Legal protection of minorities and human rights at national and european level

AuthorDragodan Arina
PositionNational School of Political and Administrative Studies (NSPAS) Bucharest
Dragodan Arina
Chronologically speaking, the onset of the concept of human rights can be positioned
in antiquity concerned with human and defining its position in society and for bringing the
high moral principles, the idea of justice.
Now, respect for fundamental human rights is one of the basic principles of the
European Union and essential condition of its legitimacy is based.
The protection of national minorities and of the rights and freedoms of persons
belonging to those minorities forms an integral part of the international protection of human
Over time minority rights have occupied an important place in the European context.
In this respect, European countries have signed up provisions on the protection of minorities
in their constitutions.
European Union has undertaken to guarantee to persons belonging to national
minorities the right of equality before the law and of equal protection of the law. In this
respect, any discrimination based on belonging to a national minority shall be prohibited.
Keywords: minorities, the right to identity, protection, human rights and fundamental
freedoms, equal rights, discrimination.
The appearance of the concept of the human rights was a result of developments in
humanistic ideas and their perception of increasingly intense. The start, in terms of
chronology can be positioned in antiquity which was concerned with human definition and its
position in society and for bringing the high moral principles, the idea of justice.
1. Institution of the Human Rights
One can appreciate that, a concept of human rights was the result of legal documents
with rich moral and political content, formed in consecration of documents drafted by
lawyers of high prestige to the principles of political organization, based in theoretical works
of universal value that have withstood time
The concepts of „the human rights” and „the citizen rights” require a careful analysis
of the interference, but also in their individualization, because it makes them but do not
overlap them perfectly. The concept of human rights as developed internationall y, serves as
an important support to substantiate the idea of their rights and liberties. The concept of
human rights has much wider significance than that of civil rights because human rights are
National School of Political and Administrative Studies (NSPAS) Bucharest;
Beneficiary of the "Grants to support doctoral research: competitiveness, quality, cooperation in the European
Higher Education Area", project financed by the European Union through the European Social Fund
Operational Programme Human Resources Development 2007 -2013.
V. Luncan, V. Duculescu, „Drepturile omului – studiu introductiv, culegere de documente internationale si acte
normative de drept intern”, Ed. Lumina Lex, Bucharest, 1993, p. 61.

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