A Lot Done but Much More to Do: An Assessment of the Cuban Economic Transformation So Far

Published date01 October 2013
Date01 October 2013
AuthorC. Juan Triana Cordoví,Stephen Wilkinson
Subject Mattereconomy,Guidelines,results,performance
IJCS Produced and distributed by Pluto Journals www.plutojournals.com/ijcs/
C. Juan Triana Cordoví
Centre for the Study of the Cuban Economy, University of Havana
The aim of this paper is to provide a brief summary of the last two years of the process of
transformation in Cuba from a primarily economic perspective. It consists of f‌ive parts:
an introduction, which makes it clear that the changes are not merely economic; a f‌irst
section that deals with the urgent needs of economic development; a second section that
seeks to highlight how the process has been gaining in depth and scope and now focuses
more on how to def‌ine the paths of development than on survival; a third section that
evaluates the results in two perspectives, from the dynamics of the process of change and
from the country’s economic performance in recent years (although with restrictions due
to data availability); and conclusions.
Keywords: economy, Guidelines, results, performance
Two years after the Lineamientos (Guidelines) were approved as the programmatic
document of the changes being made in Cuba it is time to take stock, however
brief, of their meaning and what has been achieved.
The transformation undertaken has undoubted precedents that cannot be
ignored, but it responds to a reality that is qualitatively different from that which
pertained during previous processes, just as it has references to the international
situation, but neither are they exactly the same.
The scope of the changes (which the Guidelines have caused) is holistic and
has not only led to changes in the economy, but is accompanied by the deepest,
and possibly the most questioned, institutional changes that have occurred in the
country since the mid-1970s. In fact, these transformations challenge the Cuba
of the present and introduce logical questions about Cuba’s future. They are not
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only associated with a form of economic operation, but also the political and
ideological superstructure that must promote and legitimise it.
They are totally legitimate in the sense that the country that is becoming
transformed sustains a society built from a socialism (that of the 1970s and
80s) that replicated patterns generated in Europe and that, after 30 years, failed
to generate the means to eliminate the structural deformations of underdevel-
opment. This society is now moving towards a different socialism, one that is
Cuban, to be built upon national conditions that are very different from the
European, without a theoretical framework, that closely f‌its those conditions,
and it is doing so at a time when an unquestionable generational transition is
taking place. All this implies a paradigm shift even though in essence what is
being attempted is to keep alive the socialist ideal.
To draw the contours of this new socialist ideal is not a simple task, and to
def‌ine the details of its operation is perhaps a diff‌icult goal to achieve due to the
very dynamic nature of the changes to be made.
After two years of implementation, it is time to review the progress and the
way forward in the coming years. The work below is intended to contribute to
that purpose.
1 From the Confrontation of an Adverse External Environment to a
New Conception of Cuban Socialism
Just as in the case of the process of opening that began in 1990, the trigger
for the current updating process is associated with external constraints. Indeed,
what we know today as ‘the updating of the Cuban economic model’ is the
direct result of a process that started from the middle of 2007 and had as its
genesis the confrontation to an adverse external environment:
Since 2005 the limitations of the economy have been evident: to address the def‌icit in
the f‌inancial account of the balance of payments, withholding foreign bank transfers
and the high amount of debt maturities, all that meant a great stress in handling the
economy. (Guidelines, 2011)
The process initiated in 2007 has passed through stages which have ranged
from targeting urgent problems (putting idle land into production, adjusting
imports to meet the payments crisis, etc.) and removing a f‌irst set of prohibitions
(admitting Cuban citizens into tourist hotels, the sale of cell phones, etc.) to the
formation of a more comprehensive transformation of the economy and society
(The Economic and Social Guidelines), the referendum, the approval process
at the different levels of the political direction of the country (and State and
Party), the creation of a special institution for the implementation and process
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