IMF's F&D Magazine Looks Beyond the Global Crisis

AuthorInternational Monetary Fund

The issue looks at what's next in the global crisis and beyond. F&D discusses how to sustain the recovery, what's in and out in global money, ways of unwinding crisis support, ways of rebuilding the financial architecture, how the crisis has affected individuals around the world. The magazine also runs a profile of Daniel Kahneman, whose work led to the creation of behavioral economics.

Key articles include:

Sustaining a Global Recovery

Olivier Blanchard

In normal recessions, things turn around predictably. But the current recession has been far from normal and the recovery that is starting will require delicate rebalancing acts, both within and across countries, if it is to be sustained.

What's In and Out in Global Money

Jeffrey A. Frankel

In the sometimes faddish world of international monetary economics, concepts are hot, then they are not. A leading international economist nominates five concepts that recently were virtually conventional wisdom but now are "out," and five that have gained new stature.

Looking Ahead

Carlo Cottarelli and José Viñals

Although it is still too early for governments to retreat from policies that fight the biggest financial crisis since the 1930s, countries must begin now to devise economic strategies to accompany recovery when that takes hold.

Rebuilding the Financial Architecture

Andrew Crockett

The most dangerous phase of the financial crisis that began in 2007 seems to be past. Now attention is turning to the...

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