NP-hard (Iori and
Martello, 2010), the majority of the solution approaches have concentrated on heuristic methods,
and not much attention has been directed toward mathematical models to characterize the problem,
which in turn, could aid in the design of alternative solution procedures. The objectiveof this article
is, therefore, to present an optimization model for the VRPLC for the transportation of three-
dimensional (3D) items, including several practicalloading and routing constraints. This model will
be aimed at covering some of the gaps when dealing with the mathematical representation of the
VRPLC, and atthe same time extending previously presented models. By including practical loading
constraints as defined in the work by Bischoffand Ratcliff (1995) that havenot been simultaneously
considered before (i.e., container weight limit, weight-bearing strength, weight distribution), and
additional routing conditions (i.e., time windows, balanced vehicle fleet), it is expected that this
new model would serve as a more precise approximation of real life situations in distribution
The remainder of this article is organized as follows. Section 2 provides a brief description
of some optimization models proposed for different versions of the VRPLC. Section 3 presents
the proposed nonlinear multiobjective model to solve the VRPLC with the mentioned practi-
cal loading and routing constraints. Section 4 presents the methodology employed to solve some
of the tested instances and to compare the results of the models. Section 5 presents the results
obtained for the model by means of a simple solution procedure, considering some problem
instances available in the literature. Finally, Section 6 provides some concluding remarks and
proposes some of the possible research directions for continuing and extending the proposed
2018 The Authors.
International Transactionsin Operational Research C
2018 International Federation of OperationalResearch Societies
796 C. A. Vega-Mej´
ıa et al. / Intl. Trans. in Op. Res. 26 (2019) 794–835
2. Background
2.1. Previous studies
In spite of the variety of mathematical models available for VRP (Lin et al., 2014), and the ac-
knowledgment that models for CLP are scarce (Bortfeldt and W¨
ascher, 2013), the development of
mathematical models to aid the characterization of the VRPLC has not been extensively explored,
thus existing models are still limited in number. Instead, efforts have been directed toward the
development of heuristic methods to solve the problem, of which Junqueira and Morabito (2015)
presented a review of algorithms and solution strategies commonly employed. However, in this
section, we part from the perspective of heuristic approaches and focus on some of the existing
mathematical models for VRPLCs. These are presented briefly to give a general notion of what is
currently available in the literature on the VRPLC. These studies considered that all vehiclesdepart
from a single central depot, and either considered the packing of 2D or 3D objects of different
sizes (i.e., heterogeneous cargo), depending on the capacity of the items to bear weight on top of
them. From the perspective of packing problems, dealing with 2D objects could be referred to as
the pallet loading problem (PLP), while dealing with 3D items can be regarded as the CLP. A
formal classification of these packing problems can also be perfor med by considering the typology
proposed by W¨
ascher et al. (2007). According to this typology, these problems could be categorized
as 2D or 3D single stock size cutting stock problem or single bin size bin packing problem. When
considering 3D items, constraints to define stability, weight-bearing strength, and fragility of items
can be introduced to give a representation closer to reality. The 2D case has no need for these
constraints, since it is assumed that no item can be placed on top of another. This might appear as a
trivial difference when addressing VRPLCs, but the fact is that solving the 3D case is more difficult
than the 2D version of the problem (Lacomme et al., 2013).
This does not mean that all existing studies that combined routing and packing decisions deal
exclusively with 2D or 3D items. Some recent studies considered that the containers of the vehicles
have multiple stacks or slots in which the items fit perfectly, and without overlapping with other
items (e.g., Cˆ
e et al., 2012; Iori and Riera-Ledesma, 2015; Veenstra et al., 2017). Studies such
as these could be referred to as 1D VRPLCs or special cases of capacitated VRPs. Regardless, the
use of 1D items clearly reduces the complexity of the problem, but ultimately fails to consider the
impact of the geometric attributes of the items. Hence, our review will concentrate on 2D and 3D
versions of the VRPLC.
Regarding the 2D approaches, Iori et al. (2007) proposed a linear program (LP) to minimize the
distribution costs of a VRPLC, considering a fleet of identical vehicles (i.e., homogeneous vehicles).
As practical constraints, Iori et al. (2007) considered the weight limit of the container and “last
in–first out” (LIFO) conditions. The latter established that the items should be stored inside the
vehicle container in the reverse order of the delivery route in order to ease the unloading of items
from the vehicle at each stop, thus preventing the need to rearrange the cargo pattern inside the
container. The model was solved by relaxing the subtour elimination constraints of the routing
problem, which were only applied if a generated delivery route contained subtours. Subsequently,
the loading arrangements were validated for each route. However, the model by Iori et al. (2007)
does not present the loading constraints explicitly and limits its inclusion to the definition of clients’
sets that shorten the formulation. This summarized version of the model may impose additional
2018 The Authors.
International Transactionsin Operational Research C
2018 International Federation ofOperational Research Societies

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