Legal ethics, a need for the good administration of justice

AuthorLaura Dumitrana Rath Bosca
PositionUniversity of Oradea, Oradea - Romania
AGORA International Journal of Juridical Sciences, www.juridicalj
ISSN 1843-570X, E-ISSN 2067-7677
No. 4 (2013), pp. 196-200
L. D. Rath Boca
Laura-Dumitrana Rath Boca
Law and Economics Faculty, Social Sciences Department,
Agora University of Oradea, Oradea, Romania
*Correspondence: Laura-Dumitrana Rath Boca, Agora University of Oradea,
8 Piaa Tineretului St., Oradea, Romania
Ethics is the science of behavior and habits, a theoretical study of the principles that
govern practical maters and moral represents all the means necessary for leaving.
Ethics consists of a number of rules that are shared by a certain community, rules that
are essential for defining good and evil.
Being a branch of juridical science ethics analyses personal and professional conduit
of the jurist it also manifests attention for the ethic of laws.
Keywords: Ethic, rationality, history, philosophy, ideas, opinions, concept of justice,
responsibilities, jurists, lawyers, prosecutor, judges,
Ethic is a normative, required science, ethic must be studied “not only for finding out
what is virtue but mostly for becoming virtue.”
Ethic, one of the most important branch of philosophy initiates itself in solving moral
problems through a cognitive way, by knowing the good and the evil, by recognizing the duty
each of us has to the society and to each of us.
We cannot speak about ethic without mentioning the three great philosophers,
learners, views of Ancient Greece, that is Socrate, Platon and Aristotel. Even if the theories,
these three great philosophers developed are in essence different, the common point we find
even in the contemporary ethic theories is represented by the fact that happiness, virtue, good
and rationality are included in the philosophic speech about ethic. The Greeks said that, the
individual has to “follow the supreme good which is not limited to compliance with certain
rules of behavior but it focuses on the constantly search upon the himself and by means of his
capacities and the most important quality of the individual is the reason.”
This way of explaining the world we leave in, of explaining and understanding the
human being, that is by rational thought, affected the entire Western world, including the
theology. As a consequence of this influence, the main objective of the scholars, as School of
philosophy was the combination of reason, called also “the natural light” and theology. I
mention here Toma d’ Aquino who said that “reason becomes a pioneer for theology”
Daniel Fodorean, Legal Ethics, Notes, 2010, Bucharest
Toma d;Aquino, „About human being and essence”, Paideia Publishing house, 1995

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