Legal person - active topic of corruption infractions

AuthorGina Negrut - Adriana Stancu
PositionPolice Academy, Bucharest, Romania - University of Galati, Galati, Romania
AGORA International Journal of Juridical Sciences, www.juridicalj
ISSN 1843-570X, E-ISSN 2067-7677
No. 4 (2013), pp. 110-115
G. Negru, A. Stancu
Gina Negru
Faculty of Law,
“Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Police Academy, Bucharest, Romania
*Correspondence: Negru Gina, 7b Cameliei St., Ploieti, Romania
Adriana Stancu
Legal Faculty of Social and Political,,
“Dunrea” University of Galai, Galai, Romania
*Correspondence: Stancu Adriana, 4 Roiori St., Galai, Romania
In the context of the changes occurred in the international legislation, under the
circumstances of the necessity of amortize the penal legislation with the provisions of the
European legislation concerning the corruption, Romania made efforts in adopting the Law
no. 70/2000, regarding the prevention, identification and retribution of corruption deeds
with the aim of counteracting the illicit activity of some category of persons who, using the
positions and attributions which they should carry on, broke the law with the aim of gaining,
for them or for other persons, money, goods, and other material benefits. In this context it
becomes necessary to analyze the opportunity of incriminating the corruption deeds
committed by the legal person as an active topic of these categories of infractions.
Keywords: criminal liability, sanctions, legal person, natural person
The corruption phenomenon exists from the dawn of time, the corruption as universal
social phenomenon developed along with the society, with the state and the right, getting new
forms of existence. At present, it manifests as a phenomenon typical for the bureaucratic state,
budgetary, representing a threat for democracy, circumventing the good administration,
equity and social justice principles, denaturing the competition and impeding the economical
development of the state and the stability of democratic institutions.
This phenomenon can be identified both in underdeveloped countries, where the corruption
phenomenon is favored by the lack of authority of the administration, leading to an
inadequate reaction towards the corruption acts, increasing this phenomenon to exacerbate
dimensions following the dictatorial character of the administration, culminating with the
dissemination of the corruption at all high levels of the political hierarchy
, and also in the
countries developed from economical point of view, with stabile, traditional democracies,
which are capable, due to the competence and stability of the legal system, to counteract the
effects of the large corruption scandals, out of which businessmen and politicians were
incriminated in countries as Italy, Latin America, France, Japan, United States of America
Published in the Official Journal (OJ) no.219, dated on May 18
V. Dobrinoiu, Corupia în dreptul penal român, Atlas Lex P ublishing House, Bucharest, 1995, pp. 6.
V. Dobrinoiu, Corupia în dreptul penal român, op. cit, pp . 22.

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