Instructions for Authors

Published date01 September 2017
Date01 September 2017
The International Journal of Economic Theory is published
in cooperation with Kyoto University. The Journal publishes
English language original research articles in all fi elds of
economic theory.
The acceptance criteria for all papers are the quality and
originality of the research and its signifi cance to our read-
ership. Except where otherwise stated, manuscripts are peer
reviewed by anonymous reviewers and the Editors. Final
acceptance or rejection rests with the Editorial Board, who
reserves the right to refuse any material for publication.
Manuscripts should be written so that they are intelligible to
the professional reader who is not a specialist in the particu-
lar fi eld. They should be written in a clear, concise, direct
style. Where contributions are judged as acceptable for pub-
lication on the basis of content, the Editors or the Publisher
reserve the right to modify typescripts to eliminate ambiguity
and repetition and improve communication between author
and reader. If extensive alterations are required, the manu-
script will be returned to the author for revision.
Non-native English speaking authors are requested to have
the paper checked by a native English speaker before the fi nal
version of the paper is submitted.
Authors for whom English is a second language may choose
to have their manuscript professionally edited before submis-
sion to improve the English. Visit http://wileyeditingservices.
com to learn about the options. All services are paid for and
arranged by the author. Please note using the Wiley English
Language Editing Service does not guarantee that your paper
will be accepted by this journal.
Manuscripts should be submitted electronically at http://, as PDF format, including the
gures and tables and with all fonts embedded in the fi le.
Email submission is not accepted. Alternatively, authors can
submit a disk containing the PDF fi le to:
The Editorial Offi ce
International Journal of Economic Theory
Institute of Economic Research
Kyoto University
Yoshida Honmachi, Sakyo-ku
Kyoto 606-8501
Tel: +81-75-753-7188; Fax: +81-75-753-7170
When submitting their manuscript online, authors will be
asked if they agree with the terms of submission. Authors
who submit their manuscript by sending a disk to the above
address should include a covering letter stating the following:
(i) that the content of the paper has not been published or
submitted for publication elsewhere; (ii) that all authors have
contributed signifi cantly, and that all authors are in agree-
ment with the content of the manuscript; (iii) that they have
declared any fi nancial support or relationships that may pose
confl ict of interest; and (iv) that if tables or fi gures have been
reproduced from another source, a letter from the copyright
holder (usually the Publisher), stating authorization to repro-
duce the material, has been obtained.
All articles accepted must comply with these instructions.
Failure to do so will result in return of the manuscript and
possible delay in publication.
If submitting a disk, use a new one rather than a reformat-
ted one.
The disk must contain the relevant fi le(s) only. The entire
article (including tables) should be supplied as a single fi le;
only electronic fi gures should be supplied as separate fi les.
Authors should supply their accepted paper as formatted
text. Specify the hardware and the word processing pack-
age on the disk (e.g. IBM,Word 2000 or Mac,Word 5.1),
as well as the fi rst author’s surname, the journal title and
the manuscript number.
Please note that Word 2007 is not yet compatible with
journal production systems. Unfortunately, the journal
cannot acceptMicrosoftWord 2007 documents until such
time as a stable production version is released. Please use
Word’s “Save As” option to save your documents as an
older (.doc) fi le type.
Do not use Enter at the end of lines within a paragraph.
Include only those hyphens that are essential to the meaning.
Specify any special characters used to represent nonkey-
board characters.
Take care not to use l (ell) for 1 (one), O (capital o) for 0
(zero) or ß (German esszett) for (Greek beta).
Use a tab, not spaces, to separate data points in tables.
If you use a table editor function, ensure that each data
point is contained within a unique cell (i.e. do not use
Enter within cells).
Heavily mathematical papers can be drafted in software such
as TeX or LaTeX, in which case the PDF page proofs should
be checked thoroughly for accuracy. Authors are required to
supply style and class fi les for TeX and LaTex formats. Note
that the use of specialized versions of TeX or extensive use
of custom macros may necessitate conventional typesetting
from the hard-copy manuscript.
Author material archive policy
Authors who require the return of any submitted material that
is accepted for publication should inform the Editorial Offi ce
after acceptance. If no indication is given that author material
should be returned, Wiley will dispose of all hardcopy and
electronic material two months after publication.
International Journal of Economic Theory

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