Non-Compliance of the Law of the Remuneration with Non-Discrimination Rules

AuthorDragos Lucian Radulescu
ProfessionPetroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti, Romania
Non-Compliance of the Law of the Remuneration with
Non-Discrimination Rules
Lecturer Dragoş Lucian RĂDULESCU
Discrimination in the legal employment relations represents the enforcement of
differentiations regarding the rights of the employees, their non-acknowledgement result-
ing in a disuse of fundamental freedoms. The existence of discrimination is foun d to be a
circumvention of the provisions of the protected criteria contained in the internal and
international normative acts, in the sense of not recognizing the princip le of equal treat-
ment, by inducing direct or apparently neutral practices of restriction, by the removal of
the use or exercise of the employees’ rights in employment relations. The article details
the phenomenon of wage discrimination in the legal employment relations, with reference
to the application of the wage law in the case of civil servants, especially from the point
of view of the contrary provisions regarding non-discrimination.
Keywords: discrimination, rights, remuneration, criteria, institutions.
JEL Classification: K31
1. Introduction
Discrimination acts can be carried out by both the employers and the em-
ployees, having in common the occurrence of an inequality situation, acknowl-
edged, as a rule, to take place between people who find themselves in comparable
situations, and which leads to a restriction of their rights.
On the contrary, we can see that discrimination is found even in the case
of persons in non-comparable situations that would be subject to differentiated
treatment. It is also possible to occur when a different situation implies a similar
approach, by direct or indirect action.
As a result, a direct action
that does not take into account the existence
of protected criteria such as gender, age, ethnicity, and race can be considered as
a form of discrimination, the same as an apparently neutral behavior, situations
related to the objective
or subjective character of the authors' acts. In this respect,
the national or international
normative acts contain specific rules for eliminating
the acts of discrimination, the protected criteria being diverse and including the
Dragoş Lucian Rădulescu - Petroleum-Gas University of Ploieşti, Romania, dragosradulescu
Alexandru Țiclea, Tratat de dreptul muncii, Ed. Universul Juridic, Bucharest, 2005, p. 22.
Alexandru Țiclea, Codul muncii, Ed. Universul Juridic, Bucharest, 2015, p. 21.
Andrei Popescu, Dreptul internațional și european al muncii, 2nd ed., Ed. C.H. Beck, Bucharest,
2008, p. 340-341.

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